Too Good to Be True

Too Good To Be True

Eliza was in her room feeling depressed as she stared at her Allstar Weekend poster. It was the day Allstar Weekend was in town. Eliza had done everything she could to get the tickets but everything failed. Seeing Allstar Weekend was her dream, it was going to be her first concert.

"I told you to get dressed." her friend Diana said walking in the room

"I don't want to do anything." Eliza said

"Just put something nice on." her friend Jena said

"No." Eliza said

"Fine, you’re going dressed like that." Diana said dragging Eliza to her car. Eliza was dressed in black pajamas with blue, green, and purple stars and she also was wearing a black spaghetti strap.

"Where are you taking me?" Eliza asked

"We are taking you on a date- oh that reminds me…" Jena said putting a blindfold over Eliza's eyes

"Why didn't you tell me I was going on a date? I'm wearing pajamas, and besides, I don't want to go." Eliza complained

"We told you to change." Jenna said. Jenna got some earphones that you can't hear anything besides the music playing and made Eliza wear them. Few minutes later the car stopped and Eliza was taken out the car. She kept trying to remove the blindfold but her friends stopped her. Diana took her earphones off but left the blindfold on.

"We are almost there, we are in a parking lot." Jenna said

"Why are we in a parking lot? Can I go home, you know I don't feel like doing anything." Eliza said

"Why?" Diana asked

"Because today I was supposed to meet my loves." Eliza said pouting

"Why don't you sing a song?" Jenna suggested

"No! Why would I sing anyway?" Eliza asked

"C'mon it's only us; it will make you feel happier for your date." Diana said

"You know you want to." Jenna said in a singing voice

"If you sing I'll let you take the blindfold off." Diana said. The moment she heard she could take the blindfold off she started singing her favorite Allstar Weekend song, Here With You. When she finished singing she threw the blindfold far away. She opened her eyes and couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"No way, no way, I can't believe this!" Eliza said trying to remain as calm as possible.

"Well you better believe it." Diana said

"This is too good to be true, wow." Eliza said

"Well it's true." Diana said then Eliza turned bright red.

"Why are you blushing?" Jenna asked

"Because I just sang in front of Allstar Weekend!" Eliza said and the guys smiled at her

"So what, I don't get a hug?" Michael asked. Eliza shyly approached him and gave him a hug. She received a tight warm hug from each of them.

"Wow, this is real." Eliza said

"Sure is." Zach said

"And I'm dressed like THIS." Eliza said looking at her cloths

"I like your pjs." Cameron said

"How come you didn't tell me to get out of this?" Eliza asked her friends

"We did! You didn't listen to us when we told you." Diana said

"Do you like your surprise?" Jenna asked

"Yes! I loved it!" Eliza said hugging them.

"How about some memorable pictures?" Zach suggested and they took some silly pictures.

"Can you guys do me a favor?" Eliza asked then quickly looked down

"Only if you looked at us." Zach said lifting her chin to make her look at him.

"What do you want us to do for you Babygirl?" Michael asked

"Can you guys sing me an improv. rap?" Eliza asked shyly

"For you we will." Cameron said then winked at her. Eliza had no idea how she was able to look so calm when on the inside she is freaking out. The guys sang Eliza the rap and she couldn't stop smiling.

"Time for sound check and since you are VIPs you lovely ladies get to watch." Zach said before they left to get ready.

"I love you girls so much." Eliza told her friends

"We know." Jenna said

"Let's go find a spot." Diana said and everyone was waiting impatiently for the guys to come out. The sound check went great then the real fun began. It was time for the concert. Eliza had never felt the way she was feeling. She is watching the crowd go wild as the concert progressed. She feels magnificent. She is looking at everyone on the stage and admired them. She was happy that her dream is finally coming true, she meet her role models, the people she looked up to, the band she had been dreaming of meeting for three years. Eliza knew that no matter what happened to her Allstar Weekend will always make her feel better, and she will forever be grateful for that.

The concert was still going on and Eliza was singing along to every song. She was singing and looked up at Zach, when he saw her he winked at her making her blush. Eliza felt like could melt right then and there with Zach's winking, Cameron's flirtatious looks, and Michael smirking at her. Eliza was filled with what seemed to be never ending energy. She would not stop jumping along with all the other fans. Eliza felt an incredible bong with the boys, not just a fan and a band, it was something more, not in a romantic way either. Eliza looked again at the stage watching her favorite band give their hearts out. As she saw the big smile in their faces and how happy they are she started to cry.

"What's wrong." Diana asked

"Nothing, I'm just so happy, I never imagined something like this." Eliza said

"You deserved it." Jenna said

"Thank you so much, because of you my dream came true, I will never forget this." Eliza told them crying more and hugging them.

"This is the last song of the night and I would like to dedicate it to a special girl here tonight, Eliza this is for you." Zach said looking directly at her and started singing Hear With You. Eliza couldn't believe Zachary David Porter was singing her favorite song to her. More tears fell from her face but she couldn't stop smiling. The boys smiled at her tenderly.

The lights dimmed out and the show was over. Eliza felt so proud of the guys. She knows how far they have came, how much they have accomplished, she knows how hard to be where they are now. That night Eliza's respect for the Allstar Weekend grew to a whole other lever. She feels that she will never stop loving them. That night will be one that she will remember for the rest of her life.