Status: coming soon.

Without A Doubt, You're All I Dream About.

Make All Of My Decisions For Me

Jack’s P.O.V

It felt like someone had punched me in my stomach. Hard.

“w-w-what?” I stammered.

“I’m so sorry, Jack! I should’ve told you sooner…but I didn’t know you liked me!”

I just looked at her. I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

“No, no. I’M sorry Haley. I should’ve known you had a boyfriend. Look at you. You are gorgeous. Any guy would kill for a girl like you.”

“Jack, don’t say that…”

“it’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?"
I followed her out the front door and watched her walk down the street until she was out of sight.

I was so angry. Not at Haley, but at myself. I was so stupid for kissing her. It was a big mistake.

Seriously, Jack. What was running through your mind last night? I thought. Fuckin’ hormones.

The next day at school was obviously going to be awkward. I hadn’t spoken to Haley since yesterday afternoon.

We had first period together, so I decided it was a good chance to break the ice.
“Hey Hales.”

“Hi Jack.”

God, she looked good today. As per usual.

“Okay, before you say anything, I just wanna let you know that I’m cool with you having a boyfriend and all. Can we uhh, move on from what happened?”

“are you sure Jack? I still feel terrible! But if you say so…”

A grin spread across my face. We kinda just sat there for two minutes staring at each other until we burst out laughing.

“I’m glad that’s sorted!” I announced.

The day flew by and before I knew it I was on my way home with Alex.

We were best friends and had been since the ninth grade. I had to tell him what had gone down with Haley…

“What’s up, Jack? I can tell you’re thinking about something. You’re awfully quiet.”

Damn it. He was good.

“oh yeah. I’ve gotta tell you something.”

He gave me a worried look.


“Don’t laugh. But umm, Haley and I, uhh, kissed the other night…”

I was afraid to look at his reaction; but when I did it was exactly what I had expected: his jaw down to the ground.

“Fuck, man! I didn’t think you were going to say THAT! Why hadn’t you told me you liked her?”

“Cause I wasn’t sure if I did! Plus you would’ve given me shit for having a crush on the new girl.”

“That’s true… so? What else happened?”

“she told me yesterday that she has a boyfriend back in New York.”

His face fell.

“Oh. Like a long-distance relationship kinda thing?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Hearing the reality of things made my stomach sink. I thought I was fine with the fact that Haley had a boyfriend. Obviously not.

“Don’t worry about it. i sort of had a feeling you weren’t sick yesterday.”

This boy knew me far too well. We were practically brothers anyway.

“Fuck you, Gaskarth. Let’s give Rian and Zack a call. I feel like jamming.”

We started playing a New Found Glory song to start off. We did name our band after one of their songs.
It felt good to get lost in the sound of my guitar and as cheesy as it sounds, the fact that my three best friends were around me made me feel great.

“Jack! You always fuck it up man!” teased Rian.

“well, you don’t even get a show cause you’re fat and ugly!” I replied.

“love you too, Jack!” he pulled a kissy face.

Zack was stuffing his face with a cheese sandwich which he had added ketchup to.

“So how’s Cassadee treatin’ ya?” Alex asked Rian.

“Great! Her and Haley have gotten really close lately, which is nice I reckon.”

That made me wonder if Haley had told her about our kiss. That would be kind of embarrassing for me, since I’m always firing smart remarks at her. Ha! Cass would have a field day teasing me about Haley. Karma’s a bitch, I guess.

I flinched at the sound of Haley’s name.

Fuck. What had gotten into me? I had told her earlier today that I was absolutely fine with her having a boyfriend. now I felt the complete opposite.

Alex must’ve seen me deep in thought, so he threw Rian’s drumstick at me.

“Ow! What was that for?!”

“Snap out of it.” he said. Very sternly, in fact that it worried me.

He was right. I had to accept the reality of what had happened, and what Haley had told me.
There was one way to make me forget about what was going on: play Blink-182 covers with my band, a.k.a., my best friends.

We finished band practice pretty late, around 11 I think it was. I was looking forward to getting in my bed and playing a bit of Skyrim. I managed to stay awake for another hour until I had fallen asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
aw poor Jack! he's confused.
this chapter was just a filler. there'll be some drama in the next couple chapters, then i plan on putting some cute chapters in :) where do you think this story's going to go?
again, sorry about the length.
thankyou for all the feedback too, keep it coming!