You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter FiftyEight

Naomi's fingers snapped in front of my vision, breaking me out of my reverie.
I jumped slightly, frowning.

"Welcome back, Lex." Naomi said. I sighed and hung my head, following her into the store.The bell above our heads tinkled quietly, signaling a sales assistant.

Dresses of every size, color, and shape were piled onto the walls. Big, frilly ones, skimpy halter ones, and classic bridal ones. It all gave me a slight stomach ache.

Naomi walked briskly over to the counter. I staggered behind her, not caring enough to pick my feet up, instead just dragging them along.
Naomi was led into the back fitting room by a red-haired women. I took a seat in a classical style armchair, getting comfortable.

"Alex," Naomi started, her face looking sad. I picked up my head int he slightest. "I know its been a hard three days, but I really need you today. Its my last fitting, and I need my old Alex back, if only for the hour. I need you to tell me honestly what you think."

I nodded, letting a small sigh escape. "Nai, I'm totally here for you. Its just...three whole days. Its been three whole days without a phone call, text, unexpected visit. He wont even answer when I call him." My throat choked up, like it did whenever I thought about my current situation.
Naomi frowned grimly and gripped my hand comfortingly. "I cant even imagine being in your position, I wouldn't be able to take it. But I know your strong, you'll get through it."

Her words were intended to calm me, I'm sure, but they had little effect. The red haired saleswomen entered the tiny dressing room, carrying a large white bundle.
Naomi squealed and took off into the dressing room with said bundle.

Damn Kat. Damn her to hell.No matter how hard I tried, I just cant stop thinking about it. The girl had ruined my life. And no, I'm not exaggerating, she did. There is absolutely no way of being with Brendon now, she had stolen that dream away from me by getting her no good ass knocked up.

Spencer blamed Brendon. He said Brendon should have been using protection.
But I know better. I know Brendon used protection because I know Brendon. But they don't always work. There's always that small chance. And being the lucky girl she is, Kat got her chance.

Before I could let myself get too worked up, Naomi opened the door to her dressing room tentatively. She stepped out, trailing a white satin train behind her.

I gasped. She looked stunning, very similar to the models in bridal magazines. Naomi stepped in front of the mirror and spun around cautiously.
"Well?" she asked, biting her lip.

"Its..absolutely perfect." I whispered, eyes alight. It was simple on the top, no straps, white satin with slight beading along the collar. At the waist, the dress poofed outward, but not enough to make it look ridiculous. The skirt was littered with almost invisible beading in tiny, swirling patterns.
Naomi beamed and clapped her hands together, spinning around. I smiled and got up, still staring at the dress.


"Thanks for coming honey." Naomi said, smiling. I nodded and hopped out of her car.

My apartment was cold and forlorn. Usually I would have lit tiny, scented candles to make it feel more homey, but I didn't have the will.
I fell onto the couch, turning on the TV.

HBO was the station, Titanic was the movie.
I grimaced at the part. When Rose and Jack just fell into the ocean, Jack offering Rose that piece of wood.
Angry, I turned off the TV and threw the remote across the room.
I didn't need any reminding of affection, real or fake.

I snatched my iPod out of my pocket book and jammed the speakers into my ears, turning it on Shuffle.
'I Don't Wanna Be In Love' came on.
'Everything We Had.'
'I'm Not Okay.'
'Thats What You Get.'

Someone must really, really hate me up there.
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aww sorry its short.
some brendon in the next chapter :]
so comment=update.

oh how would u guys feel about a ryro pov in an upcoming chapter ? yes ,no, maybe so? lol XD