Status: Give it a shot! And sorry for the grammar errors and different tenses... English is not my first language ^_^;



“Damn it!” yelled Alison. Kevin got out of the bed and helped her get up; when she got up from the bed to get something, her legs trembled and fell on her knees. She didn’t have the strength to stand still. “God, my legs are trembling!”

“My God, Alison! Are you ok?” Alison snapped her head at Kevin.

“Do I look ok?” He didn’t answer that. “Apparently you did a good job. If you are this good with only your fingers—I can’t imagine with… something else.” Kevin blushed and burry his head in her pillow, “What’s wrong?” there was a long pause.

“I can’t believe we just did that…” Monica grabbed his collar.

“Don’t you dare regret this. You are in this with me, you better not back away.” Kevin looked at Alison. She really meant everything that she said; this was more to her than some fling. It’s true that she only loves Trevor but isn’t she depending too much on Kevin? What would happen if he ever stops?

“I won’t. I’m already this far, I’m not backing down now.” That brought a smile to her face.

She chuckled and crawled on top of Kevin, he looked at her. He didn’t smile because he knew how she was feeling. He was a dork but not ignorant; but he asked himself why was he leting her feel like that? Was he letting her do all of those things just to get in her bed, or because he pitied her? Kevin was choosing her now but that didn’t mean that he loved her, and Alison was full aware of that—which made it more wonderful for her. She was feeling superior and he was letting feel like that. And what’s more? He didn’t feel guilty about it because in the end he had someone waiting when all of this ends, unlike her who will end up alone.

“Should I reward you for that?” she groped his crotch. He hissed and reached too kiss her, the more the groped it the harder he got. He grunted, hissed… moaned; he even rolled his eyes in pleasure. Kevin felt so good… Slowly Alison unbuttoned his jean and unzipped his zipper. There was a bump in his grey underwear, softly and slowly she touched it until it was completely hard. Kevin loved how her delicate fingers, with semi long nails touched his throbbing dick. “You like that, don’t ya?” he nodded. Alison slowly started to pull down the underwear revealing his hard dick. With one of her fingers she touched the tip.

“Don’t… teas me like that…” Alison looked up and gave him a devilish smile. She licked her fingers, making them wet enough so that when she touched the tip, it would feel good. “Jesus… Alison.” He gasped.

“Maybe I should take this to another level?” Alison took Kevin’s dick with a grip, slowly she opened her mouth and when there were only inches apart someone knocked on the door.

Both of them jumped, startled. Alison fell down her bed and went to her closet, took a pair of pants and put them on. Kevin was trying to get his dick inside his pants but it only hurt. Alison whispered to him to hurry, so he took his long shirt and wrapped it around his waist, the sleeves covered the bump in his pants. Now he looked more of a dork with his Assassin’s Creed grey shirt. Alison hurried to the door and opened it.

“Alison, can you turn down that music?” said Trevor, he looked over Alison’s shoulder and saw Kevin looking out the window. Alison’s heart jumped, her face heated up… she was speechless. Kevin turned over and saw Trevor. He was surprised that he was here, he looked at Alison and wonder what she was thinking… what she’ll do.

Alison pointed at the iHome and Kevin turned down the music. “What are you doing here?”

“I came here to see how you were feeling.” Alison looked down and then at Kevin.

“Can you give us a moment?” Kevin walked toward the door.

“Actually I have to go; Wilma is expecting me to call her. I’ll see you later.” Kevin stretched his hand and Trevor took it. “See you at school on Monday Trevor.” Both of them nodded.

Alison stepped away and walked towards her messy bed and sat on it. She was still annoyed about what happened last night; he should have done something to let her know… her brother was right. Alison looked up with her eyes at Trevor. What kind of excuse does he have now? Will he tell her the truth and try to excuse himself? Even though he doesn’t know about her true feelings, she was still his best friend and friends should never be treated like that. He should start thinking with his head and not his dick. God, he hated him right now. The pain she had on her entire body made her stronger and angrier.

Trevor sat beside her and looked at the floor. Alison crossed her legs and waited for him to speak. “Sorry about last time.” He let out a sigh. Only last night? What about ditching me? Lying to me? Alison wanted to scream at him but she decided to let him continue. “I wasn’t aware…” she rolled her eyes.

“Aware that I’m still your friend.” Alison looked at Trevor in the eyes. “Honestly Trevor, I never thought that you would rank me second over a girl you just met.” Alison lied. She was waiting for an opportunity to play the I-know-that-you-cheated-card.

“I would never do that.” Alison rolled her eyes.

“Really? Like you would never ditch me Thursday morning? Like you would never lie to be about stopping dating other girls?” Trevor looked down and scratched his head.

“I know and I’m sorry.” Alison thought of something, maybe she should test him to see how much he is willing to trust her.

“Just tell me the truth… ok?” he touched his shoulder softly. “I don’t know why you didn’t trust me—I would never do that to you… ever. You know that I will never judge.” Trevor looked down thoughtful. “We have known each other for years… years!”

“I know, I know.” Trevor looked at Alison. “But you should understand that there are things that I can’t tell you. I have a private life too.” That was it. Trevor just failed her, failed the test. Now it was more on then ever. Alison stood up and walked toward the window; she touched her cheek and covered her mouth with her fingers in disbelief. Trevor looked at her, waiting.

“It’s not about a private life, Trevor.” She scoffed and faced him. “It’s about trust and understanding. Sure, you have your own problems in your life, and so do I. God, I have secrets that not even you know about!” Trevor was actually shocked about that part. He just said that he had secrets that she didn’t know but that didn’t mean that she should have them too. Trevor felt that he was sure about Alison telling him everything—that was selfish of him.
“I may have Monica but we have history, we have been through tough times together and when you ditch me I felt like you didn’t care. I bet you didn’t even thought about any of that when you were with that girl, Billy. I am talking about friendship Trevor; I’m not one of your “guy” friends. I actually felt hurt. You have never done this to me.”

“I understand now, Alison. But I don’t see why you are so upset.”Alison narrowed her eyes and held her breath. She was so angry at him right now that she didn’t know what kind of things she would have said to him. What she was capable off. “I have a girlfriend now, Alison. You will always be my friend, my best friend but right now I am paying more attention to her. You should know this already.” Alison nodded just to shut him up.

“Sure, sure, sure, sure. What makes her different from your past relationship? You have never ignored me when you were with the others!” Alison threw her hands in the air. “Jesus Christ, Trevor! You have known her for just a few days!” which was a lie. “I can’t believe we are having this argument. This has never happened before!”

“Why are you making such a huge deal about this?” he yelled back.

“Because I’m afraid to lose you!” Trevor looked at Alison. The room went quiet. What should Alison do now? How could she save herself from making Trevor believe she wasn’t in love with him? “I’m afraid to lose this friendship.” There, she did it… she thought. “You know what, if you want to throw away this, go ahead. I feel hurt, replaced… but I don’t care anymore. I guess a clean pussy is better than anything.”

“Hey!” he yelled at her. “Don’t talk like that!”

“I can talk how the fuck I want! You don’t care at all!” she went to the door and opened it.

“You are making this seem like I’m selfish! Just because I have a girlfriend doesn’t mean I am going to ignore you but you have to understand that I am in love with someone and I can’t be with you like always. I can’t mix my friendship with my relationship with my girlfriend! That’s not how things work! You have to understand that!” Trevor walk to her and looked at her in the eyes.

“I understand that I was with you way before her and that maybe this thing that you have may not last! I will always be here for you and you are taking it for granted!” There was a long pause; neither of them was looking at each other. “I am tired of thinking of you before me while you can forget about me when there’s another girl. I don’t care anymore, so you can just forget about me.” Trevor was about to say something but she interrupted him. “When you realize that what we have is not replaceable call me, but in the mean time don’t you dare look for me.” She pushed Trevor out her room and slammed the door in his face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow! That was long! XD Hope you guys like it! Comment! Love you all!