Status: coming soon.

Without A Doubt, You're All I Dream About.

Here's To The Fast Times

Haley's P.O.V

As soon as i got home that night, from Jack's, i had to call my best friend, Tay, from back in Poughkeepsie NY.
"Tay! Oh my God, you'll never believe what just happened..."
I spilled out all that had happened in that past week, including the kiss i just shared with Jack.

"You're kidding right?! You can't be serious, Haley!" she sounded shocked.

"No, i'm not kidding..."

"Have you even told him about...?" her voice trailed off.

"No, i haven't Tay."

"Well, you should. Because this is gonna blow up big time in your face."

I let out a sigh.

"Yeah, you're right. It was good to hear your voice. Love you, Tay!"

I hung up from her and decided to go to bed. I would've fallen asleep sooner but my mind wouldn't let me. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened, and what was yet to unfold.

The next day at school I was nervous to see Jack. I wondered if he thought that kiss last night was a mistake. I surely didn't think so...

I didn't have any classes with him in the morning so i was totally surprised when Alex told me he had stayed home sick for the day.

"Oh, really?" i gulped.

"Yeah, said he caught a head cold overnight."

"Oh." was all i replied with.

"You 'kay, Hales?"

"Hmm? oh yeah, yeah, i'm cool. See you later, Alex!"

I quickly rushed off to my next class, which passed in a total blur.
My thoughts were all about Jack. They had been a lot about him lately.
Why hadn't he shown up to school?
That whole "oh, i caught a cold overnight" was total bullshit and i knew it. For some reason i knew it had something to do with me.

Had i done anything wrong? I mean, he was the one who kissed me. I just kissed him back...

"Haley? Could you please answer what i just asked you?" my history teacher's voice interrupted my thoughts.


"see me after class, please, Miss."

Fuck you, Jack.

I spent my last two lessons just like the ones before: thinking about Jack.

Once the final bell rang, i raced home to grab something to eat and head off again. I had a plan.

"Hi Haley! How was your day, sweetie?" asked my mum.

"Great!" I lied.

I quickly ran upstairs and put on my blue skinny jeans and my Blink shirt. It was so comfy. I went back downstairs, scanned the cupboards and found a muesli bar.

"Why in such a rush?" questioned mum.

"Oh, just gotta go see a friend. He was um, sick today." I put an emphasis on the word 'sick'.

"Ah! Okay. Just don't be home late, honey!" and with that off i went to Jack's house.

It seemed like the longest walk ever. I was thinking of ways of how I could tell him what i had to say. I couldn't live with the guilt.

I let out a huge sigh as i reached the Barakat's front door and rand the doorbell.

"Haley! My love! How are you?" a very happy Mrs Barakat answered the door.

"I'm fine thanks, Mrs Barakat. I was just wondering if i could talk to Jack?"

"Of course! He's in his rooms playing Skyrim, as usual!" she said with a laugh.


i went up the stairs as slowly as i could. I don't know if i was ready for what he was going to hear.

"Jack?" i opened the door.

"Hey, Haley. What are you doing here?" he looked surprised.

"Well, Alex told me you were, um, sick. and i couldn't help thinking that that was a load of bullshit, and the real reason had something to do with me?"

He just blinked.

"Gee, how'd you know, Hales?"

"Just tell me why you were a no-show today. it has something to do with the fact that we kissed, right?"

"Uh, yeah."

I stared right into his gorgeous brown eyes.

"I was worried that you wouldn't want to talk to me... you did get up and leave right afterwards... why was that?"

Again, i let out a sigh.

"That's why i came over, Jack."

"So you didn't come here to tell me off for not coming to school?"

A nervous laugh left my mouth.

"No. I have to tell you something, Jack."

"Oh, God ... don't tell me you're a lesbian, Haley!"

"JACK! no! i'm not a lesbian!"

"Oh...if not that, what is it then?"

"Umm... i've kinda got a boyfriend."
♠ ♠ ♠
there you guys go! eeeeeeeep, i hope you all enjoyed that chapter. i sure enjoyed writing it :D
if you haven't noticed, every second chapter i write will be in Jack's P.O.V. i'm still working on the length of my chapters, sorry. they're slowly getting longer, haha.
okay, so tell me what you think of this chapter! it would mean heaps :) <3