

I felt aches all over my body as I rolled over, waking up on Aaron’s bedroom floor was not what I was expecting to happen this Saturday. But it’s what happened. I carefully sat up, looking at his desk to find water and Aspirin. I took them and got up, looking around for a sign of where he went off to. But then I remembered I never told my parents I was leaving, so I left Aaron a Thank-You note and headed out the window. It seemed like it was still pretty early, so I had a big chance of my parents not being awake yet, as for Molly, well who knows. She’s smart though, she’d know where I was at.
I climbed up my secret latter, which is really a trellis covered in roses, and rolled into my room. As I landed onto my bed I looked up to find Molly sitting at my desk, drawing on Paint on my computer. She turned and smiled at me. “Good morning rebel.” Oh yeah, she’s also a smart-ass. “Hey, who gave you permission to go on my computer?”
“The same person who asked me not to rat you out for sneaking out.” Touché. I went over to my closet and picked out some clean warm clothes, it was freezing outside. “dad’s going to work today, he said he couldn’t miss anymore days.” that bothered me. “What? It’s Saturday, he never works on the weekends.”
“well he does this weekend. They called him in and he took it.”
“Ugh,” I was feeling real weak, I didn’t eat much yesterday and then passing out at Aaron’s sort of threw me off. “I’m gonna shower” Molly laughed and got up from my desk “Good, you need one.” she ran out of my room and headed into hers just before mom opened her door and looked down the hall to see me standing there, still in yesterdays clothing.
“Ben, what’re you doing?” I’m committing adultery while training a horse. “About to take a shower. Why? Did you want to take one?” she shook her head, eyeing down my clothes and crossed her arms, quickly I closed my door behind me and walked up to the bathroom, pulling off a strong yawn and stretching, avoiding the stinging pain in my back from hitting Aaron’s dresser and stepped inside the baby blue painted room. The floor was chillingly cold and made me shiver, which only made me look more sleepy. “looks like you were too tired to even get out of your clothes” good mother, fall into my game and then do a dance for amusement. “yeah, Friday was rough.” I shut the door and locked it. I shuffled out of my clothes and listened to her feet sliding across the floor and down the stairs, after I heard Molly’s soft steps scrambling back into my room and before the door closed I heard the quiet sound of my computer turning back on.
I stepped over to the shower, reaching my hand in to turn the water on, careful not to let the rushing cold water fall upon my arm. I think if I get anymore chills I’m gonna fall over with pneumonia. I set my dirty clothes in a pile by the door and folded my new ones on the toilet, looking at my face in the mirror I could see how pail I was. Still woozy from my scene last night. Carefully I skimmed down to my stomach and saw it staring back at me. I touched it and traced my fingers along every bump and line in it. I felt it churn again and I gripped onto the sink, closing my eyes and taking some breaths. When I stopped swaying I walked to the shower and stepped inside, hugging myself as the steaming water swallowed me and burned away all my chills.

I figured I had stepped inside the shower around 9, when I was dressed and walking into my room, surprised to find it with no visitors, I glanced at my clock and saw it said 9:23. Perfect. Seven minutes til 9:30. I threw my dirty clothes into my hamper and then brushed out my hair. I fixed my bed, not needing to do much sense I didn’t sleep in it, and then cleared off my desk top, Molly left her crayons. I carried them to her room, which was right next door, and set them on her shelf. Her room is cluttered, it has pink walls, her bed is fat, Twin sized but she buries it in purple and pink blankets. She has flower-shaped pillows and then normal white fluffy ones. She has her own desk, but no computer, that’s stacked with all her school work and pencils. She has a large shelf that she keeps all her toys and coloring tools on and then her closet, covered by two mirrors that she put stickers on, always has one door cracked open just enough to see the wonders inside, and then her clothes piled over in her hamper and spread across her room.
I closed her door behind me and before heading downstairs I peeked inside my parents dull typical room to find the bed completely empty. Disappointment settled in, I scurried downstairs to find a set table of breakfast foods and only two guests, mom and Molly. So dad really did leave this morning. “come and eat Ben!” Molly scooted out my chair, she had moved hers beside mine today, she changes everything all the time, but knowing that I don’t, she adjusts to it. My stomach rumbled and as I scanned the food the rumbling stopped. But Molly looked at me, and her face pained me. So I walked over and sat down right beside her, scooting in my chair and asked mom for some juice. Mom smiled, opening the fridge and listed the various drinks we had, of course as she listed she was pulling out my favorite orange juice and already had it in a glass before she finished.
She set it down beside me and then filled my plate with toasts, eggs, and bacon. I could feel my stomach crying, but then I felt Molly stabbing her arm into mine as she grabbed her fork and began chowing down. So I repeated her actions. I started off with the toasts, my most favorite thing to eat. It’s easy and doesn’t have too much flavor. After my toast I swallowed my juice, asked mom for more and as she was getting it and Molly was telling her about her plans, I jabbed at my bacon, making it look smaller then ate the larger pieces. I took my drink and swallowed half of it, looking at the eggs, the worst part. Molly had devoured hers before touching anything else on her plate. She started rambling on about how she wants to try coffee, mom laughed and told her about the time I tried coffee, I blocked them out, all I could hear was the screams of my stomach. I scooped up a big bite of eggs and swallowed it, downing the rest of my juice and then leaned back in my chair, counting to three as the food and juice fought there way for a spot to fill in my stomach then looked at mom and joined in the conversation.
Molly had asked me to take her to the book store today, she said they had a huge sale going on and she had just enough to buy around four more books. I told her I had some spare cash from dads last apology present that I wouldn’t mind giving her, but she said no, she said she wanted me to buy a book this time. Why not? We headed out the door around 11, promising mom we’d be back in time for lunch, my poor stomach begged for us to be back later, and I couldn’t of agreed more.
I took Molly’s hand and we began walking down the street, passing by familiar strangers and houses, smiling at them and laughing mockingly at those who didn’t return our kind gestures. As we walked Molly chatted about her friends, her best is Kenzie McIntyre. She’s Irish, was born and raised up to age 8 in Ireland, so she still carries the accent and tells Molly plenty of stories about the land and the people. She’s almost as entertaining as Molly.
By the time we reached the book store, Molly was close to exploding. She promised to meet me by the magazines around 11:45, I checked the time to see she had roughly 30 minutes, then she begged me to buy a book I’d actually read and I nodded as we separated. To be honest, I don’t like walking away from Molly, it bothers me badly and for the next 30 minutes we were to be apart she would be the only thing I would really think of. I walked around the store, reading all different sorts of Titles, authors, dates, genres, and I began loosing my train of thought. I somehow ended up wandering right into the romance section of the store, I’m not a romance type of guy. But I began reading the titles of the books in the aisle for Molly’s benefit. I went to grab a book and my hand bumped into someone else’s, it was soft and the nails were painted light pink, 3 shades softer than her skin tone, I followed the hand up the arm to her face, she looked at me, light blue eyes hidden behind glasses, makeup sketched around her eyes and a slight shade of pink lipstick spread across her lips, 1 shade softer than her nails, her hair was down, falling past her shoulders, dark brown and curly, obvious she was in hurry to come here because some parts were curlier than others.
She smiled at me, then dropped her hand. “Hi, I’m sorry, did you want this book?” her voice was gentle, shy-like and sweet. She could rot your teeth just by listening to her. I smiled and shook my head, pulling out the book and handing it to her. “no, I’m just trying to find something while I wait for my sister.” she took the book from me and looked around, “sister? How old?” I scanned the building for her, and when I spotted her prancing from shelf to shelf I pointed “eleven. She begged me to take her.” the girl turned and smiled at me. She held out her hand for mine and I could see her quickly darting her eyes down at my over-sized jacket covering half of my body so I grabbed her hand and shook it slightly “I’m Ben.” she nodded, “Robyn.” she replied.
Just then I felt Molly’s hand pulling at my jacket, I turned half-way, not pulling away from Robyn, and looked at the stack of books in her hand. “I thought you said you had money for four.” she looked up at me “I thought you said you had money left over.” I couldn’t help but laugh, I caught Robyn smiling big and handed me the book in her hand then waved, walking away. “there’s your book Ben, nice seeing you.” and she disappeared in the crowd. Molly looked at the book and smiled big, “Ben you’ll love this!” I had completely forgotten what it even was, I peeked at the back and shrugged. “Come on, it’s 11:45, we promised mom.” my stomach felt sad, when just moments ago it was being pelted with butterflies.

We made it home in time to find another meal at the table, mom had made sandwiches and fries. I looked at Molly and kissed her cheek, hugging her in apology and headed up to my room with a sandwich-less stomach and my book. I just couldn’t fill myself with another meal so soon, I knew I wouldn’t see Molly for the rest of the day, so I climbed into my bed and started on my new book.
I always hated the beginnings of books, they’re too slow and sometimes have nothing to do with the book itself, it’s basically cramming a bunch of information down your throat and telling you to remember it. Biggest reason why I never read so much. So sense Molly would hate me ‘til tomorrow I figured I’d swallow down the first few chapters then in the morning I’d walk into her room and talk to her about it, it’d make her happy to know I’m actually trying with something. But before I finished the first chapter I heard my computer go off. I got up and walked over to it, finding a new message from Aaron.

Aaron: Hey, you alright? You had a nasty fall last night.
Benny: Yeah, I’m good. Thanks.
Aaron: No Problem. But listen, the next time you want to stay over you should just ask, give me a heads up to make you a real bed to sleep on.
Benny: haa. You’re hilarious.
Aaron: I try (:
Benny: hey.. Do you know a girl named Robyn?
Aaron: Robyn? No. why?
Benny: no reason.. Look, I think I’m gonna get off.
Aaron: wait, why don’t you ask if you can come over? I got a new COD and there’s no one else I’d like to try it out with than you.
Benny: tempting, but can’t. I made a promise to Molly I’d read this book I got today.
Aaron: alright. Have a great time with that.
Benny: Good night

I shut off my computer and headed back towards my bed. I hated that. Every time I pass out in front of Aaron, he does nothing but try to get me to come back over, but I don’t want to face the kid after that. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know. You’d think that’d be all I wanted to do, to sit around and play Call Of Duty all night forgetting about the horrifying scene, but it just doesn’t work like that for me.

I fought through the first 3 chapters and finished them around 6:00 p.m. I still had a whole evening with nothing to do. I finished my homework for the weekend, I didn’t want to go on in the book, I blew off Aaron already, Molly was sure to still be ignoring me, but I could redeem that. I left my room and walked down the stairs, making sure my foot steps could be heard in her room and counted to 6, listening to her peek her head out her door, continued my way down and then asked my mother what was for dinner. Molly ran down the steps, flying past me and into the kitchen, peeking at the stove and the items in the oven. Mom laughed and pulled her back, “Careful Molly, you’ll get burned. Uhm, we’re having pasta and chicken and green beans.” My stomached growled, but in pleasure this time. Those were 3 things I could handle depending on if I thought hard enough on it. “Sounds yummy.” I walked into the kitchen beside Molly and her face light up like candles on a birthday cake.
When dinner was over it was 7:05. I managed to keep in all my food and Molly was happy as ever. I helped mom clean up, made a plate for dad and sat it in the oven to keep it warm, then headed up to my room. When I walked inside my clock said 7:30, perfect. I crawled back into my bed, turned my television on and watched my scheduled programs ‘til 9:00 then I drifted off to sleep.