Broken Hearted

Chapter two

The next morning, Bob lightly shook my shoulder. “Ren, Ren, wake up.” “Hmm?” I said sitting up and stretching. “What time is it?” I asked. “Almost noon, how many pills did you take?” “A couple,” I said. “A couple too many,” he grumbled. “Do I smell coffee?” I asked, jumping out of bed. “Yes and we’re leaving in half an hour.” “Okie dokie.” I got up and got ready.
Before I knew it we were in Bob’s car. “I’m so exited!” Bob exclaimed. “I can see that,” I laughed. “ So who is the drummer for this wonderful band?” I asked. “Matt Pelissir and I am so damn jealous,” Bob answered. “I bet that you would be better,” I told him. Bob was really good at playing the drums. “Thanks Ren,” he said.
We listened to the radio for the rest of the trip. “I thought that you said that it was close,” I groaned as I stretched my legs. “It was close.” “A seven hour road trip is not what I call ‘close’,” I said. “Oh, don’t be such a baby,” Bob teased.
“So when’s the concert?” I asked. “Tomorrow at seven,” Bob answered. “Why are we so early?” “I just couldn’t wait!” Bob said excitedly. “So what do we do until then?” “Rent a hotel room and then look around the city. I’ve never been here before.” And that’s exactly what we did.
When Bob and I visited the city we found some stores and Bob bought a really good camera. Then we went to the concert. There was a huge crowd, but Bob and I still managed to get towards the front. Then, the band came up on the stage. Everyone went wild. They played their first song, and I fell in love with the band. The music was awesome, but it still sounded so familiar…
Bob and I managed to make it to the very front of the crowd. I look up at the sing and gasped. “Oh god,” I whispered, recognizing his face. “Gerard.” As if he heard me murmur his name, he looked down at me. Our eyes locked and he almost missed the next note. I then recognized everyone except for the drummer. Frankie and Ray were jamming on their guitars, and Mikey was rocking the bass. Frankie was jumping all over the place. Ray was bobbing his head, making his hair bounce. He was the closest to me.
“Ray! Ray!” I called up to him. How he heard me over the roaring crowd, I’ll never know. He looked around. “Ray! Over here!” Then he spotted me. He stared at me as if to make sure it was actually me. Then he went over to Frankie and talked to him and nodded in my direction.
Frankie looked into the crowd. I jumped up and down and called his name. He met my eyes and grinned. He slid on his knees over to one of the bodyguards and said something to him. He nodded and Frankie got up and began jumping around again. The body guard came over to me and said, “They want to meet you backstage. I’ll escort you there after the show.”
The rest of the concert was amazing. “Thank you!” Gerard shouted at the end and they exited the stage. The body guard came over to me. I explained that I needed Bob so the bodyguard led us back behind the stage. We rounded a corner and there they were. My boys.
“Renee!” Frankie cheered. He ran over to me and gave me a big bear hug. Mikey and Ray followed. “I’ve missed you guys so much!” I cried.. “We’ve missed you too,” Ray said. “Where’s Gee?” I asked, finally letting them go. “Oh, he’s around here some where,” Mikey answered. “So lets find him. I haven’t seen you guys in so long and I want to see him too.”
There was an awkward silence until Ray said, “I don’t really think that’s a good idea right now. We’ve all had a bit to drink before the show and well… Gerard’s changed a bit since you left.” “What do you mean ‘changed’?” I asked. . “Well, um, no offence or anything but you haven’t exactly… been around or said anything to us since that night,” Frankie said, trying to say it as nice as possible.
It took me a while to figure out what he was saying. “Oh no! You guys thought that I abandoned you? That’s not it at all! Guys, believe me, I tried to get to you. My mom me so I couldn’t even enter the Fing city without getting picked up by the cops and my mom hooked up with the mail man, so every time I tried to send you guys something, he would just return it. I really wanted to see you guys soo bad. Please don’t be mad at me,” I begged. “We believe you,” Mikey said. “And we’re definitely not mad,” Ray added. “I guess we did kinda think that you’d forgotten about us, but now we see. And we still love you,” Frankie said.
“So Gerard is really mad at me?” I asked. “Gerard’s more mad at himself I think. But he really changed after you were gone,” Mikey said. “I wish I’d stayed,” I said. “We do too, but you’d been sent away by the cops anyway,” Ray said. “I did try to come see you guys, but I got picked up, given a fine and sent back home,” I admitted. “Poor Ren,” Frankie said. “Yeah, at least we had each other, she was all alone,” Mikey said.
“I found Bob. Oh! Bob! I’m so sorry! I kinda forgot that you were even there,” I apologized. “Thanks so much,” he laughed.. “Hey guys, this is Bob. Bob, well, you know them,” I said. Everyone greeted and shook hands with Bob. “Bob is one of your biggest fans,” I told them.
“I cant Fucking do this anymore!” A guy shouted, storming into the room. I recognized him as the drummer. “I’m sorry guys, but I really, really can’t take this shit anymore. I quit! I just quit!” he said. “Matt! Matt wait! You can’t just quite,” Frankie said. “We need you! Come back!” Mikey called after him, but he was already gone. “Jest let him go guys. He’s not coming back.” Ray told them.
“But we’ll have to cancel the show! We need a drummer,” Mikey said. “And that takes money, money that we just don’t have,” Frankie added. “Wait,” I cut in, “Bob’s a great drummer! I’m sure he’d be happy to help you with your show.” “You can play?” Frankie asked Bob, who nodded his head. “Great, first we’ll do a test run and see if he’s good enough and then we’ll go from there,” Ray said.
Just then He walked in. Gerard. He was dressed in his usual black, but he didn’t seem the same. Something was off. “Hey Gerard, look who’s here,” Frankie said cheerfully. Gerard looked me in the eye. So many times I’d imagined this moment. All of the things that I wanted to say got caught up in my thought. “Hey Gee,” I managed. His hazel eyes hardened. “You are here. Isn’t this a lovely surprise?” he asked sarcastically.