Confessions of a Compulsive Liar


Some of you might have (or have had) this problem
Considering this is an online creative writing community.

I'm a pathological liar

Or a compulsive liar
Which ever you want to call it

I'm not entirely sure why I do it
Maybe it's because I'm afraid I'm not interesting enough
Or because I want people to think of me in a certain way
Maybe I wasn't hugged enough
Maybe I was touched in a funny way and don't remember
It could be in my DNA


It was kind of okay a few years ago
Lots of teenage girls do it
It's annoying, but still fairly passable

However, I'm 18 now
I'm supposed to be an adult

Which leads me to believe that this is less of a personality quirk
And more of a problem

I know people can tell I lie
It affects my relationships
It makes them think less of me
But the lies just slip out

So, here are my confessions

As honest as my brain (probably packed with excessive white matter) can conjure