

Suddenly the call was made for the troops in Zacky's infantry to report outside to the plane that would take them overseas. Zacky had been assigned to a desolate region of Iraq, so our contact with each other would be limited. Zacky dipped his head down to kiss me before he left, and the passion flowing through the connection was almost overwhelminng. When we separated, Zacky gave me one last, longing look before walking away.

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This is a work of fiction. I don't own Zacky Vengeance. Unfortunately, I'm only borrowing him. The plot, however, is mine so please don't steal. Or it won't be pretty. This is written for Synyster Girl's Contest for the True Avenged Sevenfold Contest using the name Audrey, an unopened condom, and standing at a graveside alone.

(c) 2012 ZackyEffingVengeance
  1. one of one;
    word count: 1436