Keep the Change, You Filthy Animal


I sat down on my bunk the following day, three days’ worth of coursework to do, I picked up my head phones put my glasses on and began working. I could feel someone watching me half way through and took out one of my headphones and looked at him, it was jack.

‘What you doing?’ I asked him.

‘Looking for something to do.’ He answered.

‘You can help me?’ I asked him and he came and joined me on my bunk. He started going through my papers and picked up my feet to annoy me, then I took he’s glasses off his eyes, so that he would stop.

‘Give them back.’ He told me leaning closer to me.

‘Never.’ Sticking my tongue out in his face. I was lying down now and he was hovering over me. He got up pulling me down with him. He started to tickle me, I was screaming with laughter.

‘Surrender!’ he shouted at me.

‘Nope.’ In-between laughter

He picked me up and pulled me over his shoulder, it was raining out today and I only had shorts and an old top on. He took me outside then ran inside without me shutting the door behind him.

‘JACK!’ I screamed at him banging on the glass. I still had his glasses in my hand and put them on the floor acting like I was going to smash them.

‘You dare!’ he told me. I teased him more slowly pulling my foot to the ground when the door opened and he rescued me now soaked from the rain and his glasses and placed me in the walk way in the living room, shutting the door behind him, I was lying down and he stood there trying to act serious. I was in fits of laughter.

‘You bitch.’ He winked at me, joining me on the floor laughing; he pulled me up so that I was crossed legged.

‘And you love it.’ I teased at him; he kissed me quickly then started to tickle me again.
‘Jack, I need to do my history,’ I told him and he got up then held out his hand, I pulled myself up with the help of his hands. And we went to sit on my bunk. This time him lying down and me sitting on the back bit of the bunk with my legs on his.

‘So it’s like American history right?’ he asked me.

‘No, you sausage, it’s about the meds in the 1900s.’ I told him scanning through my book.

‘So what drugs?’ he asked me playing with my top.

‘No. like all the old crap they used.’ I replied. He’s face dropped.

‘How the fucks do you remember this?’ he asked me picking up my notes.

‘Don’t ask.’

‘You must be a smart arse.’

I looked at the notes again, I spend ages with notes and everything yet I’m not as smart as I wish I was.

‘I’ve got my art to finish next, fancy helping me.’ Not really answering he’s question, I was embarrassed.

‘Sure, so I can paint?’ he asked me, I guess he would try and help me.

‘If you’re helpful then you can.’ I told him getting down from my bunk, jack followed after me, picked up my art book and handed it to jack then put my paint box on top, and I lead him into the back room where I do all my art.

I slowly started to draw out the smallest part of my guitar, jack just sat there next to me, watching. I handed him a paint brush. He looked at me with a confused face.

‘You can help, I trust you.’ I told him smiling at him whilst I said it, he painted the drum set slowly and carefully, I complete trusted him with this. He was really good, he kept stopping and looking at me, I’m guessing he was nervous.

‘Thank you.’ He whispered, this was the only thing he said to me, he was silent most of the way through the helping me through my art. We didn’t stop doing art until jack got a text that shook us both. I didn’t realise how long we’d been sitting in the tour bus.

‘Suppose you want some food.’ Jack teased me.

‘nahh I was going to starve to death,’ answering his question, we’d finished painting by now, jack helped me up from sitting down and we moved all our things out the way just in case someone walked in, he stopped me in the bunk and looked at me.

‘Oh haii.’ I teased at him, he handed me my phone back which was sitting on the top bunk.

‘Not all the guys know only rian, zack and alex.’ He told me. It’s crazy the fact that we actually had only known each other for a short while; it felt like it was just us in the world.

‘So we’re still ‘friends’ right?’ I asked him, making quote marks when saying the word friends.

‘Such a shame, guess I’ll have to wait till we’re back in the hotel to make that more than friends.’

‘Cheeky, but…’ I teased at him, we left the tour bus to see rian outside, he told us that we were going to a small dinner, we went and joined them, I sat down next to Zach and Cameron, and they didn’t know about me and jack yet. I waited for a comment to be made but then my mind jumped back from when I first met the boys well apart from Jack.
We’d just landed in LA and we were rushed into meeting the boys, we knew who each other were name wise, and to be honest I and Alex got on really well. It was a good day and I think that’s what makes the boys so down to earth.

‘Oit!’ I heard someone scream into my face, I looked up from day dreaming, it was Adam, I must have been day dreaming for a long time because Adam told me we were going back to the hotel, I sat on my bed once I’d got there.
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my friend asked me to post it so yeah...