You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter SixtyTwo

As soon as the moonlight bounced off his rich brown hair and highlighted his eyes, I recognized the man exiting the car as Brendon. He walked purposefully, disappearing into the building.

I gasped and wheeled around. For some reason, my body didn't know what to do. I darted around the room in hysteria, my pulse racing in my ears. He was coming in. Oh, I don't think I can handle this.

I very nearly screamed when I heard a light knock on my door.
"Come in," I croaked, pressing myself against the far wall.

The door opened and in steppedmy one and only Brendon. He looked frazzled, disoriented, and nervous all at once. I opened my mouth to speak, taking a full minute to form a coherent sentence.

"I...I heard about Kat. S-Sorry." I managed warily. Brendon snorted and started pacing the room, tracing a path in front of me. Every time he passed, I got a whiff of his sweet smell.

"Whatever. I'm done with that whole thing. I cant take it anymore, shes ruined my life." Brendon cried, throwing his hands into the air.

"Your done with her?" I needed to make absolutely, one hundred percent sure I fully understood what he was saying.

"Yes! I have been for a while. You know, I don't think I was ever really in love with her. I know what being in love feels like and that wasn't nearly it."

He knows what its like to be in love? My heart broke at the thought of yet another woman I might have to fight for Brendon's attention. Was this ever going to end?

"Lexie. Please, please tell me you remember the night of her party." he said bluntly. My jaw dropped and I made no incentive to close it. I defiantly did not see that one coming.
"You do?!" Was the only thing I could think of to say.

"Of course I do, do you think I could forget something like that? Why didn't you tell me! If I knew you knew all along....Well, I guess it doesn't really matter. Its just a relief to know that you know, if that even makes any sense at all..

"And, god Lexie, when you got into the accident! I really believed you would die right there. How would I ever be able to live without you? I wouldn't, its that simple. Its not possible for me to live without you." Brendon rubbed his jaw and kept pacing, his voice reaching slight hysteria.

"I cant believe how fucking stupid I was to leave you while I went off, partying with my friends on tour. I'm so unbelievably sorry, I realize that now. But, a part of me felt like the tour would finally clear my head. That the tour would open my eyes and shut my heart. Load of good that did, seeing as the moment I laid eyes on you in the coffee shop, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. Everything about you draws me in, your laugh, your personality, you smile. I can go on forever, and I will."

I drew in a shaky, confused breath. "Where are you going with this?"

Brendon stopped pacing and stood in front of me, on the opposite side of the room. I saw his eyes trace the outline of my face, a terrified look in them. He licked and bit his lip, staring at me. I stared right back, still completely unsure of what he had just said. It didn't make much sense in my mind.

"I think I'm in love with someone else," he finally said. "And I'm done pretending. The more I pretend, the worse it gets."

Brendon crossed the room in three strides. He pressed me against the wall and held the back of my head lovingly. My body went into shock at his closeness as a small smile crept onto his lips.

"I don't care anymore. I don't care if you don't feel the same way, or if this ruins or friendship forever, or even if we can never talk again after this. I just cant live like this anymore. I see you everyday and yet my heart breaks whenever your not looking into my eyes. Everyday I ask myself why I just don't end my suffering and confess everything. Our friendship meant too much for me then, but I've come to realize we can never be friends again, Lexie. How can we, when I die inside knowing I cant ever kiss you, or hold you, or call you my own?"
Brendon caressed my cheek with his other hand as he kept his eyes locked with my own.
"I love you Alexis Sauyer. I love you."

He didn't give me a chance to respond, he just pressed his lips to my own for a kiss.