Status: coming soon.

Without A Doubt, You're All I Dream About.

You Can't Fill These Shoes

Jack's P.O.V

It was the perfect day for a walk through the park. I'm glad Haley had told me everything she did. and what i said to her... i did mean it. As much as i wished i was her boyfriend, i wasn't. But that didn't mean i couldn't take care of her and make her feel better when she needed it.

And let's be honest... what kind of boyfriend was this Brian guy? He hadn't even called Haley once since she arrived in Baltimore. Oh and Haley said he hadn't ever told her she was beautiful? What a dick.

I had to admit i was slightly jealous of him. I would do anything to have Haley as my girlfriend.

"Hey, Jack?" Haley's sweet voice interrupted my thoughts.


"Can we go feed the ducks?" she said with a smile.

She was adorable. I could feel myself falling more in love with her every second. Damn it.

We ran over to the pond, then i realised something.

"Uhh, Hales? We didn't bring anything to feed 'em!"

She burst out laughing.

“Oh. Right. What now?”

“Come to my place for lunch. I’m sure my mum’s got something cooking.”

So off we went back to my place. My mum was over joyed to see Haley, as usual. And I was right. She had spaghetti Bolognese cooking on the stove.

“Thanks for feeding me, Joyce. It was so good. You should come and give my mum lessons, she’s terrible…”

It was an hour later and Haley was on her way home.

“I’ll walk you home. I’ve got nothing better to do , actually.” I said.

I was so glad things were back to how they were, you know, just us two messing around, singing Blink 182 songs at the top of our lungs. But there was still one thing that was bugging me.

“I had fun today, thanks Barakat!”

“So did I. see you tomorrow!” and I lent in giving her a hug. And this time I made sure my lips didn’t meet hers.

It wasn’t even 4pm yet and I didn’t want to go home, so I decided to walk to Alex’s house. It wasn’t that far from Haley’s anyway.

I had to tell him what had gone down. He was like my long lost brother after all.

“What are you doing here? I thought you would’ve been sucking Haley’s face off again.”

I punched him, hard.

“shut up, dick face!” I shot back.

“I was just kidding, jeez…” he said, rubbing his arm where I had punched him.

I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I blurted out everything that Haley had told me about Brian.

“It just makes me so mad, you know? What kind of boyfriend doesn’t tell his girlfriend that she’s beautiful? And she cried Alex, she CRIED. I just couldn’t. I couldn’t see her like that…”

“Dude… this guy needs a kick up the ass.”

“I’m jealous of him. I want Haley to be mine. Not his. By the sounds of him, I don’t like him much already and I haven’t even met him!”

“dude—“ I cut Alex off. I could feel myself getting angry.

“There’s nothing I hate more than a guy taking FOOTBALL more seriously than his girlfriend—“ then Alex cut me off.

“I understand, Jack. But what can we do?”

I let out a big sigh.

“I don’t know.”

We just sat there for a bit, neither of us saying anything.

Finally, Alex said, “But things are cool with you two now, right?”

“Oh yeah, yeah. We’re cool. I just gotta let it go… I think.”

I was angry at myself because I had let myself get so … angry.

“Anyway! Enough of my problems… how’s that new song coming along?” I asked.

“Pretty good, pretty good! I just need to teach you how to play guitar first, then it’ll be an All Time Low smash hit!”

“Fuck you. You’re hilarious!”

It felt good spending time with Alex. Brother from another mother.

The next week at school flew by. I had gotten over the Brian issue after seeing Haley back to her usual, laughing self.

“Come over again tomorrow, Jack. We’ve still got that project to do together.” Said Haley.

I made my way to her house the next day. I was excited to see her… damn it, I was always excited to see her.

“This thing’s due in like, two days! How are we going to finish it?!” Haley was freaking out.

“Calm down! We’ll manage…how bout we watch a movie first?”
Honestly, I couldn’t care less about this stupid project. I was just happy to be spending more time with Haley.

“Ahhh, procrastination. I like it, Barakat.” She said with a wink.

Of course, we didn’t watch the movie, we were too busy talking about “stuff”.
Our argument about which flavoured jelly bean is the best was interrupted by the doorbell.

“FUCK!” she shouted.

“What’s the matter?!”

“I totally forgot Brian was flying over this weekend! Oh God. I’m sorry Jack. I forgot to tell you.

I was feeling so much better when I had told you everything I just forgot… fuck.”

“It’s fine, it’s fine! I wanna meet this Brian dude anyway.” I replied.

She gulped then headed for the front door.

“HALEY! Baby! I’ve missed you!”

A blonde, curly haired boy with green eyes pulled Haley in for a kiss. I cringed.

“How have you been, Brian?!” she gushed.

Well, this was getting slightly awkward. He hadn’t even noticed me sitting on the couch.

“Busy! I’m so sorry babe I hadn’t called you. Just you know, football season coming up and everything.”

That annoyed me. Make time for her, you prick.

I forced out a cough. I couldn’t sit there any longer.

“Who’s he?”

“oh, uhh, Brian, meet Jack. He was my tour guide on my first day at school. we’re really good friends now.” said Haley.

“’Sup, bro.” he gave me a head nod. Okay then.

“Uh, hi.”

“Do you guys want anything? A coke? Lemondade?” offered Haley.

“Coke please, Hales!” i said.

“Make that two!” added Brian.

He came and sat next to me.

“So, have you been looking after my Haley?” he asked.

“Yeah, you could say that, I guess.”

“Good. Because if you do anything to hurt her, I will punch your face in.”

Was this guy for real? He was going to punch my face in? dick.

“Oh, you don’t need to worry about me hurting her.” Thankfully at that moment Haley came back from the kitchen.

“You two getting on alright?” she said with a smile.

“Of course! Jack and I are going to get on well!” Brian lied.

I couldn’t believe him. He had just said that he was going to punch my face in.
“How long you gonna be here for, Brian?” I questioned.

“well, I’ve missed my Haley so much, so I’ve decided to stay for a week. Hope you don’t mind Hales!”

“No, that’s fine. You’re on the couch though!”

Oh thank God they weren’t sleeping in the same bed. I don’t think I’d be able to handle that.
I sighed.
This was going to be an interesting week.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it took a while for me to update... i just really wasn't motivated haha!
hopefully this chapter wasn't a disappointment. what do you all think? team Jack, yeah?!
thank you again for all the amazing feed back, it means alot! :)
i'll update again sooooon!
oooh and follow me on twitter @ATListheShizz