You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter FiftyFive

Whats the difference between liking someone, and liking liking someone. I honestly don't know. For that fact, whats the difference between friendship and a relationship? Its a very, very thin line, one that I've always been conscious of, until now.

Naomi stopped, looking at the list in her hands. I huffed, setting down the shopping bags I was carrying. Brendon followed behind, whistling softly.

"Be a man," I said, forcing about ten bags on him. "And carry these for me."
Brendon chuckled and adjusted the bags on his arms so that they fit comfortably.

Naomi had designated today as Last-Minute-Wedding-Shit Day. After the taste-testing, we had been trekking across the entire mall, picking up whatever she needed to get. As her Maid of Honor, I really couldn't complain, but after five hours and about twenty shopping bags later, this was starting to get old.

"Only one more stop!" Naomi exclaimed, and both me and Brendon let out a sigh of relief. She dragged us to a stop in front of a dimly lit store, with the words Fredrick's embossed onto the windows.

"A lingerie shop?" Brendon and I said at the same time, only Brendon sounded curiously excited. Naomi nodded and pushed open the door.

"For me and Jon's first night as husband and wife." she gushed, eying a pair of panties that were more ruffle then anything.
"Believe it or not, we aren't exactly interested in your sex life." Brendon chuckled.
"Yeah, but I need some opinion! Sure, Lex is great from a girls perspective, but having you here is all the better. You can tell me if Jon would really, you know, enjoy it or not." Naomi whined, pouting.

Brendon shrugged. I sighed and deposited our shopping bags with the nearest sales assistant. Brendon was poking around a table of leather bustier.
"How the hell does this work?" he exclaimed, holding up a particularly confusing one.
"To be honest? I have no clue." I laughed, snatching it out of his hands and throwing it behind the table.

Naomi tugged at my sleeve. She had a sales assistant already picking out potentials for her.
We found the dressing rooms in the back. There was one enlarged stall, and only a curtain for privacy. Around the stall, were fluffy stools to sit on, and various mirrors and wall decorations. The whole thing was coated in a sickly bright pink color.

The sales assistant came back with two armfuls of lingerie, dumping it on the nearest stool and walking away.
Brendon leaned against the wall, grinning like a complete idiot.

"Whats the smirk for?" Naomi snapped, picking through the pile.
"Nothing, I just love lingerie shops!" Brendon sang. I rolled my eyes as Naomi cuffed him over the back of the head. He laughed, rubbing the now sore spot.

"Okay, Bren. Just stay there while we try these on for you." Naomi selected a red, fringe thing with a matching bustier.
"Y-Your trying them on for me?" Brendon asked, his eyes flickering to mine.
"Wait, we're trying these on?" I asked, a little nervous. Noami nodded and gave me a look. I groaned inwardly and followed after her.

Once inside the dressing room, Naomi forced something black and leathery into my hands.
"Why do I have to try stuff on to? Its not like I'll ever buy it."
"Yeah, but we're the same size, and this way we'll be done with it quicker."

I sighed and started peeling off my clothes. I could hear Brendon singing softly to himself from behind the curtain, and groaned. This wasn't going to be good, I could already tell.

"So, whats with the flirting today, huh?" Noami whispered, sliding her legs into black fishnets.
"You and Brendon! You've been flirting all day! And I'm sure its not only been today, either."

My mouth popped open slightly, but to be honest I wasn't that surprised. I had put the flirting a little bit on overdrive today. I shrugged, a pink blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"Lex, you've really got him exactly where you want him. He been with you non stop since that accident, and hes practically moved into your apartment. No contact with his 'girlfriend' Kat. And now your in a lingerie shop, trying on things for him. If you don't make some more serious moves, I'm going to for you."

I snorted, wriggling out of my jeans. "Whatever."
"No really. You flirt just a tiny bit more, and I'll bet the world he'll be done with Kat in a heartbeat."

I let this mull over in my head as I started dressing into the picked outfit. It consisted of a black and red lace thong, a barely there black leather skirt, with a black leather bustier, and whatever the hell that is attached to my leg. It was really bad ass, if I do say so myself.

Naomi burst out of the stall when she was done, closing the curtain behind her. I looked myself over in the mirror, deciding on a last minute adjustment. I bent forward and wriggled around a little bit so that my boobs looked about three times bigger. No, thats going way to far.

"Come out, Lex. Bren, just imagine me in Lex's outfit and whether or not Jon would like it." Naomi called. I took a deep breath and stepped out from behind the curtain. Why the hell am I doing this?

Awkward really isn't even the word. Naomi is standing there, tall, confident, and more or less naked. Brendon was leaning against the wall, trying to act all cool.

Deciding to play it up a bit, I sauntered forward and twirled a little bit, hand on hip. Brendon took a step forward, pale faced. His eyes were glued to me as his mouth opened and closed.

"What do you think?" I said, my voice surprising me. It was confident and straightforward, the complete opposite of what I'm actually feeling.

The sales assistant came in and handed me a short, black stick of some kind. "That goes with the outfit."

Now that I look at it, its more like a miniature whip. I cocked and eyebrow and smacked it against my hand, grinning at Brendon. I saw him gulp and take an involuntary step forward. Naomi was watching with hopeful eyes from behind him, biting her nail.

"I-I" Brendon stuttered.
I smirked and walked towards him, stopping only when our faces were inches apart. His eyes were frantically searching my face, but I could sense the undertones of a smile.

"Did you say sexy?" I breathed, running the whip over his cheekbone.
He grinned half-heartedly. "What are you supposed to use that for?"
"Oh, I don't know..." I sighed. I moved the whip off his face and down his neck. Once on his chest, I started drawing mindless patterns, slowly moving downward. "Things."

I stopped right above his waistband, smirking. Slowly, I walked away, swinging my hips back and forth.

Brendon closed his gaping mouth and cleared his throat. "I'll be in the bathroom if anyone needs me." he muttered before making a bee-line out of the store.

Naomi came up and hung an arm around my shoulder, sighing. "My little girl had grown into such a dirty little flirt."
♠ ♠ ♠
i know. i'm sorry. shitty ass. i dont think i really got the mood just right.
but whatever, i had mad fun writing this.
the next chapter gets really serious again, so i needed to get all of my fun out before hand ;]

commenttt please ? :]