You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Five

At exactly 8 o'clock, a soft tapping came in the direction of the doorway.

"Come in!" I yelled, putting the finishing touches on my makeup.
I walked out of the bathroom to find Brendon sprawled uncomfortably on top of the couch, which was cluttered with old magazines and books. He jumped up and grinned when I walked out, extending his arm. I took it and we both bounced out of the door.

"Hello there Ms. Sauyer. You look very lovely tonight." he mocked in a heavy accent. I laughed, punching his arm lightly, leaning my head onto his shoulder as the elevator door opened for us.


"One large pie with extra cheese." I ordered. We were sitting in our favorite pizza place. The waitor nodded and took off.

"So," Bren wiggled his eyebrows and placed his elbows on the table, leaning forward. "Tell me everything I've missed while I was away being a dick and not calling you."

"Ugh Bren," I rolled my eyes, "I've told you a million times on our way here! Nothing has really been going on. Besides, I really wouldnt know since I've been at Cliff's."

At the sound of my fathers name, Brendon's jaw dropped and his eyes hardened.

"You never said you went to see Cliff."
"Well, it must have slipped my mind.." I tried airly, waving my hand lazily.

"How could something like that slip your mind! Why did you go there?" his voice was suddenly hard as steel. My fingernails suddenly became much more intersesting, so I stared at those instead.

"Lex! How could you calmy go and visit with the man that ruined your life! Or did you just forget that he took up and left without warning 8 years ago?"

This was why I had delibratly not told him. But thanks to my big fat mouth, Brendon was positivley fuming.

"I'm sorry, Bren. But I just needed to visit him! It was only a couple of months.."

He cluthced the edge of the table for support. My big, fat, stupid mouth.

"Lex, please just tell me why the hell you would put yourself through something like that!"

I shrugged. Brendon had every right to be furious, but I wasnt going to admit it. After all, he was the one who had held me together after my father left.

"I just," I started, not really knowing what to say. "I just wanted to see if he'd changed. And he has, a lot. For the better, I mean."

Brendon exhaled sharply, his nostrils flaring.

"Look, lets talk about this another time. Tell me whats been going on with you!" I was glad when his face softened, agreeing to leave it for later.

"Well, not really much that you dont know."

"Oh come on! I dont belive that! There has to at least be a girl." I rolled my eyes.

"Actually there is." he muttered, blushing.

"Thats great honey!"

"Yeah, her name's Kat Meyers."
That must be who called before...
"I met her after one of our shows," he continued, "She's a model. We kind of just clicked."

I smiled, glad that he had had someone through all those months of touring.

The pizza had been perfect as usual, and with no other excuse to stay in the warm pizzeria, we took a walk through the streets, carving the old paths we used to take as children without even noticing.

"So, did you wanna come back to my place? The guys are probably over there."
I squeled with joy and screamed a Yes.
We took off running toward his apartment.
I'm sure we must have look at leats five years old, sprinting down blocks and darting cars as we raced across streets, but it was oddly exhilarating. Brendon bobbed just infront of me, he'd always been faster. He turned around and beamed, his eyes mirroring the happiness I felt in mine. It felt like nothing had ever happened, or changed. That we were still a couple of weird high school kids running through The City of Sins in the dead of night.
♠ ♠ ♠
i need some thing to sing about . . . . . . . . . . . . .