You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Six

My legs were moving on their own now, so before I knew it, I had crashed into the door, my breath barely catching. Brendon was a shivering heap on the floor at my feet. Puzzled, I kicked him over onto his back, too out of breath to bend down. He was cackling like a madman, clutching his sides. His eyes were bugged out and his breath coming in long and raspy. A odd, tickling senesation gurgled in the back of my throat and before I knew it, I was on the floor next to him, rolling with laughter. The door to his apartment flew open, a pair of black shoes appearing infront of my eyes.
I sat up, and was greeted with the face of someone I had missed very, very much.

"Ryan!" I squeaked with what was left of the oxygen in my body.I jumped up and into his arms, crushing him into a hug. He was laughing as he huged me back.

Brendon had finally stood up, leaning against the wall for support.

Ryan put me down and opened the door wider for us to come in.

"Jon! Spencer!" I squeaked again.Okay, I had to stop doing that before I permantly sounded like Minny Mouse.
We all hugged and screamed at each other.
God, I had missed them.

I was still breathing pretty heavy, my cheeks undoubtly red.

"Geez, Alex, we didnt know you were that out of shape." joked Spencer, pushing me down onto the couch. Ryan and Brendon squished next to me, smiling from ear to ear.

"Guys I'm so happy to see you! I've missed you all so much!" I couldnt help it, I gave them all hugs again.
I settled back down, my head slightly dizzy.
Ryan hung his arm around me and Brendon slid his around my waist, pulling me into another hug. Laughing, I smacked them both on the arm and settled back deeper into the comfortable sofa.

A delicate, feminie cough broke the exhubrant silence, making me jump. I turned around slowly, still squished.
The woman that now stood infront of me was very tall, with mile long legs and delicate arms. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders like a yellow waterfall, the loose curls framing her face impecably. She held herself in a way that reeked self-confidence. Her smile was wide, but slightly forced.
I saw a sly eyeroll on Jon's part, and Ryan had taken up examining a throw pillow.
Brendon hopped up with some diffulcty, and took one of her perfect hands in his.

"Alexis, this is Kat Meyers. Kat, this is my best friend, Alexis." he indicated both of us with a nod.

"Hi, its so nice to finally meet you." I extened my hand, finally maing it off the couch.

She giggled and smiled even wider. She reached out and shook my hand, digging her talons, sorry, nails, into the back of my hand. I snatched my hand back with some difficulty. Her hand hung momentarily in the air, then coiled itself around Brendon's arm, vice-like. He winced.

"So, Lex, why dont you help me get some drinks?" Ryan asked, breaking the tension. I nodded and followed him to the kitchen.
Once inside, Ryan huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Whats wrong?"

"That stupid Malibu Barbie in there is getting on my last nerve."

I cracked up, catching on to who he was talking about. Ryan grimaced, opening the fridge.

"Shes just so frustrating!" he said "I mean come on, you've known her for what, like two seconds and already she wips out the talons? It took her at least five whole minutes before I got that pleasure, and it hasnt stopped since."
I couldnt help myself from laughing. I had thought the same thing about her, the talons I mean.

"She didnt seem happy to see you at all. I wonder if Brendon's arm survived The Claw. I dont think we have the money to buy him a prostethic one at the moment..."

"Oh, Mr. Ross you are bad." I laughed.

He shrugged and chuckled, before handing me 3 glasses of Coke. I followed him out of the cheery little kitchen, and back to Barbie.
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kay so this was really fillerish but the good stuffs coming soon