Status: In progress

Dark Shadows

Dark Shadows 10

I heard muffling of voices fade in and out. When I opened my eyes everything seemed blurry. Finally I regained enough strength to get up. I couldn't I panicked alittle bit. My arms and feet were strapped to the bed. I looked around in the room I was in. The walls were covered in a horrible yellow wallpaper. There was another bed in the room but unoccupied. There were stuff all over the walls, paper clippings. Some looked old and some looked newer. I tried to pull my arms out of it. The door to the room opened. A kid who looked to be my age, walked up to my bed and leaned over me. He looked as if hasnt combed his hair out in weeks. There was a small dream catcher in his amoung the mess of his hair along with a few charms or what not.
''Tyler get out of his face, that is rude,'' I heard an unfamiliar voice. She smiled at me so cheerfully as she walked into the room, in return I gave her a weak smile. She loosened the straps, I pulled my arms out of them and rubbed them where the straps were. I watched her walk out the door. Tyler came up and sat right next to me on my bed. I scooted away from him, but he moved closer to me. Then turned to me and put his hands on the sides of my head. Tyler had a blank stare in his eyes, he smiled then frowned then looked confused.
''Why didnt you tell anyone about the doctors hurting you,'' he asked. I looked and him then looked away. I watched him walk to his wall of paper clippings. He pulled two of them down. Tyler sat next to me and handed me the older looking one first. There were two people in the picture. I instantly recognized Will and I assumed the woman was his first wife. I read over the article. It talked about his wifes death and how he was buried alive for being cursed. I handed it back to Tyler, he then handed me a newish looking one. It was talking about a man looking for his long lost son. I looked like him alot, and I gave the newspaper back to Tyler.
''I'm not like everyone else and neither are you,'' he said walking out of the room. I was nervous being alone in the room. I decided to walk out of the room to look around. I passed by a room and saw a guy in a straight jacket. I walked away it brought back awful memories. I kept looking in the windows of the doors into the rooms. Looking into the rooms brought back awful memories of me being abused by doctors. Someone put their hand on my shoulder.I was a little startled. It was a nurse I assumed, after looking around I figured it was a mental hospital. I followed her back to Tyler and mines room. I sat on the bed quietly.
''Your not in trouble, the doctor just wants to talk to you before hand and explain why you are here,'' she said and then she left the room. I lied back down on the bed. I heard footsteps enter the room. I popped back up.
''Hello Aiden, I'm doctor Haner,'' I waved at him. I stared at him as he looked through a file. It was thick.
''So your father put here because he says your claiming to be a vampire and your hallucinating,'' I let out a slight chuckle.
''The guy that put me here isnt my father or my legal guardian,'' I said. I watched Dr. Haner take a few notes down.
''Well are you seeing things unusaul?''
''No Dr. Haner I'm not seeing anything, I havent seen anything unusual since I was 12,''
''Ok I'm not going to put you on a medication, but I will look into Matthew not being your father and only have you for a 72 hour watch,'' he said and walked out. Why wouldnt he believe me about my father? I wondered what Matthew had said to him. I stayed in my room, I didnt want to leave because it brought back memories, I tried to forget. Tyler came back into the room. He sat next to me on my bed. This kid was beginning to scare me.
''You and I are not so different, I know your a vampire,'' he said. I sighed at him.
''Yeah but if I say that to Dr. Haner, he will put me on medication or try electric shock therepy,'' I said. Tyler started laughing at me. I gave him a strange look.
''Dr. Haner isn't a normal doctor, he actually knows what we truly are,'' Tyler said.
''But I saw a guy in a straight jacket,''
''Thats Adam he is a werewolf and he cant control when he changes, it was actually his wishes to be put in it,''
"Can we leave when we want?'' I asked. Tyler shook his head no.
''Matthew he doesnt know this isnt really an asyslum, he just dropped you off here, he is looking for your god father and father,'' he said. I looked at Tyler and reached for his dream catcher.
''Whats this for?'' I asked holding it in my hand.
''When I see peoples memories especially the painful ones or bad ones they stay with me, its to keep them away,'' I nodded my head at Tyler. I looked out the window, trying to get a plan together. Tyler stood beside me.
''We can get out just give me sometime,'' he said.