You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter FortyNine


And I've never been more scared to be alone
It was over, gone. My reason for living is gone.
I must have fainted, because right now I'm on the hospital floor with Naomi's arms around me and I have absolutely no idea how I ended up in this position.

"Get off." I ordered, wrenching myself from her grasp.
I stumbled to my feet and flew to the only bed in the room.

Alexis was hooked up to over a dozen machines, countless tubes connected to her body, but the thing that really scared me was her ashen, pale face. It was cracked an dead-looking, but somehow still retained its beauty.
No matter if I closed my eyes or looked somewhere else, her face stayed with me.

I threw myself onto the bed, squishing myself in next to her. I sobbed into her chest, clutching onto her for dear life. Hands were trying to pry me off, but that only made me tighten my grip. They weren't taking me away, there was no way.

I repositioned myself so I had her delicate face in my hands. Soon enough her face and hair were damp with my tears, and I kept stroking the moisture away soothingly.

A hand clamped around my shoulder and caught me off guard. Naomi managed to pull me into a sitting position, where she proceeded to raise her free hand and slap me across the face.

"What the hell!" I yelled, rubbing the side of my sore face.
"You need to calm down." Naomi said, even though her voice was shaking and their were tears in her eyes.
"Calm down. Okay, sure I'll calm down at her fucking funeral!" I roared, trying to wiggle out of her grasp.
"Brendon, if you had stopped in the hallway long enough to listen to the doctor, you would know whats wrong with Lex."

Desperate for information, I grabbed onto her shoulders and shook her slightly.
"Lex has four broken ribs, a large wound across her torso, that just barely missed her diaphragm," Jon recited off of a chart. I jumped off the bed and grabbed the clipboard out of his hands.

SAUYER, Alexis
four counts, broken ribs.
wound on torso, ten millimeters from diaphragm, 25 stitches
light hemorrhaging in frontal cortex, major concussion
currently in an estimated brief coma.

Jon scrambled to catch the chart as I threw it back at him and climbed, this time more carefully, onto the bed. I took her head in mine, stroking away stray hairs.

"Come back to me." I whispered in her ear, my lips ghosting over her flesh "I need you, Lexie. Come back to me."

My whole body froze and I stopped breathing. Her eyelids had fluttered. I know they did.
"Lexie?" I tired, cradling her head in my hands.

As blue as the ocean, not quite robin's egg and yet not cerulean. The purest, most vibrant blue you will ever see. Her eyes.

Lexie's eyelash had fluttered again, and there were her eyes, staring back at me. I burst into tears of relief, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Bren? Bren, where am I? What am I doing here?!" Her large eyes flew around the room in panic and she tried to sit up. I gently held her down, taking a hand in mine. She calmed down, most likely letting her mind figure things out.

"Don't be afraid baby, I'm here. Oh, god, your okay." I had started shaking slightly with the sobs, but they weren't the dry, heaving ones from before.

"Brenny, calm down, will ya? Your starting to scare me." she said, and the corners of her mouth quivered. I beamed, throwing my arms around her middle and burying my face into her stomach. She was nice and squishy, the perfect pillow as always, but with a hint of perfect muscle tone there. She was built like Ryan, the ability to eat anything but still have perfect weight.

"Ow," she hissed quietly. "Bren, I think those are my stitches."
"Sorry! Sorry!" I yelped, throwing my body backwards and off the bed. Guilt washed over me at my stupidity. I stumbled backwards and hit right into one of her machines. The thing whirred and beeped, spinning on its wheels.

I clutched onto it in panic, righting it and making sure it hadn't been something like Life Support. Not entirely wanting to, I turned to look sheepishly at Lexie. Her face was odd, that expression right before your about to laugh, but know you shouldn't.

Then she laughed, and I felt my knees go so weak I needed to hold onto the wall for support. That's all I needed to hear. If she can laugh, I can believe she'll be all right.
♠ ♠ ♠
for a fairly cynical person, i can write some pretty sappy shit.
comments&i shall update XD
btw this is the last time anything will be in brendons pov, so i hope you enjoyed it :]