You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Fifty

You know when a baby is sleeping, and sometimes they make little gurgling noises when they exhale? Yeah well, thats what Brendon's doing right now.

I lay on my hospital bed wide awake, with Brendon sitting in the chair beside it, head resting on the edge of the bed and hand firmly clamped in mine. I tried to pry it away, but he had a death grip on me.

I watched him sleep, as creepy as that may sound. Truthfully I was just afraid to fall back asleep. The doctor had warned that the damage done to my 'cerebral cortex' may cause another bout into a coma. And besides, every time I closed my eyes, the crash replayed itself in slow motion.

Ryan limped in the room. He had gotten out of the crash somewhat unscathed, with a sprained wrist, twisted ankle, but a pretty nasty cut across his forehead.

"Hey." he mouthed, taking a seat in the other chair. I smiled and brushed the hair out of my face, it was sticking too much to my bandage.

We sat in silence for a while, neither of us feeling the need to talk. Ryan was staring off into space and I had taken up watching Brendon again.
Spencer burst into the room loudly, making Brendon jump violently.

"Brendon! Would you go downstairs and communicate with your fucking girlfriend?! She wont leave until you come down  and its starting to piss me off!" Spencer yelled as his eyes bugged out.
"Yeah yeah, I'll be down in a while." Brendon waved an arm lazily and Spencer left in a huff.

Brendon rubbed his eyes and yawned, sending me a wondrous crooked smile. My heart skipped and stuttered, only the sound was actually enhanced by the heart monitor. The normal, steady beep was interrupted by a brief sprout of undeniable acceleration.

I flushed bright pink and cleared my throat. Brendon's eyebrows furrowed and he stood up, still maintaining a firm grip on my hand.

"What...Is this thing broken or something?" he muttered, peering at the machine. He shifted onto the bed and his free arm passed briefly over my stomach. My heart skipped again, and the monitor made it audible.Brendon frowned even more and leaned toward the machine.

His body was directly over mine, his hand holding my waist for balance while the other clutched my clammy one. My heart rate wasn't just skipping anymore, it was going out of control. He tapped the wretched machine hard, but only succeed in turning up the volume.I blushed like crazy, my face most likely the color of an apple. He was really puzzled now, and leaned even closer. His face hovered mere inches above mine, his big pouty lips parted in concentration.


In pure desperation, I yelped and grabbed onto the wires attached to my chest. I pulled them off quickly, screaming as it left a burning mark across my skin.


"Ow...shit." I muttered, rubbing the sore spot on my chest. Brendon looked at me in pure confusion, settling backwards to sit lightly on my legs. Good, I got those wires out just in time, my heart was racing even faster.

"Lexie are you okay?" he asked, almost laughing. I tried to answer but all that came out was a weird gurgling noise in the back of my throat. Behind Brendon's shoulder, Ryan's face was red and trembling from holding in laughter, his body folded in two. I shot him my best death glare and felt the heat on my cheeks burn ever stronger.

"Ryan, don't you have somewhere to be?" I snapped, and he jumped up and bolted out the door. His loud cackle never made it to the hallway, but hopefully Brendon didn't make much of it.

Apparently he didn't, because he lied down next to me so that we were comfortably squished on a one-person bed.

"You know Kat's downstairs, Spence will kill you if he has to be with her another minute." I said quietly, watching his face. His face fell and he rolled his eyes, letting out a long sigh.

"I would think she'd actually want to visit the person who's in the hospital." he said bitterly.
"I don't mind. I prefer not to have everyone and their mother see me like this anyway."
"I still don't want to go down there." he whispered.

My breath hitched at his Innocent -yet not so innocent- voice.
"Why?" I asked with my best composure.
He shrugged, playing with a loose strand on the pillow. "I don't know if, things are really, well, working out between us anymore."

I almost cried with happiness, but kept it simple with a short "Oh" and head nod, while inside I was celebrating.
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i made it to fifty chapters.
so of course some mushy gushy stuff going on.

so..idk. i feel like i'm really rushing this story, but i'm sure you all are thinking i'm going to slow with the storyline&whatever. its just, i want it to be perfect, and this is how i like it XD