Not a Stranger


“Castiel! There you are!”

“Glad to see your eyesight hasn’t failed you yet, old man,” I snorted, grabbing my backpack from the bottom of the stairs.

Uncle Lewis laughed, rolling his eyes.

“Old man, my ass. Bobby’s already outside waiting to walk to school so get going,” he told me.

“Yes Sir. See you later,” I nodded.

I grabbed an apple to eat for breakfast while we walked and headed out the front door. A lot of things have changed since I was 14, that’s for sure. One of them being Bobby, my cousin. He’s not exactly…

“…and that’s why you shouldn’t wear a red dress,”

Ah shit. Bobby was standing in front of our 8 year old neighbour, Sophie, and she looked like she was just about to burst into tears. Without hesitating I jogged over to them and crouched down in front of her.

“Morning Soph,” I said cheerfully, trying to distract her.

“Cas! Bobby said he didn’t like my dress and that red is the colour of Satan! I don’t want to go to hell!” Sophie wailed.

Fuck. He really said that? Think, Castiel!

“You’re not going to hell, Sophie. Bobby’s just jealous,” I said firmly.

“Jealous?” Sophie frowned.

“Yeah, jealous. He doesn’t look as awesome in red as you do,” I smiled.

Sophie giggled and looked up at Bobby, who just looked confused.

“Here, have my apple. Stay out of trouble, you hear me?” I mused.

“Thanks Cas! You’re the best!” Sophie squealed.

I smiled as she hugged me quickly, before running back next door. Well there’s goes my breakfast. Oh well. I can last until lunch. With a sigh I stood up and raised an eyebrow at Bobby.

“Did I do something wrong?” he frowned.

“Yeah, Bobby, you did. You can’t tell little girls that they’re going to hell for wearing red,” I said softly.


“Just no, Bobby. Come on, we’ll be late,” I interrupted.

Bobby bit his bottom lip but nodded, picking his backpack off the floor and putting it on. Good. At least he didn’t go into a ramble, a freak-out and then a panic attack this time. I ruffled his dark curls with a smile, the two of us starting to walk.

It only took us 20 minutes to walk to Glenbrook North High School, mostly spent in a comfortable silence, Bobby occasionally rattling off some trivia about anything interesting we walked past.

“Um, Cas?” Bobby said hesitantly, pausing outside the high school gates.

“Yeah?” I asked, frowning.

Is something wrong?

“I’m sorry for earlier. I didn’t mean to upset Sophie,” Bobby said softly.

“Don’t worry about it. I know you didn’t mean it and so does Sophie,” I smiled.

“I just can’t help it,” Bobby whimpered.

Avert impending disaster!

“Hey, look at me,” I said firmly, putting both my hands on his shoulders.

Bobby did so hesitantly.

“You haven’t got anything to apologise for, okay? You’re Bobby fucking Walker and you’re amazing. There isn’t anything you can do that’s going to change that,” I said.

Bobby’s trembling bottom lip stopped, and he smiled slightly.

“You mean that?” he asked shyly.

“Of course I do. Come on, we’d better get to our lockers before we’re late to class,” I nodded.

We headed inside quickly, Bobby not leaving my side for a moment. We always go to our lockers first thing, side by side since freshman year, even if we don’t need to get books. Bobby just has to, same as he has to go straight to the bathroom at the end of lunch. I ignored the chatter all around me, concentrating on just getting my books out for first class. I can’t stand all this fake bullshit about how much everyone missed each other over the summer and like oh my god did you see her hair and swapping pathetic stories about lame-ass parties. One year left and I can get out of here. One year left.

“Aww well if it isn’t the Asperger’s freak,”

I froze, growling under my breath. They’re starting on him on the first day? Really? I slammed my locker shut and spun around, glaring at the two boys standing in front of me and Bobby. One of them flinched when he saw my anger. I’m guessing the other one spoke.

“You want to try that again?” I snarled.

“Like you’ll do anything, Walker,”

“I don’t know about that, I haven’t broken a nose all summer and I’m kinda missing it,” I said mockingly.

“Come on, it isn’t worth it,” the nervous-looking boy hissed.

The other boy looked Bobby up and down before smirking.

“No, it isn’t worth it,”

With that, they stalked away. Bobby crumpled slightly against me and I glared down the corridor. I don’t understand the sick pleasure these assholes get out of taunting Bobby about his condition. Asperger’s Syndrome doesn’t make him any less of a person, just a more complicated one. Fuck them.

“Are you okay?” I asked softly.

“Yeah, same old idiots. Thanks for sticking up for me, Cas,” Bobby sighed, nodding.

“You know I’ve always got your back. We’re family, nothing can change that,” I said firmly.

Bobby smiled slightly. Good. Silently I tugged down the corridor, the two of us heading into our first class – Algebra Two. Bobby sat nearest the window in the middle of the class, his preferred seat in all lessons, and I sat next to him, ready to fall asleep when I had the chance. Math is Bobby’s thing, not mine.

As people filed into the class, still talking about trashy parties and even trashier people, I stayed silent, just listening to Bobby telling me about the textbook he’d read ahead on for this class. Our teacher walked in too, sitting down at her desk with an enthusiastic smile. Oh good, pep and Algebra, first thing in the morning.

But then the door opened, and in walked the one person I never expected to see again. Her brown eyes connected with my blue eyes, and she froze.

“Ah, you must be Georgia! Class, listen up. We have a new student, Georgia Nielson. I expect you to be welcoming and kind,”

“I’ll welcome her kindly into my bed,” one of the jocks jeered.

Georgia paled slightly, making me scowl.

“The only action your bed gets is from your right hand, Hanson,” I sneered.

The class laughed at the jock, who just turned bright red. I snuck a glance at Georgia. She looked confused and a little less pale. I’ll take that as a thank you.

“Okay, settle down. Georgia, choose a seat anywhere you like. If you have any questions about anything, do come to me,”

“Thanks,” she said quietly.

I looked back down at my desk as she started to move. I don’t care about where she sits. I don’t care about what new friends she makes. I’ll only care if she starts being a dick to Bobby, and then she’ll be sorry. Bobby is the only thing I care about and the only thing I ever will.

“Did you know that 45% of teenage boys are virgins? That means Hanson probably does only use his right hand,” Bobby murmured.

I laughed softly, smiling to myself. The conversation I had to have with Bobby when he didn’t understand the colloquial terms for masturbation is one I’ll never forget – I’m just glad it sunk in this time.

“See? You’re learning,” I teased.

“I’m always learning,” Bobby smiled.

“Alright class, let’s begin,”

Another year has started. Something tells me that this year is going to be an interesting one.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Castiel's changed a bit, huh?
I kinda love Bobby already =]
And Castiel's attitude to Georgia has changed a bit...
Stay tuned to see what happens next!

Thank you to everyone who commented on the last chapter! 34 subscribers? That's amazing! I'd love to be able to thank you all by name so do comment to let us know what you think!

two sided heart
