You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter FiftyThree

I never thought seeing this old, beat up couch or these faded walls could bring me such joy. Brendon led me in by my hand, swinging it back and forth aimlessly. I took in the familiar view of my apartment with a sigh.

Izzie suddenly ran out of her bedroom, already dressed in her pajamas, and tackled me. "I've missed you so much! Its so good to have you back!"

"Izz, you visited me last night." I laughed. She shrugged, still smiling.

Brendon put an arm around my waist and whispered lightly in my ear. "You look tired."
"Mmm, I am." I admitted through a stifled yawn. I had been given an extra dosage of pain medication, since I was bound to be sore. My eyelids started to drop as I shuffled my way into the bedroom.

Not caring to change, I crawled under the covers and wrapped myself tightly. Brendon had followed me, smiling and rocking back and forth on his heels. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and let out a low whistle, staring at me.

"Do you plan on joining me anytime soon?"

Brendon beamed and dove into the bed, cuddling up to me. He was careful not to squeeze to hard, and kept his arms wrapped loosely around my torso. I gave him a small smile and let my eyelids close on their own.


As I rolled over, the blankets twisted even more tightly around me. Brendon was stretched out over more then half the bed, his mouth gaping open, an arm still tight around my waist. I rubbed my eyes and peered at the clock.
9:47 a.m.

I yawned and stretched to the best of my ability, still being trapped by the blankets.
"Bren," I whispered, poking his cheek. He grunted and rolled over, bringing me with him.
He let his other arm wrap around my body and pulled me closer until his face was in my hair. I chuckled silently and wriggled myself around so I was facing him.

Brendon opened one eye just enough to see me staring back, and closed it quickly. I smiled and poked his stomach. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Brenny, wake up." I cooed, tracing a finger around the outline of his mouth. As my finger passed his lower lip, he flicked out his tongue and licked it.
"Ew!" I giggled. He opened his eyes all the way and gave me a dazzling smile.

My heart started racing, and I knew he could feel it, seeing as our bodies were pressed so closely together. Brendon smiled even wider and I swear, my heart stopped for just a moment, because in that moment he had looked so perfect, its almost hard to believe.

"Uh, Lexie? You okay? You look a little dazzled." Brendon laughed, finally sitting up.
"Well, yeah." I blurted out. He raised an eyebrow to my flushed face. I cleared my throat and tumbled off the bed, bringing most of the blankets with me in my clumsy haste.

"Are you saying the I dazzle you?" He asked with a playful edge to his voice. I opened my mouth to say something back, but when no sound came out I shut it quickly. Brendon jumped off the bed and came to stand right in front of me, slowly raising a hand and running it across my cheek. "Do I dazzle you, Alexis Sauyer?"

"I-I ....don't know!" I squeaked, taking off past him and out of the room. I heard him sigh behind me, and then footsteps.

We both went automatically into the kitchen, our stomachs leading the way. I went to reach for a pot, but Brendon beat me to it.
"I'm cooking, after all, I am supposed to be taking care you you. And anyway, remember the last time you tried to cook for me?"

"Yeah, yeah." I mumbled, fingering the spot on my arm where my burn had just healed. I sat myself down at the table, yawning again.

The phone rang beside me, a high pitched tone that cut through our small talk.
"Hello?" I sang into the receiver.
"Alexis, dear?" The voice was sweet as honey, I would know, since I had grown up listening to it.
"Mrs. Urie? Hi!"
"Oh, honey I heard about the accident! Are you okay? Do you need anything? Did the doctors fix everything? They didn't charge you anything, did they? Please tell me my son is there helping you, or so help me but I will have to--"
"Don't worry!" I cut in, laughing. "Brendon's here and everythings fine. Hes actually doing a really good job taking care of me." Brendon shot me another dazzling smile, before cracking two eggs into a sizzling pan and jamming some toast into the toaster.

"Oh, funny how I cant imagine that." she laughed sweetly. "Are you absolutely positive, though? Because I can be down there in a heartbeat, I know Brendon's not the brightest of the bunch..."

Just as her words reached my ears, the two pieces of toast Brendon had jammed into the toaster sprang up without warning. Brendon yelped and covered his head, hitting the floor like we were under attack. The toast flopped onto the counter, right into the pancake mix Brendon had been stirring.

I burst out laughing at the irony of it all, as Brendon scurried to pluck the toast out of the batter and scoop out the tiny crumbs left behind, stirring as if nothing had happened.

"Mrs. Urie, I'm going to have to call you back, I'm getting the feeling Brendon needs to be watched in the kitchen." I laughed and hung up, placing the phone back in the receiver and getting up. The flame under the pan sparked, redirecting Brendon's attention to the now black eggs. With a few choice curse words, Brendon dumped the pan and took out the cartoon of eggs for a second time.

"You know what," I said, taking Brendon's hands and leading him out of the kitchen. "A diner sounds pretty good right about now."
♠ ♠ ♠
awww :]
cute, meaningless, fun-to-write filler.
comment&i shall update :]