Status: coming soon.

Without A Doubt, You're All I Dream About.

Stories Yet To Unfold

Yet again some dude had to go and break my mum’s heart. I thought they were doing so well. I guess not. So yet again, we pack up all of our stuff and run away to a new town and this time, it’s Baltimore.
I stared out of the car window softly humming my favourite Blink 182 song to myself.
“We’re almost there, honey! Are you excited?” my mum asked.
“ecstatic!” I said in a sarcastic tone. I really wasn’t looking forward to this move.
It wasn’t exactly easy for me to ‘fit in’.
About twenty minutes later, we pulled up to the front of our new house.
“so? What do you think?” “Not too bad!” I said as a grin spread across my face.
It was a really pretty house.
After three hours of unpacking and sorting out all of our stuff I headed to my room to go to bed. I lay there staring at the blank walls. I really gotta put up some posters I thought to myself. The walls are so…naked. I was brainstorming ideas of how i could decorate my new room. I let my creativity flow until I had drifted off to sleep.

My alarm went off and 7AM. I groaned as I rolled over to turn it off. Then I remembered I was starting at a brand new school… yet again. I sighed and decided to get out of bed and get ready for my first day.
I got to school at 8:50. I had 10 minutes to spare before getting to my new science class.

The first bell finally rang and I made my way to the science labs. As usual, I went and sat at the back of the room. i could feel people staring at me as I took out my books. “Alright students, we have a new addition to our class! Everyone, please make Haley feel welcome.” I smiled as everyone turned to checked me out.

“Mr Barakat, since you are late to class, you have the honour of showing Haley around the school!”
A lanky dark haired boy stood at the front of the room. He was wearing black skinnies and a cute plaid shirt. This ‘Barakat’ boy simply replied with, “no worries, Mr Russell”. I was amazed. I thought he would’ve fought back or something.
But what really got me was when he came and sat next to me. “hi, I’m Jack! And I’ll be your tour guide.”
I couldn’t help but giggle. “I’m Haley, nice to meet you.”
He stared at me for a while until I said, “so, uhh…do you like science?” “me? Science? Pfft, heck no. but I do sense some chemistry going on between you and i.” he said with a wink. “Lay off the lame pick up lines, Barakat!” “Fuck you, Alex!”
The sandy haired boy in front of us just laughed at Jack’s reply, then he turned to me and said, “ignore him. He’s a douchebag.”
I didn’t know what to say so I smiled.
The lesson seemed to drag on for a bit, but finally the bell rang. “time for recess!” exclaimed Jack, and with that he walked out of the room.
“wait, where are you going?!” I shouted after him. “don’t worry bout him. I’ll show you around.” “oh thanks. Alex, was it?” “That’s me! C’mon let’s go sit outside.”

We made our way out to the playground to sit with whom I guess were Jack and Alex’s friends.
“This is Haley. She’s new. Introduce yourselves , bitches!”

The group consisted of five guys; Jack, Alex, Rian, Zack and Matt, who they’d call him by his surname, Flyzik. Just because it sounded so much cooler.
There was also Cassadee and Katie who I believed were Rian and Zack’s girlfriends. “Yay! Another girl has joined us! So nice to meet you, Haley!” gushed Cassadee.
She was extremely gorgeous.
Katie was super cute looking too, with her long, blonde hair. Ten minutes passed until another bell rang for my next class. I took out my new timetable, but it was snatched out of my hands by Katie. “Oh you’re in my English class! let’s go!” she said with a big smile and she grabbed my hand and dragged me to our class.

I was feeling the most comfortable I had ever felt at a new school.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay this is the first fanfic i've ever written so i apologise in advance if you think it's total crap.
feel free to leave me comments or suggestions on how i could improve my writing and story!! hope you guys like it :)
oh and sorry, it's a bit short!