You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter FortySeven

Come on, Noah.
You know you want to.
Just kiss her already!

The TV screen in front of me blared a cheesy love song, just as Noah Calhoun took Allie in his arms and kissed her in the rain. I pumped my fists and squealed at the scene, Noah and Allie making their way back to the house.

If you haven't noticed already, this movie is probably one of my favorites, for the sole reason that no matter how many times I watch it, it never fails to choke me up.
Tokyo Hotel suddenly burst out in song from the left pocket of my jeans, and I scurried to pick up my phone.
The screen flashed 'Brenny'. There goes my heart again, racking away in side my chest happily.

"Hey." I sang into the mouthpiece, pausing the movie.
"Lexie." Brendon said, and I could hear it in his voice, he was pouting. "I miss you."
"I just saw you this morning Bren." I laughed.
"Yeah, well, thats too long." he chuckled. "So come over?"
"Okay, give me like twenty minutes."
"I already sent Ryan over to pick you up, so sorry but you wont have enough time to fix that ugly face of yours!" he joked, hanging up on me.

I groaned, bouncing off the couch and into my room. With Brendon, you really couldn't expect less, but unexpected visiting bothered me. How can you always look your best, when your only given a couple minutes notice?

Hastily, I pulled on a pair of jean shorts and a red T-shirt, slipping into a pair of white Vans.
I applied some eyeliner and mascara, pinning back my bangs and letting the rest of my hair fall naturally around my face. I always wore my bangs back, now.

Walking out of my room, I spotted Ryan's car already parked outside and grabbed my keys, heading out the door.

"Hey Lex." Ryan sang once I got into his car. I smiled in response, sitting down and not bothering to buckle.

"So, off the Bren's." Ryan added as he pulled out of his spot and into the road. I fixed my hair one more time in the mirror.

"Do you know if him and Kat made up?" I asked in what I hoped was a conversational tone.
"Yeah, they did." Ryan said darkly. I grunted, mood falling.

"Where are you on the whole Brendon thing, anyway? I know for a fact you care about him way more then a friend, but you never do anything about it."
"Its complicated." I said after a pause.

Ryan stopped at a red light and turned to face me. I smiled weakly at his caramel eyes, putting up the best show I could manage. What did he expect me to say? I'm still working out the fine tunings on my feelings for Brendon. They confused me just as much as they confused Ryan.
When were together, I literally forget about everything else and just enjoy our time. We act goofy and stupid, watch movies, play in the rain, drink Starbucks like a drug, then Kat calls and he's off. Like a little servant boy. If it wasn't for her frequent calls, I would never be brought back into reality.

"It really isn't." Ryan persisted, his intuitive personality shining "You know how you feel, but you just wont admit it. Even to yourself."
God, that smug grin could really get on my nerves sometimes.

"Maybe your right Ry," I started, looking at my clenches hands. "But seriously, Brendon already has someone. And by the way hes absolutely, one hundred percent completely devoted to her, I don't think me doing anything will change that. Its just, I've never felt this way about someone before, and I really really don't want to ruin it."

Ryan nodded. "I understand completely."

I hesitated, taking up looking out of the rearveiw mirror. There were no cars behind us, but plenty to the right. The light still being red, cars whizzed past from both sides in front of us, most of them just barely making it across unscathed.

Finally, after mustering all the nerve in my body, I whispered. "Ryan, I need to tell you. I think I might be in-"

Something caught my eye in the mirror and I stopped mid sentence. A large SUV was speeding down our lane, the driver on his cell phone and not paying attention at all. I knew what was going to happen, but the only thing my body did to prepare was let my jaw slack and a scream escape my throat.

The SUV rammed into the back of Ryan's car, propelling us forward and into the intersection. My body was thrown forward and into the windshield, my elbow cracking the glass. Ryan's head bounced off the steering wheel and collided with the window, that one also shattering.
A car crossing the intersection, with no time to stop, collided with the passenger side of our car, the screeching metal tearing through my ears as I closed my eyes slowly and waited for the pain to come.

Finally, the car made contact and my body was twisted horribly around, but I didn't concentrate on that. I concentrated on one name and one name only, until there was nothing left for me to stay awake for, and my mind fell into that sweet nothingness that only meant one thing.

♠ ♠ ♠
please dont hate me too much