You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter FortyEight

BRENDON'S POV (finally)

Thin arms draped around my neck and light kisses were placed on my cheek. I sighed weakly, trying to push her away without hurting her feelings.
"What's wrong baby?" Kat sang, shifting so that she was sitting next to me on the bed. I shrugged my shoulders.

She rolled her eyes and flopped backwards, saying something that I was too lazy to listen too. I ran a hand through my damp hair, shaking it out to dry it from the shower I had just taken.
Getting to my feet, I walked to my dresser and fished around for a clean T-shirt. Lexie had been pestering me to clean this drawer for weeks, and I better do that soon. I couldn't remember which shirts were dirty and which clean.

At the though of my best friend, my hand ran over the material of a black shirt with bright green letters printed on. I smirked to myself and pulled it over my head, smoothing out the letters that said LEXIE'S HOE. Maybe when she got here, I could take her to the mall.

"Not that shirt again." Kat scoffed. I shrugged again, not looking her way as I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans.
"Want a drink?" I had only said it to be nice, I didn't really mean for her to ask for anything. So when I saw her mouth open, I quickly darted out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

My phone rang just as I opened the refrigerator door. I didn't know the number so I just left it.
Hmm, cranberry juice? Yuk. Soy milk? Concentrated orange juice? Where the hell is my Red Bull, Kat's healthy drinks are taking up the entire fridge.
My phone rang again, and I answered the unknown number just to shut the thing up.

"Hello?" I said dryly, deciding on some questionable brown liquid in a clear container.
"Mr. Brendon Urie?" The delicate women voice asked through the mouthpiece.
"Yup. Who's asking."

"This is Nurse Han from the Las Vegas Memorial Hospital. You were on the emergency contact list for Ms. Alexis Sauyer. Ms. Sauyer has been in a terrible car accident, and is currently in an extensive ICU unit. We have her stabilized, but we don't want to run the risk. For liability reasons, the hospital is required to get in touch with the emergency contact so that he or she may be in attendance if the patient, er, doesn't improve. If you could so kindly come down to the hospital as soon as possible, confirm that this patient is in fact Ms. Sauyer, and be in presence should the worst happen."

The phone slipped out of my hand and cracked on the floor, the glass I was clutching following suit. The brown liquid sprayed all over my pants and glass shattered around my feet.
It must be a dream. A horrible, horrible nightmare.

Kat came running into the room, gasping when she saw the glass.
It all caught up to me in that moment. Lexie was hurt, in the hospital, and I was just standing here. I need her, I need her now.

I pushed roughly passed Kat and sprinted out the door, ignoring her screams of confusion and slammed the door in her face.

You would think, being in the middle of a busy city, that hailing a cab would be a cinch. Just stick out your thumb and ten cabs appear magically.
Well, the city cab number must be down today because not one was stopping for me.

"Fuck!" I screamed as another cab whizzed past, the scared passenger cowering in the backseat. I couldn't drive, even in this state I knew I would only land myself in an accident.

A cab was drawing closer, it already had a passenger. Desperately, I jumped out into the road, right in front of it. The cab screeched to halt inches away from making contact with my shins. I raced around to the side and forced open the door, getting in.

"This cab's taken buddy-" the passenger was saying.
"Get the fuck out! Get out! Get your fucking no good motherfucking ass OUT!" I bellowed, forcing the guy out of the other door. He stumbled and fell backwards onto the sidewalk, not hesitating to take off in a run.

The cabbie was watching me with an open mouth as I slammed the door shut.
"What the hell are you waiting for?! Vegas Memorial Hospital! Now! Fucking go!"

The cabbie jumped and floored the gas. I ran my hand through my hair, fighting back the tears pricking the sides of my vision. This cant be happening. Lexie, my Lexie. No.

I folded over, rocking back and forth to stop the growing gap forming in my chest. Flashes of Lexie's face crossed my vision.
Her luscious black hair that I loved to run my hands through, her skinny but fit frame that fit perfectly in my own. Her deep blues eyes. Oh, those eyes, how I could lose myself in them. Her smile, the way it light up her face and made her eyes dance. Her laugh.
I let out a groan of pain as I remembered her laugh. It was like music to my ears, having the ability to make everything right again. If only I could hear it now...

I was torturing myself by recreating my Lexie in my mind, but I couldn't help it.

I remembered the first time we had officially met. I was playing on my front lawn, crawling around on all fours and roaring, I must have been only four. Lexie had lived just next door back then. She came cautiously out of the house then, marching up to me.
"Hello. What are you doing?" she had said. I told her I was playing Dinosaurs, my favorite pastime. "Cool." she replied. "I'm the T Rex." And then she let out a tiny roar and pretend to stomp around.
Ever since then, we were always together.

I remember our middle school dance, how her date had stood her up after she had spent hours prepping. I had draped my arm around her shoulder and told her everything was going to be all right, that I would take her. She liked that idea, and that night ended up being the most special night of my life.

That is, until Kat's party. I never knew how good she could dance. All I had ever accomplished in the art of dancing was maybe a few weird jerks, but with her I had suddenly learned and was moving along with her body. I had convinced myself those shots meant nothing. She didn't remember, and bringing it up was too much. I had planned on telling her that day she had come over, but I couldn't bring myself too. If I told her, that would make everything worse. Ryan thought I was too drunk to remember, but I wasn't that drunk. Defiantly not drunk enough to forget something like that.

The cabbie pulled up in front of the hospital slowly. He turned around nervously, as if I scared him. Good, I hope I did, that slow bastard. Fumbling with my wallet, I threw a wad of cash in his face, not bothering to count it.

"A-Alexis Sauyer." I croaked to the women as the front desk. My body was shaking all over and, oh fuck it, I let the tears fall. It felt good to let them free, but it seemed to finalize why I had been called here.
She couldn't leave me, could she?
What would I do without her?
How could I live knowing shes not there?
Why am I asking myself these questions?!

The nurse told me her room number and I pelted down the hallway. Tears cascaded down my face heavily, but I did nothing to stop them.
I rounded the corner and took off down her hallway. A huddle of people were clustered around a door halfway down the hall, talking in low voices. I knew them all. Spencer, Jon, Naomi, and a doctor.

"No, no no!" I cried. They all whipped around to see me sprinting down the hall. Naomi reached out a hand for me to grab, but I ignored it, forcing my way past them all and to her door.

I hesitated for a moment. I cant do this, what if its just what I'm dreading?
But I need her, and I know she needs me.
Opening the door, I took a step inside.

I clutched my chest as I physically felt it breaking at the sight of her dead white face.
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