You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter FiftyTwo

I paced in front of my bed staring at the door. It had been five days since the accident, and I was able to walk on my feet again without my side hurting too badly. I still needed to be careful, the stitches weren't coming out until later this afternoon, apparently my cut had made a remarkable heal.

Ryan poked his head through the door and grinned. I squinted, confused. Naomi was supposed to be bringing me some real clothes instead of this disgusting dressing gown. Don't get me wrong, it was great to see Ryan, he had been detained the day after the accident since he wasn't as banged up as me, but I really wanted those clothes.

"Hey," Ryan said cheerfully, bringing a duffel bag in with him. "Brendon wouldn't go back to his apartment to get clean clothes himself, so Naomi had to drag him there. I swear, if he could he would just live in this room with you."

"Well he kind of already does." I chuckled, nodding towards the small couch in the corner of the room with two blankets and pillow.

Ryan grinned, dumping the bag onto my vacant bed and readjusting his scarf. "Anyway, I made it my mission to find you some decent clothes." He started unzipping the bag, but hesitated half way round, turning back to me. "And before you laugh, I put a lot of thought into this and only did it out of kindness."

I nodded, grinning. Ryan unzipped the rest of the bag and took out piles of clothing I recognized as my own. He organized them into piles and laid them out onto my bed for me to see.

"So we've got your basic T-shirts over here, one of every color. I brought some tank tops to layer under the T-shirts, and a hoodie or two if you get cold. Now, over here we have your accessory options, belts, studded belts, graphic belts, rings, collection of bracelets to match the T-shirt, and your dismal scarf options." Ryan ended out of breath, looking sadly at the lone navy blue scarf laying on the bed.

I bit my lip to hold back the tickling sensation and grabbed random items, scurrying off into the bathroom. Once inside, I laughed silently to myself. What would I do without my Ryan? Probably have only two T-shirts to pick from.

"Ry, you've been hanging around Naomi too much." I said as I entered the room, throwing my hospital gown on the floor. Ryan shrugged from his seat on the bed and repacked the bag, depositing it on the floor also. I gave him a light hug and pinched his cheek. He rolled his eyes but smiled anyway.

Brendon burst into my room looking exasperated, towing an agitated Naomi behind him.
"Lexie! I'm finally back, sorry I was gone for too long." Brendon sighed, pecking my cheek.

"Its fine Bren," I blushed. "Ryan just bought me some clothes."
"Hm, what?" Brendon was staring at my face with a smile still in place against his lips. He shook himself and looked at my outfit. "Oh! Very cute, nice pick Ry." He spun me around.

"Thank you very much." Ryan replied smugly, crossing his arms over his chest. I rolled my eyes and went to sit gingerly on the bed.

"When do you get out of here?" Naomi asked, sitting down next to me.
"Couple of hours!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands. Brendon looked my way and beamed, biting his lip slightly.

God, what that face could do to me. Brendon had been with me constantly, never leaving my side once, except to get clean clothes today. And I might add, he hasn't seen Kat since the accident, either. She had come by once or twice, but never made it past the waiting room, instead sending up a nurse to relay a message to Brendon.

It was like he didn't care, or was just to bothered to turn on his cell and call her. Not that I'm complaining, though.

A nurse knocked on my door and told me that the doctor was free in an hour, and I practically jumped out of my skin. She took off after my agreement, and I couldn't help but smile even more. Brendon joined us on the bed and we all talked, the time passing by too quickly.

The doctor came in, and I confess I blocked out the next part. But only because my attention was totally devoted to Brendon, who kept a firm grip in my hand and whispering snide remarks about the doctors toupee.

"Well, your all free to go." the doctor said after a while, rubbing his hands together. "Your going to still need to rest when you return home, and I'm writing you a prescription for pain medication. Will you have someone to care for you if needed?"

"I will be there." Brendon answered before I could, giving the doctor a confident smile. The doctor smiled and walked out.

Brendon engulfed me in a hug and kissed the top of my head, gently rubbing my hair. I smiled into his chest and wound my arms around his torso, taken in the moment.
This was all too good to be true.
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boring filler. but i need to get this story movin.
kay so i've drawn out this whole lexie-in-the-hospital thing for to long. shes busting out. lol :]

i really love naomi's character for some reason. and the way i made ryan, its all so fun ;P
all you who have been commenting-i really love you guys XD

thanks for reading&comment=moremoremore updates !