Status: coming soon.

Without A Doubt, You're All I Dream About.

Choke on Your Misery.

Haley’s P.O.V.

I had totally forgotten that Brian was coming over that weekend. I was just so happy with the way things were going between Jack and I that Brian didn’t even cross my mind once. And when I say I forgot about him, I’m dead serious. It had sIipped my mind completely that I hadn’t even warned Jack.

It felt like someone had punched me hard in the gut when I heard that doorbell ring. I felt the colour drain from my face as soon as Jack asked what was wrong. I was actually surprised at his reaction when I told him Brian was coming over from New York. He took it very well, I’d say.

It was nice to see Brian’s face again. He had been there for me whenever I needed someone. Well, most of the time anyway.

Once Brian had settled inside, I went to fetch the boys their requested Cokes. I could hear them talking from the lounge room and it sounded like they were getting along great. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“So guys, what do you wanna do?” I asked.

“Uh, actually, I think I might head home and leave you two to catch up and what not… talk to you later, Hales.” Said Jack as he stood up, gave me a a hug and headed to the front door.

“Nice bloke.” Brian said.

“Yeah, he is.” I simply replied.

I didn’t know what to say. I mean, I was happy he had shown up, but part of me still wanted Jack here, too.

“You alright, Haley? You seem upset.”

“Oh, no, I’m fine! Just a shock to finally see you.”

“I missed you, babe.” He said as he moved in closer to me.

Oh my God I felt so awkward right now. but why? He was my boyfriend.

Before I knew it he grabbed my waist and pulled me in, his lips meeting mine. I went along with it until I had a thought about Jack. I pulled away.


“what’s up with you, Hales?” he frowned.

“Nothing. Seriously, it’s nothing.” I lied.

I hated Jack right now. why did he have to ruin a moment like this, even if he wasn’t there in person.
“If you say so… “

I really didn’t know what to say to him. All I know is that it didn’t feel the same way it had back in New York. Before I had met Jack.

We sat there in silence for a couple minutes until I said,

“I guess I should show you around, huh? There’s a really good pizza place down town, we could go for lunch."


After two hours of sorting out Brian’s suitcase, I decided to give my mum a call and let her know about Brian’s appearance and our plans for lunch.

“Oh, how nice of him to fly all the way out to Maryland to see you!” she gushed. “You must be estatic!”

“of course I am. So we’ll see you when you get home. and don’t worry, mum, Brian’s sleeping on the couch.”

“Good! I’m glad you two figured it out. have fun, honey! Love you!”

I hung up and grabbed my hoodie.

“Let’s go!”

Brian and I held hands as we walked down the street together. It definitely didn’t feel the same. I felt so fucked up right now.

Ham and pineapple was both mine and Brian’s favourite topping on pizza, so we ordered that. He cracked some jokes, and I pretended to laugh but the truth is, they weren’t as funny as Jack’s. we ate our pizza, sat and spoke for a while about the usual; Brian’s training schedule, Brian’s training schedule and did I mention, Brian’s training schedule? It seemed that his love for football had grown. Ha! And I didn’t even think that was possible.

My mum was happier to see Brian that evening more than I was to see him. And he’s MY boyfriend. she rarely spoke to the guy.


“It’s lovely to see you, Brian! How’s the football going?”

“It’s going great! Always training, as usual!” he said with a laugh.

“ah yes! Well, I’ll be down here if you two need anything.”

At that moment my phone buzzed. Ooh, a text message.

From Jack.

“how are things going with Brian? ;)” it read. I didn’t know what to reply.

“Oh, great! Just about to get it on, ya know?!”

ha-ha. I knew that’d get him. I was totally joking of course.

We lay around for the rest of the night watching movies and I listened to Brian tell me more about his upcoming football season.

“Aw, gee, I wish I could see you play again, Brian!” I said with a tone of sarcasm in my voice. I dunno if he bought that or not.

“That’s alright, Hales. So how’s life here?”

Wow. This was the first time in what, 5 hours that he had asked ME a question.

“I love it here, I’ve made some really amazing friends! Jack was my tour guide on the first day and we really hit it off. His friends are awesome, too. Alex, Zack and Rian are his band mates, and Cass-“
he stopped me in my tracks.

“Wait, he plays in a band?! Haha. That’s… interesting.”

I gave him a look.

“what do you mean?”

“I mean, I wouldn’t expect him to play in a band.”

He stammered.
“it just seems like he doesn’t know how to even … play. Seems a little , I don’t know… gay?”

That made me mad. I couldn’t hold in my anger anymore. I had to listen to him talk about his football and training and all his crap all day. I just exploded.

“Yeah, well, who the hell are you, Brian, to say that Jack can’t play guitar? You haven’t even heard him play! And for being gay? What the fuck? Just because he doesn’t play football 24/7 like YOU, Brian doesn’t make him gay. Stop being so fucking narrow-minded.”

I could’ve raged on for much longer but I forced myself to calm down. I looked at Brian. It looked like someone had told him that World war 3 was about to take over.

“Jesus, Haley. Why are you getting so defensive over this guy? I didn’t mean to get you angry…” he trailed off.

“I don’t know. I just want to go to bed. See you in the morning, Brian.”

What had just happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
eeee! Haley blew up in Brian's face! what did you all think of that chapter?! it was fun to write aggressively c;
might update again tomorrow or sunday. let me know what you think! and again, still working on the length of my chapters.
hope you enjoyed it!