You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Eight

Brendon clicked on the flashlight, illuminating his face from underneath. He spoke in a deep raspy voice, "It was All Hallows Eve, just after sundown.."

I shoved popcorn into my mouth, trying my best not to laugh at this old game.

"A little boy named Oliver" he continued "had just come home from Trick-or-Treating with his friends. He opened the front door to his house slowly, slowly, slowly, confused as to why everylight was off, why the door was unlocked..."

More popcorn into the mouth.

"The hall was cluttered with random objects thrown around. It looked like someone had broken in, and Olvier started to panic. He walked down the hall to the doorway of the den. There he heard voices whispering. He tried tomake out what they were saying, but there were so many and all talking low and in different languages. He pressed himself up againist the wall, and turned his head ever so slightly to peek around the doorway.The voices stopped abrubtly. Then from below him, came a bloodcurdling scream.He jumpedandknocked into a small table. The table bounced aganist the wall, the sound of the impact reverbrating through the halls. He heard scuffling and the creak of hisfathers armchair come from inside the den. Soft, barely audible footsteps were approching the doorway. Panicking, Oliverhidunderneath the table,the only thing he could think of doing. The front door was too far away, and he was never that great of a runner. He clapped his hand over his mouth, hopeing to stifle any scream that may try to escape. The footsteps stopped as shiny, black shoes came into veiw. They were dotted with blood. Oliver, against his better judgment, peeked out from under the table. The shoes belonged to a tall, thin man with a face as white as snow. At least ten other people that looked almost exactly liked the first were crowded behind him. The first man spotted Oliver and jeered, showing a set of extremly white teeth with abnormaly long canines. The vampire screeched and....ATE HIM!"

He screamed the last two words. The bowl of popcorn flew out of my hand as I jumped, screaming. Brendon laughed at my expression, throwing pieces of popcorn at me while I tried to calm down.

"You asshole!" I barked, deflecting a couple of kernals.

"It was just a scary story!"

"Yeah and it was pathetic. It was the worst story I've ever heard. I only pretended so you wouldnt feel upset." I huffed, switching on the TV.

"Yeah sure." Brendon laughed.

I switched on the DVD player and played whatever movie was in there. Hitch. Yeah, real manly.

By the middle of the movie, we were both sprawled out on our makeshift bed infront of the TV.

"Hey Lexie." he whispered.

"Yeah, Bren."

"Uhm, what did you honestly think of Kat? Cause I'm getting the feeling the guys dont like her that much."

I looked up at him. He wasnt looking directly at me, instead talking to my feet. His face was guarded, not showing any emotion.

"I dont really know her, she was only here for a little while." I sighed, stretching the truth.
He grimaced, positining himself so his face was directly infront of mine. I smiled and said, "But dont worry, I'm sure shes a great girl."
He smiled and snuggled up closer to me.


"Brendon Urie!" a shrill shriek echoed through me. My eyelids flew open. My head was resting on Brendons chest, his arms wrapped around me.

"Five more minutes..." he grumbled.

"Brendon Boyd Urie you wake up this instant!" I suddenly relized it was Kat who was standing over us with both hands on her hips. Ryan and Jon were visible in the background, giving Kat weird looks.
Brendon yawned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey Kat. Whats wrong?" he grumbled again. I stretched and rubbed my eyes.

"Whats wrong?!" I wish she didnt shriek like that. "Whats wrong is that you are sleeping with another women right infront of my face!"

We both actually checked around usbefore looking back up at Kat weirdly. She threw her hands up in the air and pointed at me.


"What are you talking about? Lexie just slept over." he yawned again and nuzzled his head on the top of mine.

I thought Kat's eyes were going to bug out of her head. What was she overreacting about?
She yanked the covers off our bodies, her momentarily exubrent face falling slightly.

"Kat! I'm cold! Why did you just do that!" Brendon yelled, grabbing back the blankets. I was staring to feel very awkward.

"Brendon Urie! Explain to me right now what shes doing sleeping with you!" she stamped her little foot impishly. He sighed angrily and sat up. I rolled over into a sitting position and backed up slighty, not wanting to be part of the fight.

"Wait did you just rip off the covers to see if we were naked?!" Brendon yelled, realization hitting home.


"Yes you did! How could you even think that!"

"Well, Its pretty obvious when you walk in and see your boyfriend with another women!"

"Her name is Alexis. Shes my bestfriend you need to understand that! We had a friggin sleepover, Kat. You need to calm the fuck down. And I will not let you talk about her like that. Shes very important to me!"

"How can you even say that! You havent seen her for almost a year!"
This sent Brendon reeling. Ryan grabbed my elbow and pulled me into the kitchen, Jon following. I could still hear Brendon screaming his head off, but at least the words were muffled.

"Oops." That was all I could think to say. Ryan laughed dryly.

"You didnt do anything! Shes so controlling over him." Jon sighed, "I wish he could see that."

I shrugged. The front door slammed, followed by Brendon shuffling into the kitchen.

"Bren, I'm sorry I-"

"Please dont Lexie, You didnt do anything. She was just mad that I didnt call her and tell her who exactly I was going to be with at exactly every moment of the day."

He looked so worn out already. I could tell this Kat girl was taking a toll on him. I bit my lip. Should I have told him my first instinct when he had asked about her last ngiht? Usually, when I had told Brendon a girl wasnt good for him, that was it. She was history. But if the guys hated her so much, but thought Brendon shouldnt know, maybe he really did care about her more than they thought? I sighed, knowing this girl wasnt going to leave peacfully.
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kay so mostly just fillerish, not really important at all.
the good stuff's coming soon ;]

so go check out my journal if you havent already...&thanks for reading! XD

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