Status: On hold.

Magic After It's All Over

What's it like raising your only son after everything is all over? What's it like when Voldemort is long gone and Death Eaters are shunned because of all of the trouble they've caused? What's it like being married to an ex-Death Eater and having a son and two daughters with him? Are things any better? Do people get along?

My name is Kimber Malfoy and I'm about to answer all of your questions. I hope this will open a door to all possible scenarios that you can imagine. Sometimes things are okay, but most of the time, things are still difficult. There are a lot of things people don't draw attention to. There is still a lot going on "underground". People try to forget what happened in the past, but it's not always easy.


Kimber LeAnne Toms Malfoy:

She is the bride of Draco Malfoy and the mother of Scorpius, Jezzabell, and Cessy Malfoy. She met Draco when she was only seventeen and fresh out of wizarding school. They fell in love and married too, much to the disagreement of his father who wanted an arranged marriage to Pansy Parkinson. A shy girl who stands up for her rights and is loyal to her husband and children would be the perfect description for her.

(Toms is her maiden name.)

Scorpius Draco Malfoy:

The eldest Malfoy child. The perfect words to describe this strapping young man would be Miniature Draco. But he's not quite as snobby as his dad was when he was a kid. He does have the signature platinum blond hair and heart-throb blue eyes that most all Malfoy men and women carry. He is a really athletic boy who is in love with quidditch. He's in his second year of Hogwarts.

(I don't think Draco is his real middle name, but this will do for now. =])

Jezzabell Narcissa Malfoy:

She's kind hearted like her mom, but doesn't have the signature Malfoy hair. She has soft features and brown hair to her shoulders, just like her mom, but she posses her dad's eyes. She is on the lazy side, and she loves school. Especially home work. She's not really into boys yet, but that's okay, because her twin sister Cessy makes up for it. She is in her first year at Hogwarts.

Cecillia "Cessy" Bellatrix Malfoy:

She's the opposite of her sister. She only goes to school for one thing: BOYS. She's the child that poor Kimber and Draco are very wary of. She's head strong and doesn't like to do what she's told. She has a mouth that runs away from her and causes a lot of trouble. She is constantly in the Headmistress's office at school. She's the loud obnoxious one that Scorpius would rather not deal with. She is also in her first year at Hogwarts.

(You'll learn about the other characters throughout the story. And, of course, you all should know who Draco is by now. ^_^)