You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter SixtyOne

Considering my lack of cleaning ability, the apartment actually looked considerably tidy for once.
I never realized how much of my time was spent with Brendon. And now, since this whole messed up situation started, you could say I have a lot of time on my hands.
When I had visited Brendon yesterday, he promised to call. Promised. And yet, here I'm standing, the phone silent on the wall. A huge, overpowering part of me was waiting for his call, but that smaller, more rational part didn't. I knew that if he called, I would lull myself into false fantasies, and that would make it harder to let go, which I am almost positive must happen.

I walked into the quiet living room, my mind searching for something to keep it distracted from the current situation at hand.
My front door opened a crack letting a small poping sound into the room. I froze. There were only three people outside of me and Izzie who had a key. Ryan, Naomi, and Brendon.

Taking the longest possible time, a face I recognized as Ryan's slowly peeked its way into the small pace between the door and frame. I tilted my head to one side, completely puzzled. Ryan saw me, and a guilty, caught-a-thief-in-the-act look came on his face. I snorted at the scene. The only thing visible was Ryan's head poking out of no where.

"Do you plan on coming in, or does the rest of your body not want to see me?" I chuckled, even letting a smile onto my face. I hadn't smiled in almost 24 hours, so this was a feat in itself.

"Brendon's not here?" Ryan asked, now poking a shoulder into view.
My face fell. "Is that supposed to be some kind of sick joke? Of course he's not here."

Confusion ripped across his face, and the rest of his body made its way inside. Ryan sighed and walked toward me hesitantly.
"Have you seen him in the last, oh I don't know, three hours or so?" he asked, sounding nervous. I shook my head slowly and watched as his face became even more worried.

"Why were is he? Am I missing something?"
"Come here," Ryan said, sitting down on the couch. "I need to fill you in."

I nodded and sat down next to him at the edge of my seat. His demeanor was making me very nervous, as if he had no clue where Brendon was.

"I was just at their apartment," Ryan began. "When we got back, we caught Kat drinking wine." I gasped, feeling oddly scared for the baby inside her. "Brendon flipped, naturally, and she sort of slipped on a major detail. Shes, shes not pregnant, Lex."

At first, I thought he was being funny. But after a moment of silence, it hit me he was telling the truth. I expected to be jumping for joy, praising the lord, running around screaming, but I froze, feeling completely numb.

"Brendon was crushed, I could see that much. Then, I don't know if your going to believe this, but another man walked out of their bedroom. Dressed only in boxers. The man was Matt. Your cousin."

Ryan paused, most likely waiting for some type of reaction from me. I stared at him, at a complete loss for words. Eventually he sighed and went on.

"I punched Matt, he was being a complete fucktard. Brendon ran out of the apartment, I don't have any idea where he could have gone. I was almost positive he came here, so I didn't bother for a couple of hours. When I didn't get a phone call or anything, I got worried so I came to check if he was here."

Mentally slapping myself out of my reverie, I took a deep breath and tried to soak in all this news.
Kat wasn't pregnant.
Brendon flipped.
Matt was with Kat in the bedroom.
Matt was being a fucktard.
Ryan punched him.
Brendon ran away.
And not one person knows where he is.

I think I got it all.

"When was this?" I finally said.
Ryan, his face relieved from a response, answered "About 3 o'clock. Its been three hours. He could be anywhere."
"Well, why are we just sitting here gossiping like a bunch of overgrown hens?! We need to find him!"

With that I jumped to my feet triumphantly, grabbed my keys and sprinted out the door with Ryan at my heels, a nervous panic taking over my body.


Ryan and I searched for hours. We checked Spencer's apartment, Jon and Naomi's, I called his mother, he was no where. We decided to try every place regularly visited. Starbucks, the record store on the corner, even the gym we went to once. In desperation, Ryan and I have taken to driving slowly down random streets, peering out of our windows for anyone walking alone.

I cut the engine but still remained seated, staring tiredly out the window. Ryan sighed behind me and got out, coming around the open my door.
"I'll go back to my place and call around to see if anyone saw him." he said tiredly.

I nodded and gazed up at the full moon directly above our heads. Ryan left and I made my way inside.

There really wasn't anywhere for us to look, at least tonight. Brendon has me going crazy, in more than one way. The bastard decides to disappear now on top of everything else.
I found myself staring out of the living room window. There was hardly anyone on the streets below, with the exception of a couple of cars and the odd passerby.

A black car drove down the street, pulling over directly underneath my window. The lights went out, but no one made any movement for a couple of minutes. The driver exited the car, the moonlight bouncing off his brown hair and matching eyes. The same eyes that had taken my heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
i'm going to cry; only like 5 more chapters of this story ='[

cliffhangers are my specialty ;]

if i get enough comments, i will update by tomorrow afternoon! believe me, you want this next chapter XDD