Status: Give it a shot! And sorry for the grammar errors and different tenses... English is not my first language ^_^;



The next day Alison woke up with a head ache. She and Tom stayed up watching re-runs of Scrubs and went to bed at four in the morning. It was eleven in the morning; she asked herself why on earth was she awake at that hour. Her mom knocked on the door and Alison grunted louder, what does she want?

She yawned. “What?”

“Get up, you have a guest.” Alison lifted an eyebrow and got up. If it was Monica she would just come right here and slap Alison on the forehead to wake up, and she doubted Trevor would come.

“Coming!” she took her cell phone and noticed that she had six text messages. One was from Monica, it said:

I found the perfect club to hang tonight, it’s this new place called ‘Sunset’ and Linda told me she can get us in. I’ll text you later the details, oh just in case bring your fake ID!

Alison texted her back and told her that she will go and that she will be ready around ten. The other three texts were from Trevor. Each one said that he was sorry and that they needed to talk, that he hoped that they would meet today and that he will explain everything. She ignored them for the moment and checked the other two. They were from Kevin:

I need you right now.

The second one said:

I’m going to your house right now.

“What!” she got up from her bed and ran downstairs to the living room. There he was with his dorky sunglasses and stained t-shirt. “What the hell, man!” Kevin looked the other way; Alison was in a big t-shirt… only a big T-shirt.

“I texted you,” he blushed.

“You should have waited for my reply!” Tom looked from the kitchen, uninterested.

“Keep it down, will ya!” he said and popped back in. Alison crossed her arms.

“Wait for me in my room, let me get ready. You didn’t even get me a chance to brush my teeth.” Kevin mumbled a sorry and fallowed Alison to her room. Kevin looked up and saw her underwear, it was dark purple and the borders where neon greed. They fitted perfectly to the curves of her perfect bottom. “Stop peeping.” She said and he looked away. Alison went and opened the door and then closed it quickly.

After a few minutes of brushing her teeth, cleaning her face and brushing her hair she got out of the bathroom and entered her bedroom. Kevin was sitting on her bed waiting like a good little boy. He really needed a makeover, if she was going to this with this guy he better look decent. Alison sat next to him, he looked nervous.

“Can you explain to me this?” she crossed her legs and arms. “You understand that we can’t have sex right now.” Kevin nodded. It was more that she wasn't really ready to do it than the factor that her mother and brother were downstairs.

“I-I just want to touch you…” Alison looked at him confused. “I liked how I felt yesterday and I want to feel like that again.” Alison got up and locked the door.

“Well, one of the rules was to come whenever the other wants.” She went to her iHome and played Something from Escape the Fate high enough so that no one could hear what-ever noise might come out, but low enough just in case she hears something, that would have giving time to compose themselves.

Alison laid down on her bed and waited for Kevin to take action. He was nervous, she looked so beautiful. She wasn’t wearing any braw and he could see how her nipples were getting hard, he reached for them. They were softer than before and he loved the feeling. Kevin got on top of Alison and pushed her T-shirt up exposing her breasts and belly. With his hands he touched every inch of Alison, she was so soft… again he wanted to eat her. He kissed her gently, their tongues met and they were wrestling for dominance. Alison let out a gasp when she felt Kevin slide down his other hand were her lady parts were. He started to cares the tip of the clit slowly and lightly, it was driving her crazy! She tried to get the hand away from them but Kevin used the other hand that was feeling her breasts and grabbed both her wrists and pinned them down above her head.

“K-k-kevin!” but he didn’t let her talk; he sucked her lips until they were very red.

He pulled his face away and saw what he had done. She looked so much in pleasure that she was rolling her eyes every time he pressed harder on her clit. He smiled. Alison noticed that Kevin wasn’t the Kevin she knew, this was another person. They way he looked at her and the way he smiled, like he was enjoying how she looked made her more wet. Kevin went down and sucked her breast; she let out a loud moan. He licked, sucked and bit her nipples until they were sore. Then he pulled down her panties and felt her completely. Alison screamed his name and that made him hard; she was so wet, it was like she was begging for it. Slowly he pushed his fingers inside her, she let out a whimper and a tear escaped her eyes. When they were completely in, he kissed her mouth slowly and lightly, every time he went in and out he kissed her on her mouth, neck, breasts…

Suddenly there was a sensation building up. Every time he pushed his fingers and cares her clit with his thumb she felt like she was going to die in ecstasy, she was about to cum. “K-k-kevin! I-I-I’m about to… c-cum!” Kevin kissed her and whispered in her ear.

“Cum for me, Alison.” He went faster and faster and that made her scream louder and louder. When she was about to cum he covered her mouth and she yelled. The way her scream felt on his hand made him want her more. Alison went lip and Kevin stopped, he pulled his fingers and laid next to her. She was panting and in pain, she felt wonderful. “Are you ok?” she nodded.

It took some time until she spoke. “Never better.” At that moment, there was no regret.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that it was short and I hope it was good ^^ Comment please! Love you all!!