You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter FiftyOne

"Okay so we have a total of 325 guests, which means if we want to have these invitations reach them in two days we should have been done with them about four weeks ago." I sighed, balancing a large address book on my knee. These hospital-issue blankets are so goddamn itchy, I really wish they could give us something more comfortable.

"So we're right on schedule." Brendon said happily, sitting at the foot of my bed. He handed me a box filled with empty envelopes.

My Maid-of-Honor duties couldn't even be escaped at an ICU ward. Naomi and Jon's wedding is in only three weeks and five days away, and the invitations aren't even out yet. To keep things on 'schedule' I recruited Brendon to help fill out these envelopes, but hes been here for hours and the only thing we've accomplished is agreeing that Skittles must really taste like the rainbow.

"Here, you take A-C for now and I'll conquer D-F." I threw a stack of envelopes his way and a copy of the guest list.
"I thought this was supposed to be a small wedding." Brendon grumbled.

He scooted up and sat Indian style by my knees. His hair had grown longer in the last month, it reached just below his ears now. I liked it, it softened his face, made it more like those high school years.

"Sarah Andel," Brendon said in a cocky, British voice. "35 I Got A Stick Up My Ass Lane, Whoreville, New Jersey."
"Get to work, Brend." I tried to imitate his British accent, but it came out more like a mix between an Irish brogue and New England drawl.

Brendon burst out laughing.
"Whats so funny?" I continued with the voice, flipping my hair over my shoulder.
"Nothin, dah-ling, nothin" Brendon imitated a Southern accent now, even making his bottom lip quiver slightly.

I rolled my eyes and giggled, reaching into the bag at my side.
"Want some Rainbow?" I asked, holding an open bag of Skittles. Brendon nodded and plunged his hand into the bag, only for it to come out with half of those bite size rainbow pieces in his fist.

Brendon threw back his head and poured the candy into his mouth. He was smirking as the Skittles hit the back of his throat and slid right down, obviously enjoying his little moment.
I jerked my leg so that it kicked Brendon, making him stumble and almost fall to the floor.

The Skittles in his hand fell all over the bed as he struggled to stay on, all the while red in the face. He started coughing open mouthed, spraying Skittles everywhere.

"Ew!!" I screamed as Skittles were propelled out of his mouth and bounced off of me.

"Thats what you get...for trying to be a smart ass." He coughed, expelling the last of the Skittles onto my face. He grinned at me, winking.

I tried to wink back but the sudden intake of breath and heart palpitations his smile caused completely shut off my brain. Suddenly, the door of my room burst open and in walked a doctor, with large horn-rimmed glasses and a very unfortunate toupee.

"Ms. Sauyer, how do we feel this afternoon?" he drawled as Brendon quickly hopped off the bed and retreated to the corner. The doctor stepped on some of the Skittles, looking up to find both me and Brendon grinning sheepishly.

"I fell great, actually. The pain meds are really working wonders." I smiled.
"That's good to hear," he mumbled, walking over to the heart monitor and hitting a button.

The machine started whirring and popped out a sheet of paper filled with numbers and diagrams.
"I see your heart rate rose to peculiar levels this morning," the doctor questioned, squinting at the paper to study it more carefully. I gulped and stole a glance at Brendon. He was standing half turned away from me, but I could see the faint hint of a smirk.

"Where you experiencing any type of stress?"
"Uh, no?"
"Nervous of any kind?"

The doctor eyed my weirdly, but I just gulped again and tried to hide my flaming red face. Brendon folded his arms over his chest in the corner, and now I knew he was smiling. It was almost even a satisfied smile.

"Okay, well I'll just change your bandages quickly and then you should be good for the night." The doctor said, rummaging through a drawer and pulling out the supplies he needed.
I shivered, eyeing the enormous gauze pad in his hand. Brendon made a motion for the door, looking slightly pale. "Bren?" I croaked, holding out my hand. He stopped and stared at me, evidently fighting with himself.

Sighing, he returned to the bed and took my clammy hand in both of his, bending low so our faces were closer. The doctor carefully pulled up my dressing gown, exposing my half naked body. Remind me to thank Naomi for brining me extra underwear. Brendon's thumb rubbed soothingly over my hand as he hummed a tune. I bit my lip as the doctor removed my bandage and the cold air hit my exposed wound.

It's like when you lose a tooth, and you cant help but stick your tongue in that little piece of gum, no matter how weird it feels. Well, I just needed to look.

The damage was bad. The cut ran from the tip of my left hipbone, up across the side of my torso and crossed in front of where my lungs should be. There were too many stitches for my liking, and they cast an even more sickly air into the room.

I heard Brendon's breath hitch and I knew he had looked also. I started breathing heavier, and I could physically see the stitches straining with my body as I continued to breathe more and more rapidly.

Brendon grabbed my head and gently turned it so I was staring straight into his eyes. All other feeling melted away as I found comfort in him.

"Shh, its okay Lexie. I'm here for you."
"I know, Bren. I know."
♠ ♠ ♠
i'm so very sorry for not updating, i had a pretty disastrous weekend.

anyway, some flirty-dirty stuff for ya ;]
lol i just cant help myself sometimes.