You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Seven

"So, Lex-ers," Jon asked as me and Ryan handed out the Cokes. "Hows life been?"

I shrugged and replied, "The same, pretty much."
That recived an eyeroll from Barbie. I mean, an eyeroll from Kat. Damn Ryan for getting that stuck in my head.

We spent the next few hours catching up, them telling me crazy stories from tour. Everytime anyone but Brendon opened their mouth to speak, Kat exhaled sharply, as if she couldnt be bothered with anyone else but him. Spencer flexed his fingers everytime she did that.
Now, the more that I looked, the more that I noticed their reactions to Kat. Jon was obviously trying to ignore her, not even looking in her general direction. Spencer seemed to be controlling his anger. Ryan stared fixedly at a random object until she stopped talking. The whole scene was pretty funny, so there I sat, trying to keep my composure, which I had always been terrible at.

"Well, this has been..uhm, lovely." Kat declared, standing up right in the middle of Ryan's retelling of a particular horrible set they had played. "But I must go, early shoot tomorow. Brendon-walk me to my car."
It was an order, but Brendon still got up and followed her out the door.
That was weird, he had always been independant. In fact, independent didnt even begin to cover Brendon.

The door slammed behind them. Spencer yelled "YES!" while Ryan and Jon let out a long sigh.

"The beast has gone!" Spencer danced over to me, taking my hand and spinning me around.

"You guys really dont like her!" I laughed. Ryan and Jon had stood up now, taking turns spinning me around.

"I dont even have the right words to say what I feel about Wolverine." Jon said darkly.


"Yeah, we all have names for her." explained Spencer as Ryan dumped me majestically back on the couch, managing to spill my coke all over my new Drop Dead, Gorgeous tee.

"Tell me them!" I laughed, trying to dab my shirt. "And Ross-you will pay for this!"

He shrugged and threw me a towel. I rolled my eyes at him and stuck out my tounge.

"Always the mature one..."

"Shut up! Tell me about Kat!"

"Well," Jon started."I call her Wolverine cause of those fucking nails of hers! I swear, she'll give me a scar one day. I dont even want to know how badly Brendon's scratched up..."

"Ew Jon!" I made a face.

"You already know my two names- The Claw and Malibu Barbie. Self-explanitory." stated Ryan matter-of-factly.

"I just call her anything that pops in my head, but my recent favorite is Whiney-ass Whore, just cause I like the way it suits her." Spencer picked his nails casually.

I laughed. I couldnt help it, I had forgotten how they used to crack me up.

"Does Brendon know about this?" I asked, interested.

"No! And you cant ever tell him! He'd kill us."

"Okay, okay."

Just then, Brendon came in, soaking wet. "Raining." he grumbled, heading into his room for a change of clothes.

"Hey, get Alexis something while your in there, I ruined her shirt." Ryan called after him.

Brendon came back and handed me an old Blink 182 tee.

"Hey! This is mine!" I exclaimed.

"Woopsie." he grinned. I rolled my eyes and smacked him over the head for good measure.

"You dont have to go too, right Lexie?" he pouted.

"No, I'm not working again til Monday."

"Sweet! Hey, why dont you sleepover?"


The thought of having a sleepover with my best friend made me feel about seven years old again, but I didnt care. I missed him and wanted him all too myself. What can I say, I'm a greedy person.

"Well, we'll leave you two to have your little slumber party. We'll be back bright and early!" Ryan cheered as him, Jon, and Spencer left.

"And then there were two." I said, using our famous line.
Brendon beamed and hugged me.

"Whats that for?" I laughed. He was so random sometimes.

"For not changing."
♠ ♠ ♠
so i have almost twenty more chapters written for this story, so i'll b posting them pretty fast.
so..uhm...yeah =D