Status: coming soon.

Without A Doubt, You're All I Dream About.

Shooting Love in Real Time

*** Haley’s P.O.V.***

I had been staying at Jack’s place for about two weeks now. I was starting to feel like part of the Barakat family, and it was a pretty nice feeling. My mum had called me about a week ago to tell me that my grandma had been diagnosed with bowel cancer, but thankfully they cut out the tumour before it spread. Mum was going to stay there just for a little while longer, just to make sure she can get around okay on her own. As long as my grandma was ok, I didn’t really mind if my mum stayed back in New York. I enjoyed living in the Barakat household.

It was a sunny, surprisingly quiet Sunday afternoon. Jack had gone out with Alex, and I decided to stay home and let ‘em have some space. I don’t know why, but I sensed a bit of a “bromance” going on between the two.

I was in the middle of procrastinating, watching random cat videos on youtube when my phone rang. ‘Jack’ flashed the name on the screen.


“Hey Haley! what you up to?”

“Nothing. The usual. Cat videos.”

He laughed. “Nice.”

“Wait, why are you calling me if you’re with uhh, your boyfriend?” I asked.

“ha-ha very funny, ” He answered sarcastically. “Actually, I’m not with him right now.”

“oh? Where are you then?”

“I’m guessing you’re in my room?”

“Yeahhh… why?!”

“Just look out your window!”

I peered down outside to the backyard, to see Jack standing there with a bouquet of flowers.

“Awww, Jack! What are you doing?!”

“flowers!” he simply replied.

I raced downstairs and flung myself into his arms.

“I can see THAT…but why? My birthday’s not until tomorrow!”

“Just an early present? I’m just such a great boyfriend, aren’t i?”

“You are, Barakat, you really are.” I was only up to his shoulders, so I got up on my tippy toes and let him kiss me.

“Thank you so much! They’re so purdy!”

“Just like you!” he replied.

I gave him a little shove. “oh, stop that.”

“I’m gonna go put these in a vase… and you’re mum made cookies. They’re inside.”

“COOKIES?” I laughed as I watched him run inside yelling, “MUM? WHERE ARE THE COOKIES? MUUUUUM? COOKIES????!!”

I loved how he still acted like a five year old. It made me laugh.
So yeah, it was my 17th birthday tomorrow. Fuck. It feels like a year
ago when I received that envelope containing my Blink 182 concert tickets for my 13th birthday. Ah, that was a good day. But this year was going to be different. My mum obviously wasn’t going to be with me since she’s back in New York, neither was my best friend Tay, and I would be spending it without Brian. I shuddered at the thought of that asshole. Speaking of Tay, I hadn’t spoken to her for aaaages. She’d probably call tomorrow, I figured. I missed her. Instead, I’d be sharing it with Jack! I was pretty stoked about that. He really was amazing.

***Jack’s P.O.V***
It’s Haley’s birthday tomorrow. Her first ever birthday she’s sharing with me as her boyfriend. I had been working on her gift for quite some time now, and I’m pretty sure she has no idea about it. good. I want it to be a surprise! And hopefully she likes it.
It was late Sunday late while I was putting the final touches on my masterpiece downstairs, when my mum walked in.

“What you doing there, Jack?” she asked.

“Putting the final touches on Haley’s present. I hope she likes it!”

“I’m sure she will. She’s a great girl. Oh, that’s what I needed to ask you. her favourite type of cake is chocolate fudge, yes?”


“Okay, I’ll make that while you’re at school tomorrow. Well, I’m off to bed. Don’t stay up much longer, it’s almost midnight and you won’t be able to wake up tomorrow.”

“Yeah, alright. Night mum.” And I kissed her goodnight.

I was not going to bed until I had perfected this. I wanted Haley to remember this birthday forever.

***Haley’s P.O.V***

I woke up the next morning with Jack’s face in MY face.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEAUTIFUL!” he said as he gently kissed my nose.

“Thank you so much, Jacky!” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down so I could kiss him.

At that very moment, my phone started buzzing.

“TAAAAAAAAY!” I shouted when I answered. Jack had his arms wrapped around my waist as I spoke.


“thank you! and I know, right?! Far too long. I miss seeing your face everyday!” I said.

“me too, girl. I wish I could come visit you!”

“well? Why don’t you?! Jack really wants to meet you.” he nuzzled his nose into the back of my neck. It tickled.

“Grades. I’ve fucked up big time….”

“do I want to know?” I asked.

“No, I don’t think you do.”

I laughed. “Ohh, I miss you. My mum’s actually in NY right now.” I explained the whole story to her.

“Are you serious?! That’s it, I’m going to visit her right after school today. Speaking of, I better go and get ready. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?! Have a great birthday, I LOVE YOU!”

she hung up.

“Alright, better get up!” I said as I struggled to get out of Jack’s grip.

“Jack! Let me go!” I giggled.

“Noooooo, stay here! With me!” he looked up at me with those big, gorgeous brown eyes.

“I want to , I really do. But I gotta get up…” finally I managed to set myself free.

He really is great, I thought to myself.

When I got downstairs, I was greeted with a big Happy birthday hug from Joyce.

“Happy Birthday, Haley!!”

“aw, thank you so much, Joyce!” I hugged her tightly.

“I’ve made you your favourite, nutella pancakes!” she said with a smile.

“I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done, Joyce. So, thank you!”

“it’s fine, love. Now hurry and eat! Or else you two will be late.”

I had a feeling today was going to be one birthday to remember.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, first of all sorry it took me over a week to update!! but i hope it was worth the wait.. yes ? no?!
hope you enjoyed it c: more drama soon? hmmm... ;)
thank you again for all the great feedback., it means alot <3