Status: Starting

Happiest Time


February 20th, 2008, 3:37am. Skylar was sleeping in her apartment, when she was awaken by the loud noise of what appeared to be glass shattering. She immediately got out of bed, to see what had happened. She slowly walked out of her bedroom, and carefully turned on the living room light switch. Skylar was in shock to see her window cracked. She didn't stress the window and began to clean the broken pieces of glass on the floor, a few minutes later she hears someone banging on her front door. Skylar looks over to the door, and wonders who could it possibly be at this time. She goes over to the door and looks into the peep hole. She sees nothing, she slowly opens the door and sees a man on the floor.

"Sir, are you okay?" Skylar question the mysterious man.
The guy didn't say anything, he appeared to be unconscious. Skylar didn't know what to do, it was so cold outside, and she didn't want the guy to freeze to death. She then struggles to pull him inside. She leaves him on the floor, and goes to her bedroom and grabs a quilt. She puts the quilt on top of him, so he could warm up. Skylar didn't want to go back into her bedroom, so for the rest of the night she stayed in the living room sofa, waiting for him to wake up.
It was already 8 in the morning. Skylar was half asleep, when she heard him move a bit. She immediately snapped out of it. She stood up and went over to him.

"Get up!" She yelled at the man.
"Where am I?" The man said as he was trying to wake up.
"You're in my apartment, you banged on my door, and I found you unconscious. I decided to bring you inside, I didn't want you to freeze out there." Skylar explained.
Aidan took a good look at the girl, and was completely mesmerized by her looks, her long straight brown hair, and her crystal blue eyes took his heart away.
"I think I had one to many, I don't remember any of that… I'm sorry for causing you any problems. I'll be going, thanks for bringing me in. I appreciate it." He said.
"Do you even know how to get home?" She asked.
"Well, no. My head is pounding, and I feel sick." He replied.
"You can stay a little longer. It's not a problem. I'll go make coffee, stay here." She told him.
Skylar went over the kitchen. She began to prepare the coffee, and while the coffee was brewing she began to think of the mysterious man. "What am I doing? I don't even know the guy." Skylar thought to herself. As her thoughts were taking over her mind. The mysterious man, looked over and saw her cell phone. He looked over to see if Skylar was looking his way. He then took the opportunity and grabbed her cellphone, and took her number. Skylar then came inside and handed him a cup of coffee, he thanked her.

"Your window is cracked." Aidan points out to the window.
"Yeah, it happened last night. It was weird." Skylar told him.
"How so?" Aidan asked.
"I was sleeping then, I was awaken by this. Then you showed up. It's just weird." She explained.
"I see. I'm sorry once again. I'll be on my way now. Thank you for everything Skylar." Aidan told her as he got up and opened the front door.
"How do you know my name?" Skylar asked.
Skylar was confused to how could he possibly know her name.
"Your mail, its on the floor, and it says Skylar Wisemen all over it." Aidan points over to the little pile of mail.
Skylar looked over to the mail and when she looked back at the door he wasn't there. She got up, and went over to the door, but he was already gone. Skylar then wonder if she was ever going to see him again. She walked over to her room, and finally went to sleep.