Status: coming soon.

Without A Doubt, You're All I Dream About.

We Get High, We let go.

Jack’s P.O.V.

*** one week later***

For the past week that Haley had been staying over at my place was probably one of the best weeks ever. This girl was absolutely amazing.

I woke on Saturday feeling refreshed. I took a moment to realise what had happened last night. Oh, that’s right. Haley had slept with me. Not as in “slept with me” but as in, fell asleep WITH me. she was still asleep when I woke up. She was curled up close to my chest. He hair was spread out across the pillow, with a couple strands falling gently on her face. I didn’t want to move and wake her, so I decided to just lay there, holding her in my arms. Ten minutes passed until she started to stir.

“Morning, Hales.”

She groaned as she rubbed her eyes.

“Mmm. What time is it?” she asked.

“twenty past nine. Why do you ask? Got somewhere to be?”

“Yeah, I do actually.”

I was totally joking before, so I was taken aback by her response.

“What? Where to? I thought we could’ve done something fun today…”

“I was joking, Jack.” She said with a giggle. “so what adventure will you be taking me on today?”

“Well, the weather isn’t looking too good… how bout ice skating?” I suggested.

“Sure. But if I fall Barakat, you’re coming down with me!”

I laughed. “come here, you!” I said as I pulled her closer to me and kissed her.

It was nice knowing Haley was MY girlfriend and that Brian was out of the picture. I don’t think I could ever forgive him for what he did. Not to me, but to Haley.

“I smell pancakes!” I said.

She grinned. “Race you down there!!”

*** 2 hours later***

“Jack, I’m warning you. the ice and I don’t make a very nice pair. We don’t get along nicely…”

“Haley, you’ll be fine! Trust me.”

“Trust you?! last time you told me to ‘trust you’ we ended up getting the wrong bus which left us an hour away from home!”

Ha. That was true. My bad.

“I promise I won’t let you fall, okay babe?”

She sighed. “okaaaay.”

After we had put on our skates, I took her hand and went on the ice. Haley was freaking OUT. and I mean FREAKING OUT. she was squeezing my hand so hard I think my circulation got cut off.

“You ready?”

“N-n-no, not really, Jack! I’m shitting my pants over here, I don’t know if you can tell or not…”

“Oh, I can tell alright,” I said with a laugh. “On three, let go of the railing and push outwards with your feet, okay?”

She looked hesitant. “Alright…”

“I’m holding you, you’re not gonna fall.” I assured her.

Haley nodded. “ready? One… two… three!”

I pulled her as she let go, leading her to the middle of the rink.

“Jack! Slow down! Oh my god, I’m gonna die…!” I could hear her shouting at me…

“Haley, you’re fine! Just keep pushing outwards! Oh and if you think you’re gonna fall, point your knees inwards.”

I gotta admit, I wasn’t that bad on the ice myself. As a kid, my older brother Joe would take me just for fun, turns out I’m a natural.

I turned back to see how Haley was going. She had a concentrated look on her face, but when she saw me looking at her, she smiled.

“I’m surprised I haven’t fallen down yet…” she said.

“Nah, you won’t! I don’t know why you’re so freaked out by the ice, Hales.”

We continued to skate hand in hand as she explained the story to me.

“Weeeeell, when I was like, 7, I went ice skating for a friend’s birthday party and I uhh, kinda fell and broke my arm…I spent about a week in hospital and had that stupid sling for about three months. It was my right arm too, which meant I couldn’t write or draw. And I LOVED drawing.”

“Awwww, baby Haley! you must’ve been so cute! I don’t know what’s happened now…” I joked.

“Hey!” she lent over to punch me, but as she did she lost her balance and down she went.

And I went with her.

“fuck!” I yelled as my ass hit the cold, wet ice.

“Owww! My ass!” Haley whined.

“That was a nice fall! Thanks for bringing me down too!” I said.

“I did tell you that if I fell you were coming down with me!” she replied.

I tried to get up, but it was far too slippery that I kept on falling down. Haley was laughing hysterically. That put a smile on my face. I loved it when she laughed.

Finally I managed to get up and help Haley up too.

“At least I didn’t break my arm again, huh, Jack?”

“yeeeahh! Or else you wouldn’t have been able to draw…” I teased.

“Shut up.”

“Should we try that again?” I asked as I grabbed her hand again and pulled her towards the other side of the rink.

She had gotten the hang of it after a while, resulting in only another two collisions with the ice.
“Thanks, Jack.”

“Hmm, for what?”

“Helping me overcome one of my fears, duh!”

I laughed. “No worries, Hales. You wanna head over to Alex’s with me? I think we’ve got practice.”

“and hear my boyfriend play guitar? OF COURSE!” she replied.

So we caught the bus – the right one this time—to Alex’s house. The guys were surprised to see me arrive with Haley.

“Ohhhh I see why he’s late now, guys! Spending time with zee girlfrand!” Alex said.

“So where were you two?” asked Zack.

“Ice skating. Jack helped me overcome my fear!” Haley answered excitedly.

“Aww, how sweet of you, Jack!” Alex pulled a kissy face. I replied with the one finger salute.

“Aaaaanyway, there’s a new song Alex has been working on and we thought we could add in our instruments too today? Just to get a feel of the song.” Rian said.

“ooh, this is gonna be good.” Haley said as she made herself comfy on the couch.

“Lets do it.” I said.

Everything felt ‘in place’ at that moment. I was with my best friends, jamming to a new song, AND my girlfriend was there too. I couldn’t help but smile because my life was pretty fucking awesome right now. and Haley had a lot to do with that!
♠ ♠ ♠
pretty proud of this chapter! probably one of the cutest things i've written :) what did you all think?!
sorry it took over a week for me to update again, i had so much school work...
anyway, subsribe, comment and share this around? <3