Status: coming soon.

Without A Doubt, You're All I Dream About.

Wide Awake, My Mistake.

Haley’s P.O.V

Jack hadn’t been himself the past few days. Even though he told me he was fine with me having a boyfriend, he wasn’t cracking jokes or talking as much as usual. I could really feel the guilt now.

I didn’t know what to do. Should I try talk to him again? I’d probably make a bigger fool out of myself. But then there was no other way of solving this problem. Tay was right. This did blow up in my face.

Big time.

I don’t even know why I let him kiss me that night. I knew it was wrong, yet I couldn’t help myself. I guess you could say I was falling for him.

My boyfriend back in New York wasn’t like Jack. He’s captain of the school football team. We met at the end of ninth grade, when he had first asked me out. We got super close and decided to keep dating. He made me feel special. I needed that, since my mum was always too busy with work and trying to keep HER boyfriend at the time happy.

When I told him that I was moving to Baltimore, he held me and said, “I’ll miss you.” I asked him if we were going to keep seeing each other and he suggested that we try that whole ‘long distance relationship’ thing. I said it was worth a shot.

But the whole three weeks I had been in Baltimore he hadn’t called me once. When Jack kissed me that night, so many memories came flowing back to me. I had actually forgotten about Brian until then.

That kiss I shared with Jack was something I had never felt before. sure, Brian and I had kissed a fair few times, but it was nothing like Jack’s kiss. I couldn’t help but wonder if I wanted Jack or Brian more right now.

Luckily my thoughts were interrupted by my mum knocking on my bedroom door.

“Morning Hales! How are you today, sweetheart?”

“I’m alright.”

“Well, I’m going out to do some grocery shopping, then I’m going to go get my hair done. I won’t be too long!” she gave me a kiss on the head and headed out.

I had to make things right again between Jack and I. it was only 9am, but I decided to send Jack a text.

Hey, mind coming over in a bit? I wanna talk to you x , read the text.

I let out a sigh as I pressed send.

I got out of bed and pulled on my trackies and hauled my favourite jumper over my head and made my way down to the kitchen.
I was taking my time getting breakfast ready when I heard a knock on the door.

Jack’s here already? I glanced at the clock. 9:45am.

I went and opened the door to see Jack standing there in black skinny jeans, another Blink 182 shirt and a pair of Nike shoes.

“Morning!” he said with a smile.

“Hey Jack! Thanks for coming over.”

I couldn’t help but drool over his aftershave as he walked inside. Damn, he smelt good.

He planted himself on the couch and turned on the TV.

“oooo yay! Spongebob’s on!”

“Saturday morning cartoons ay, Barakat?” I said as I sat beside him.

Neither of us said anything for a couple minutes until Jack asked,

“So uhh, you wanted to talk to me?”

“oh yeah. Okay I’m just going to come right out and say it. you haven’t been yourself lately Jack. And I know—“ he cut me off.

“I don’t understand Haley! Why did you kiss me back then? If you had a boyfriend? huh? Why?”

I felt a tear run down my face. Great. This was not meant to happen.

I poured out the whole story; how I met Brian, why we got together, yada yada.

“But then I met you, Jack. You were funny, and the way you smiled…then when we kissed.. I just felt differently about everything” I sobbed.

“Don’t cry, please don’t. you’re too beautiful to cry!”

“Damn it, Jack! That’s why I kissed you back. Brian never ONCE said that I was beautiful.”

At that moment he put his arm around me and wiped away a tear from my check.

“why did you stay with him then, Hales?”

“because. He made me feel loved. He gave me attention, unlike my mother.”

Oh boy. Here come more tears. I burst out crying again.

“shhh, it’s alright Haley. I’m here for you now. even if I’m not your boyfriend, I’ll take care of you.” Jack said as he pulled me close to his chest and hugged me.

“thanks, Jack. And listen, I’m sorry about everything. Please don’t hate me.”

“hate you? Never!” he said with a laugh.
I pushed him gently. “come on, let’s go out.”

“okay, just let me go get changed. I’ll be back.”

I raced up the stairs, got changed and grabbed my phone.

“Ready.” I said.

As soon as I pulled the front door close behind me, I got a message on my phone.

Hey babe! Sorry I haven’t called you yet! Been busy training. Well I’ve got a week off so I’ll be catching a flight to Baltimore next weekend to come see you. Hope you haven’t missed me too much! Xx Brian

My heart sunk and my hands started to shake. My face must’ve turned white too.

Speak of the devil, I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haley broke down! and yes, Brian from the Summer Set is her boyfriend!
this chapter is leading up to some mega drama, as you can probably tell...
it was heaps fun to write this chapter c: thank you again for all the great feedback <3
i'll update again hopefully on friday!