You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter SixtyFour

The smell of freshly cut flowers floated around my head. I took a deep breath and smiled to myself, closing my eyes.

"Alex? Can you zip me up?" Naomi said softly, stepping out of the bathroom. I scurried forward and carefully zipped her gown up. She ran her hands over the gown, pressing out any left over creases. I noticed her hands were shaking pretty bad. She took a deep breath and stepped in front of the full length mirror.

"You look stunning honey," I said, primping her curls. She smiled weakly, catching my eye in the mirror. "Nai, don't be nervous."

"What if I'm making a huge mistake? What if--" Naomi stumbled, her lips quivering as she spoke.

I gripped her shoulder firmly. "Nai, you love Jon. That's all that matters right now. Don't think about the future just yet, just think about Jon and only him. You want to be with him for the rest of your life, don't you?"

"Yes, yes I really do." Naomi whispered as I smiled and got her veil.

Knock. Knock.

"No! Don't come in if your name is Jonathon Walker!" I screeched. Naomi hoisted up her dress and with considerable speed, sprinted behind the changing curtain.

"Relax! Its just Brendon and Ryan."

I let out a sigh of relief and opened the door. In walked the two boys, wearing expensive suits. They had a single white rose tucked into their lapel, and shiny circular cuff links.
Naomi stepped out from behind the curtain. Ryan hummed and Brendon cooed, both walking forward to circle her like a pair of vultures. Naomi blushed and smiled at me sheepishly as Ryan and Brendon continued to coo her compliments.

"Alright guys, give the bride some space." I laughed, shooing them away. "Well, Mr. Best Man, don't we look snazzy." I adjusted Ryan's tie and he beamed down at me. Even though I'm wearing three inch heels, Ryan somehow finds a way to make me feel like a midget.

"What about me?" Brendon asked robustly, sticking out his chest and shaking out his hair.
"Eh," I shrugged, rolling my eyes.
He faked shock, sauntering over until his face was inches away from mine. The familiar, bubbly feeling in my stomach rose at his closeness.

"Just 'eh'? I have to admit, you look quite sexy in that dress."
Ryan and Naomi shared a look before staring at him, wide-eyed. I smirked as Brendon snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me into him.

"And I cant wait to see you out of it." Brendon whispered not-so-quietly into my neck. He left a trail of tiny, loving kisses across my collarbone. I smacked the back of his head playfully, causing the kissing to stop and be replaced with a mischievous grin.
I brought a hand to the back of his neck and connected our lips.

The first thing I saw when we broke apart was Ryan and Naomi's reaction. I snorted, resting my head on Brendon's shoulder. The both of them were standing there, arms stretched outwards and eyes disbelieving. Their mouths were open so wide, I wouldn't be surprised if a few flies decided to fly in.

Brendon, noticing their reaction, let his hand slip southward and began to nibble on my ear. I giggled and turned my head, catching his lips again. I couldn't contain my smile, even as I was kissing him. He tasted of perfection; I couldn't find one single flaw in this boy.

"Uh, hello? You guys mind not deciding to randomly suck face right in front of us?"

Brendon broke away laughing as Ryan spoke. I ruffled Brendon's hair before picking up my bouquet of white roses and turning to go.
"You guys coming?" I asked casually over my shoulder as Brendon came to stand next to me. Ryan's eyebrows flew up and were lost in his light brown hair.

"Are you even gunna tell us when this happened?" Ryan gestured between me and Brendon.

A knock on the door interrupted Brendon's witty remark. I opened it with a flourish to reveal Spencer.
"Its time." he said simply and we all glanced at Naomi. Her hands shook as she picked up her bouquet, gulping.

I squeezed her arm and gave her a reassuring smile. "This is it, Nai. Your going to be Mrs. Jonathon Walker." She took a deep breath and nodded.

Our group met the rest of the procession outside of the thick, mahogany doors that led inside the church. Ryan took my arm and together we stood in front of the forming double line.

"When did it happen?" Ryan asked with a huge smile on his face.
"Couple of days ago. Brendon came to my apartment and told me that he loved me." I said with an equally big smile. I couldn't keep up the game anymore, the desire to tell Ryan overpowered mine and Brendon's plan to act normally.
"I'm so happy for you guys."
"Me too, Ry." I sighed in content.

Brendon took his place in line, linking arms with another bridesmaid. Catching my eye, he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and licked his lips. I giggled and rolled my eyes just as the doors were opened in front of us and an organ started playing.
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terribly sorry for the wait =[ you have permission to hate me.

only one more chapter.!
i cant believe it. this story is like my baby. and now its almost finished =[
comments please?