

Everybody knows that in sometime in their life something will happen that will turn it completely around. Whether it is losing something, or even someone, important to you, or discovering something new like a cure for a cancer, or more realistically, a new friendship. Simple things or large things can set someone’s life on a new path, for better or for worse. That’s what happened to mine.
My life is simple. I’m in high school, my story takes place around sophomore year, I was 15. Everyday I’d wake up, shower, eat breakfast, leave, go to school, do work, eat lunch, do more work, come home, do homework, eat dinner, study, then sleep, and the process starts all over again. I’m not one for change, it’s not a friend of mine and I’m not a friend of it. But that soon became a problem. See, as people get older, changes surround them. From physical changes to mental changes. Hell, even “style” never stays the same. But I learned ways around that. I suck in my gut, wear what I find in my closet and embrace the world. I scarcely buy new clothing, but what was in when I was younger will be in again in about 10 years. I have my fathers old clothing, he used to wear tight pants and long baggy shirts, mostly Bill Cosby-like sweaters, so that’s what you will typically find me in. Lucky for me, that’s what the current style is. I also don’t like haircuts. My hair is quite long, but not to the length of wear you’d see me wearing a pony tail or banging my head around while beating up a guitar. It falls below my ears and covers my eyes, it’s shaggy and black, my natural color. I don’t like hair dye, I know the rumors of it making your hair fall out is false, but I don’t like change, you’re going to want to remember that.
Anyway, I’m thin, some people say too thin, but what they call thin I call average. I’m not real tall, but not short either. Again, I guess you’d say average. Oh, and I’m a boy. My name is Bentley Aden Anderson. I live with my family, my mother, she’s the typical mom, sort of. Her name is Rachael Amelia Anderson. She cares but not so much that she has to ban cursing from the house, unless of course my sister is around. My sister is 11, she’s my best friend. I think she’s my own inspiration. Her name is Molly Ashley Anderson. Real sweet kid, and though my mom is quite careful not to use violent language or acts around her, she knows just about as much as I do. She’s unbelievably smart, for fun she reads novels and researches diseases. She has straight A’s and is an honor student. But what makes her so amazing is the fact that she isn’t a snob, in fact we hold monthly burping contest, I’ve won 3 times in a row this year, she’s won 6. Of course her role model is more like my father, he’s something else. His name is Kyle Austin Anderson, he’s a big man, about 6 foot 3 inches, and rather big-boned. Not fat, but more.. Teddy-bear like. He works a lot, but we’re his number one priority. On days when he doesn’t get to see us because we’re in school by the time he’s up and in bed by the time he’s home, he comes in our rooms and leaves us a gift with an apology letter. So yeah, my family is pretty amazing. I am lucky, I know that. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have my fair share of problems.
We’re not so hot when it comes to having money, my dad’s the only one who works and he’s been getting sick with an illness, so when he stays home they garnish his paycheck and that really ruins us for the month. We have two cars and our house is big. Nothing has been paid off yet, so now, we’re looking to move. I’m not sure how I feel about it, Molly is so upset she threw out three of her journals because they held a lot of memories from this house, I thought that was stupid and I knew she’d regret so I snuck out and got them from the trash, they’re sitting here in my closet now, so when she freaks out over it I can just pull them out and make everything okay again. My mom thinks I’m repressing my feelings, she believes I secretly cry myself to sleep every night and then blog about it, but I don’t. and I’m not sure why I don’t feel upset about it. I think, if anything, I’m more upset about not being upset. So I do what I usually do when I’m in a rut.
*Knock Knock*
I break into my best friend’s house. His name is Aaron Andrew Johnson. I’ve known him sense I was in diapers. He’s a year older (sort of) and he’s pretty famous at our school. Sadly, yes, he’s a dick. But I know him more than he knows himself, so I know how to react and how to handle him. He’s like my personal creation.
“Dude, it’s like midnight.” he complained, but yet he still opened his window to let me in. I climbed through, careful not to break his precious awards. He’s an athlete, Baseball and Soccer. And we both bike ride and skateboard, but only for kicks.
“my parents think I’m gonna kill myself,” I plopped down onto his bed and pulled my hood off my head, it was raining, “so I came here to say my goodbyes.”
“haha, you’re so funny. Now what’s up?” see? He knows me.
“seriously, because of the move they’re all distraught, and sense I don’t really care, they think I’m hiding it and that I’m secretly cutting myself or some shit.”
“so,” he sat down beside me, “a typical day. Why aren’t you upset though?” good question. “well, I don’t know really. I mean, yeah I’ve been in that house all my life and everything, but it’s only a house.” and then he said it. “It’s a big change.” I stiffened, I could literally feel the hairs on my arms sticking up so straight they could cut glass. Change. It never crossed my mind, you think it would of but it didn’t. my stomach started to churn, Aaron looked at me and grabbed his pillow, prepared for what would come next. Darkness.