You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter FortySix

I was awake, but not fully. My eyes were closed and once in a while I would drift off into a dream, but I never really fell into that deep sleep.
It was morning, that much I could tell from the light dancing in front of my closed lids.

I was about to open my eyes when a voice stopped me. A voice so sweet and pure, it sounded unreal. Picking up the words, I couldn't help but let a smile form on my lips as my heart swelled.
The voice chuckled deeply, and I could hear the reverberations of the sound where my head was pressed to his chest.

"I thought you were sleeping." Brendon said, now stroking my hair softly.
I finally opened my eyes, Brendon's big chocolate ones the first thing I saw. "Don't stop singing."
Brendon chuckled again, placing a small, burning kiss on my cheek. "you've never been so divine in excepting your defeat, and I've never been more scared to be alone, if love is not enough to put my enemies to sleep, then I'm putting out the lantern, find your own way back home.

I sighed happily, burying my head deeper into his chest.

"Oh," he said once he'd stopped singing. "Naomi called, she wants us to come with her to look at venue's for the wedding today. I forgot what time she told me, but I'm guessing its gunna be soon."

"Okay. How long have you been up?" I laughed, looking up to meet his gaze.
"A while." he smiled.
"What have you been doing?"
He shrugged, "Stuff."
"You could have woken me up, you know."
"I couldn't, you look too cute when you sleep."

I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue, trying to distract him from the blooming red spots on my cheeks. He blew a raspberry in my face, saying we needed to get out of bed some time.
I kicked off my blanket with my legs, too lazy to use my arms. When I did, I noticed Brendon had stripped down to his boxers and a T-shirt, and our bodies were tangled together tightly. My over sized shirt must have ridden up last night, because it was resting just below my bust, leaving my entire stomach and boy shorts exposed.

I blushed, about to pull it down when Brendon stroked a hand across my quivering stomach, lightly stopping at my belly button.
"Those workouts must have really helped. You've got amazing tone." he whispered in my ear, before getting up and sauntering out of the room.

I watched him leave, his womanly hips swinging back and forth like a mesmerizing pendulum. Quickly, I pulled down my shirt and followed him into the kitchen, my face still flushed red.

Naomi ended up picking us up an hour later. Me and Brendon climbed into her car, fully awake thanks to the coffee we had just drunk.
"I hope you don't mind I organized this little go see of different venues without my Maid of Honor." she bit her lip. "But I just really need to get it done as fast as possible."

"Its fine." I replied, feeling a little bad that I hadn't picked up on my duties at the right time. "But isn't it a little fast to be picking venues? Do you even know the date yet?"
"Well, we want to have it in four weeks."
I almost choked on the air I was breathing. Four weeks? Planning a bridal shower, bachelorette party, helping with the dresses, food and favors, in four weeks?

"Why so soon?" I managed, regaining composure.
"Me and Jon want to have it before we have to go up into the cabin. I still don't understand why you guys just cant write everything down here, its really pressing us for time."
"I told you already, if we don't go now, it'll be too late. And besides, its easier to write when you don't have the constant noise of a city around you." Brendon answered, glancing at me nervously.

"Wait, what are we even talking about anymore?" I asked slowly, fearing what I might hear.
"The guys and I rented a cabin upstate to go and write music in." Brendon started. "We have to leave in four weeks, and future Ms. Walker here wants to have the wedding before we go up."

"Y-Your leaving? Already?" I chocked back tears. No no no, this couldn't be happening. They have only been here for what, a couple of months? They couldn't just disappear on me like that again, its not fair. I wont let them.
"Well, we want to push out the next album as fast as possible."

I literally had to close my eyes and breathe deeply. I seriously couldn't believe thathe they were leaving me already. Naomi pulled up at the first venue and cut the engine, all of us getting out.

"Your not upset are you?" Brendon asked, hooking an arm around my shoulders. "I know its kind of short notice, but if we didn't book the cabin now, finding a place to fit seven people would have been impossible."

"Seven people...?" I thought aloud, mentally calculating.
"Yup. Me, Ry, Spence, Jon, Nai, Kat, and you."
"You want me to c-come?" I hiccuped, turning to face him. He looked confused at the relieved smile on my face.
"Of course, you didn't think I was going to leave you here all by yourself, did you? I thought I already told you, I'm never leaving you again." Brendon hugged me close, whispering in my ear the only words I would ever need.
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gahh i'm so terrible at ending chapters lmao.
so we've got some fluff with naomi's wedding coming up&this is just a shitty filler, but enough drama after that for all you drama addicts ;]

comment&i shall update. dont comment, its your own fault XD