You're a Regular Decorated Emergency

Chapter Nine

I met up with Naomi at a nearby Marble Slab an hour later. I had left Brendon's almost as soon as Kat, feeling extremly guilty. I cant really explain why exactly I felt that way, I guess it was just because I had caused this huge fight between them. It was still hard to grasp why she had been so upset-all I had done was sleepover.

"So," Naomi started, sprinkling M&M's on top of her deluxe chocolate chip cone, "How was your night last night?"

"Great, actually.I got to see Ryan, Jon and Spencer!"

"You whore!" she pouted, "I want to see them!"

"They invited us over tonight." I laughed.

"Yes! So, uhm, hows Jon?"

Yeah, shes not so coy. She had had a crush on Jon since pretty much first sight. And being the person she is, way too much of a chicken to admit it. Even to me.

"Oh, yeah about that, he got engaged on tour."

Her jaw dropped, eyes wide.A pink blush started creeping up her cheeks. If we hadnt been sitting down, I was sure her ice cream would be on the floor right now.

"I'm just kidding!" I winked. I loved playing that on her.

"Psh, I know." she cleared her throat, the pink blush slowly receding.

I rolled my eyes. "Why dont you admit you like him already!"

"I dont know what your talking about."


I had counted the number of floor tiles three times, memorized the complicated pattern of Izzie's throw pillows, and succeded in picking off the nailpolish on my right thumb entirely.
To say I was bored would be an understatement.
But this is what we all must go through, when your friend comes over, decides she looks like complete crap, and must go through the whole getting ready process. Twice.

"Naomi." I groaned. This was getting ridiculous. We were supposed to be at Ryans almost two hours ago.

"Just two more seconds..."

"You said that a half hour ago!"

"I'm ready!"

I had to give it to her, she looked great.Naomi flounced into the room, twirling around for me to admire her outfit. She had on a denim micro mini and a soft, flowy top. Her hair was stick straight and suited her perfectly.

"Finally! Lets go then, before the guys think we died or something. And dont worry, I'm sure Jon will love it."

She grinned sheepisly, pink just visible underneath her warm colored skin.
We made it to Ryans in record time. Naomi was starting to get nervous, I could tell by the way she was wounding her hands together and kept clearing her throat. Rolling my eyes, I opened the door to Ryan's with a flourish.
"Hello!" I cried, Naomi giggling behind me.

The guys ran forward to greet us, Jon picking up Naomi and holding her tight, whispering something in her ear. Ryan wiggled his eyebrows at me and I burst into laughter. Naomi shot me a dirty look before turning all her attention back to Jon.
I hugged Ryan and Spencer, and ruffled Brendon's hair.

"Hey!Dont do that, I was having a great hair day." he complained.
I rolled my eyes and went to mess it up some more, but stopped abruptly when I found Kat sneering at me from behind Spencer. I laughed nervouslyand covered up the movement by fixing my own hair.

"Hey, Kat." I tried. Its probably better to try and be civil, I guess.
She just nodded and came to stand next to Brendon, her Claw encircling his bicep.

We ate dinner on Ryans porch, which overlooked the city skylights. It was calm and serene, and no doubtdly familiar. Naomi and Jon had been in their own little world the whole night, talking in whispers and touching each others faces from time to time.

"Its about time those two lovebirds got busy." Brendon whispered out of the corner of his mouth.

"Mmm, definatly for the best," I laughed, "She spent an entire hour on her hair this afternoon. Why do you think we were late? But they havent seen each other in a year, so I guess we cant complain. They have the right to express their love as much as they'd like."

"Hey, we didnt get to express our love!" he pouted.
I giggled and pecked his cheek.
"Happy now?"
"Hmm, I was thinking of something a little more sweaty..."
"Perv!" I smacked his arm and we both laughed.

"Alexis," Kat voice cut through our conversation like a whip. I was starting to notice her voice did that everyrtime she talked to me. "Do you mind if I steal Brendon away from you for a moment?"

"Uh sure?" I shrugged. Brendon got up and follwed her into the kitchen.

The time went by so quick, I wouldnt have noticed how late it was until Kat took off again, no doubtdly another photo shoot in the morning.

"I guess we better go.." I sighed, getting up and collecting my things. "Ready,Nai?"

"We have to leave already?" Naomi whined.

"You can stay, I'll drive you home." Jon chuckled, winking. Naomi blushed and nodded her head.
I smiled anddhugged everyone goodbye, before making the drive back to my apartment.

For the first time in a long time, Izzie was there when I got back, sprawled on the sofa watching TV.

"Hey Izz."

"Hey Lex! How was your night?"

"Great,I was with Brendon and the guys."

"Brendon? That guy you used to be attatched at the hip with?"

"The very same."

She smiled and we both turned our full attention back to the TV.
♠ ♠ ♠
so another quick update. i have to say-i am becoming obssesed with this story ;D ahaha

thanks for reading !

commentsss ?!