Status: coming soon.

Without A Doubt, You're All I Dream About.

Hey kid, You've Got a Lot of Potential.

Jack’s P.O.V

I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Haley, I mean. There was something about her…and the fact that she had Blink 182 on her iPod made her more attractive.
I loved the way she laughed at my jokes, even if she didn’t find them funny.
I guess she was trying to be nice. Her light brown hair had loose waves which suited her face and small frame perfectly.
i wonder if she’d be interested in me, I thought.
I must’ve had a concentrated look on my face because Rian threw a pillow at my face. “Dude, what’s up? You look like you gotta go to the bathroom…”

Oh right! Band practice.

I forgot I was meant to be strumming my guitar. “Remind me again why we let him join our band?” asked Zack.

“Because I’m the best looking out of all you and that probably would lead to our success!” I replied, pulling a face.

“Guys, come on! We gotta finish this new song..” Alex’s voice trailed off as my mind wondered back to Haley.

What are you doing, Barakat? Crushing on the new girl? She’s only been at the school for one day! I forced myself to get up and start jamming on my nifty purple electric. That should get my mind off her, i thought.

I had history first the next day at school. I walk in to the classroom to see Haley sitting in the back row- she seemed to like the back- so I decided to join her.
“Hey Jack!” she said with a cute smile.

“Heeeey gurlfraaand!” i was hoping she’d laugh at my response, and she did.

We chatted for a while until our teacher walked into the room, which caused the whole room to fall silent.
“oh no. this one’s a real bitch” I whispered to Haley. She let out a little snort.

Soon enough, the teacher had announced that we will be working in pairs on an assignment. I was so glad when she told me I was to be working with Haley.

“bleh! I’m stuck working with you?” she made a face.

“Hey! Fuck you!” We were walking home together, since I had invited her over that afternoon so we could get a start on our work.

“Welcome to my humble abode!” i said as we stepped into the house.

“Sweet house, Barakat!”


“Hi mum! I’m home, and I’ve bought over my friend Haley.”

As soon as she heard that she emerged from the kitchen with her dirty apron on.
“Very nice to meet you Haley! My name is Joyce, Jack’s mother.”

Haley smiled as my mum pulled her into a bear hug. This was getting embarrassing…

“uhh okay mum! We’re heading upstairs to get a start on our assignment…” and with that I dragged Haley up to my room.

“OH MY GOD, BLINK-182!” she gazed at my posters in amazement.
I laughed and replied with, “yeah! They’re kind of the reason the guys and I decided to start a band.”

Her jaw dropped down to the ground.


“it must’ve slipped my mind?” I said with a crooked grin.

“ha-ha, very funny, Jack. That’s so awesome.” She was looking at me with those big, brown eyes.

I could feel my face burning up. “I think we should get started.”

A half hour later, we had barely started. Instead, we had spent the whole time telling each other what our first Blink concert was like.

I started singing ‘All The Small Things’ and playing my air guitar when Haley joined in. We were jumping around like little kids until we collapsed onto the floor.

She laughed and then rested her head on my shoulder. She must’ve realised that I’d tensed up because she immediately lifted her head up.

What the fuck is your problem, Jack? Don’t you want her to like you? Stop being such an idiot.

We stared into each other’s eyes for a moment and before I knew it I was pulling her in for a kiss. I felt a shiver travel down my spine when her lips met mine. I looked up at her and grinned.

“I really like you, Haley.”

“So do I, Jack.”

My lips were still tingling when she said, “That was nice. But I really gotta go… see you tomorrow.”

She stood up and I watched her leave.
♠ ♠ ♠
first of all i just wanna say thank you for all the great feedback on my first chapter! :)
i had heaps of fun writing in Jack's P.O.V. it was a bit tricky but i think i did alright...
so what do you guys think is going to happen next?
i'll try update every Friday or Saturday.
hope you guys liked it!