Keep the Change, You Filthy Animal

JAGK to the future.


Two weeks, that’s all I have to wait, I told myself opening up my laptop and switching it on, but I meant two weeks to find the best present for Melissa, I didn’t know what to get here, what do you get a girl who’s had the worst 3 years in history and is in a band? I stared at the blank Google chrome window, telling me my top 8 most visited tabs, Twitter, Melissa’s Twitter, Tumblr, and Melissa’s Tumblr, Google, YouTube, my emails and instangram. I really shouldn’t have let Melissa use my laptop. I wanted to speak to her but it’s still pretty early over in the UK. I opened up twitter and stared at it for a while before going on to Melissa’s tumblr, she keeps it quite from the fans, only people she’s close with know, I must admit I do love her blog. There was a Skype noise from my laptop and I expected it to be Alex or something but the name shocked me, Melissa. Why the hell was she awake?

I pressed the video call button and saw a half asleep Melissa on the screen, I noticed she was wearing my top, when she left a couple of days ago I threw some of my things into her suitcase hoping she’d be happy about it. She smiled at me then turned her iPod off that was she was listening to. She smiled at me again.

‘Why you up beautiful?’ I asked her teasing her with my words.

‘I’ve got history homework to print off, and I need to choose something okay, to wear for non-uniform day,’ she replied, looking at the ground.

‘Show me, I’ll help you.’ I told her, and I watched her bend down to pick up some shirts. It was May now which meant she could actually wear shorts. She picked up a top with black writing on.

‘This one? With these shorts?’ she asked me. I shook my head.

‘Next one?’ she bent down again to bring up a plain white top with black jeans.

‘This?’ she asked me again.

‘let me see the last one’ I asked her, I could imagine her running around her house choosing her clothes, she’s with the boys again, I doubt they could help her. Melissa picked up the last top; I knew she’d pick something related to me in some way. She put the top closer to her webcam, my ‘Jagk to the future’ top was written on the front and she removed the top to see my reaction.

‘That one.’ I told her. She took off her top and pulled it over her head and putting on spray. I wanted just to pull her into me; I saw her pull on the pale blue shorts and stand up taking me with her. She placed me down and smiled at me before walking back to show me. She looked beautiful, you could tell that was my top, it was a couple of sizes too big and it hung off her shoulder but she made it work.

‘Right so what do you want for your birthday?’ I asked her, as she started to put her necklace on.

‘Don’t get me anything, honestly, you’re going to be here and we’re going football that’s all I want.’ She told me. I smiled at the thought of her not wanting anything but me there.

‘Please something, something small?’ I pleaded to her.

‘You can only spend 10 pounds on me that’s all. I swear I’ll flip, if you spend more money.’ she told me pulling her hair out of the hairband that it was it.

‘What? That’s like 5 dollars; I’m not spending that on you.’ I told her, I watched her pout at me.

‘Then wait till you’re here.’ She told me, pulling a hairbrush through her hair.

That’s when it hit me, I knew what I’d buy her, and I just wouldn’t tell her how much it was going to cost me.

‘So what football match am I seeing?’ I asked her trying to change the subject.
‘Charlton Athletic, its normal football not that shitty game you play.’ She told me winking at the end.

‘Hey?! That’s the normal way to play football. Bitch.’ I told her teasing her. She tutted then left my view could hear a faint buzzing sound then a spit, she was brushing her teeth which meant I’d have to leave her soon.

She came back on the screen and pulled out her makeup bag. I watched her apply it not wanting to take my eyes away from her.

‘How’s your time off then?’ she asked me breaking the silence.

‘It’s good, finally caught up on my sleep and I actually managed to clean my house.’ I replied, if only I could I’d ask her to move in with me, to share every meal together. To see her do her makeup in person.

‘Lazy, how come I come home and have to go straight to school whilst you get to have a couple of weeks off? It’s not fair.’ She moaned at me, I did feel sorry for her, she had one day off then was thrown back into school.

‘I wished you could have stayed with me.’ I told her quietly.

‘So do I, two weeks.’ She told me, I knew she’d be happy, I booked my plane ticket yesterday, my first trip to the UK without the boys, and the first of many I hoped.

‘Have fun at school. I’ll text you.’ I told her as she packed the cream bag on her bed.
‘I will, and I know you will just don’t get me in trouble.’ She teased me winking at me once again.

‘I love you.’ I told her, meaning ever word of it.

‘I love you too.’ She told me a blew me a kiss which I acted like I caught.

‘Bye, jack.’ She told me disconnecting the cam, and going offline, I stretched back on my couch, and I got off the couch finding my wallet and keys I left my house and got into the car, I drove to the small market I knew.


I got into the car and drove off to school, tomorrow, I thought, the day I finally found out if I won the case against Liam, the school couldn’t do anything about it and I had to see him every day, he thought he’d make himself even more of a dick and would sit there making out with the bitchest girl in my form, Lois, they had their tongues down each other’s throat every day.
I was pretty late getting to school today and walked straight into form, seeing as it was non-uniform day everyone would be wearing their best designer labels, it’s the way my school works, I had jack’s top and jacket on, they weren’t that expensive but my bag was Michael Kors so that’s got to cost something, it was an early present from my label. I opened the door to form and the whole room went silent when I heard a wolf whistle. I looked over to see it was Adam, thanks to boost my confidence; I walked over to them, the usual people Becky, Brooke and of course Adam. I put my bag on the table and took a seat.

‘Late, you rebel.’ Brooke told me then went back writing something.

‘Yeah, I was talking to jack.’ I told her, smiling at the thought.

‘Awrhh, see I knew you’d work it out.’ She answered and handed me the piece of paper.

‘What’s this?’ I asked.

‘Forge my mums signature, I’m not doing p.e’ she told me and I did as I was told I was forever doing it.

I looked over at the door and I walked in Lois, I looked at her top, she was wearing the exact same one as me, I’m not the type of person to care? But what the actual fuck? She didn’t know who jack was, she sits there and listens to the shitest music ever, and how the hell could she wear that? She walked straight over to me as soon as she spotted me; she and Becky were in the same Art class, the poor soul. She looked at me the gasped.

‘You need to change your top.’ She told me bluntly.

‘What?’ I questioned her standing up.

‘That, top, change it.’ She told me.

‘I heard you the first time, no.’

‘Oh I’m glad you heard me seeing as you go to fucking shitty gigs all the time.’

‘And that’s meant to be an insult?’

‘Take the top off. I’m not wearing the same one as you.’

‘okay, A. this isn’t my top, it’s my boyfriends who I currently can’t be with thanks to your fucking wanker of a player and B. you don’t even have a fucking clue who jack is, so why come in here wearing it?’

‘Liam isn’t a player! God and I know who jack is. Just because I don’t listen to them doesn’t mean I don’t know who he is.’

‘Liam is a player; did you know he fucked three girls while visiting me in Florida? Did you know I’m sueing him? And show me a picture of jack then.’ I told her, I was holding everything back not to slap her.

‘Not true and I know this, and here!’ she told me then pulled out a picture of John from the Maine, I just started to laugh.

‘If you want to insult me at least get my boyfriend right babe.’ I told her, and with that she slapped me, bitch. I spat in her face then instead of being the lady I was meant to be I punched her straight in her face causing a nose bleed straight away she got onto her knees and I bent down.

‘That’s right; you’re used to getting on your knees.’ I told her then spat in her face before punching her right again, she took this and I stood up I then felt a hand wrap around my leg and she pulled me to the ground.

‘You’re such a fucking whore.’ She shouted at me before slapping me again, it didn’t hurt she’s pathetic the amount of fights and mosh pits I’ve been in this was nothing; my cheek didn’t even start to sting. I got really close to her so that I was practically breathing down her. Before I punched her again in the cheek which caused her to fall straight to the floor, at this time we’d gathered a crowd, this had started because of Liam, yes he’d showed me half these moves but I was winning this for Jack.

Liam walked in and saw what was going on. He came straight to my face and looked at me,
he didn’t care that he so called girlfriend was lying on the floor passed out, he looked at me.
‘Bitch.’ He spat at me then slapped me. I wasn’t going to let him win this fight. My cheek was killing me, this was worse than Lois slap, I’d had worst I was torn up inside but the thought of jack was on my mind, I did the exact same thing he did to Liam in Florida, and I punched him as hard as I could, it wasn’t strong enough as he kicked me in my stomach causing me to fall straight to the crowd then he spat in my face. I screamed a nice blood curdling scream, not just for the pain but to get help, the door was still shut, and Liam shut me up with a hit in the knee, and at the point Adam lost it, he punched Liam hard until he was on the ground the picked me up and ran me to first aid. I could hear Becky and Brooke behind him with our things. I wanted jack, now.

Adam placed me down on the bed and the ambulance was called, they threw the first punches. I told myself they will be the one’s getting in trouble not me. I could hear someone on the phone and Adam walked over to me, I just looked at him, don’t call my mum, I pleaded inside. He handed me the phone and I placed it to my ear.

‘Hello?’ I asked to unknown person on the other end.

‘Fuck Melissa? What the hell am I going to do with you?!’ jack screamed to me. I was glad to hear his voice.

‘Hey jack, nice to hear you too.’ I teased him.

‘I’m worried about you, I can’t believe I left you with him, I’m such a fucking idiot.’ He screamed at me and I heard a crash.
‘Jack what was that?’ I asked him.

‘A picture frame.’ I heard him whisper. The tears slipped out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

‘I’m sorry, jack but I’m not staying in the shadows.’ I told him.

‘Look, I need you to tell me once you’re given your results, okay? Then I know what I’m going to do.’ He told me.

‘Jack,’ I whined at him.

‘Don’t, I love you and I swear if you don’t I will have to come and tickle you.’ He teased me, even though the worst times he could make me smile.

‘I love you.’ I told him.

‘I love you too.’ I handed Adam my phone and he went into a different room to finish to call, while I was helped into a wheelchair by the paramedics and taken to A&E. jack, I need you more than ever I need you to hold me in your arms tell me you love me I need this horrible night mare to be over with now.
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possible my fav chapter, don't know why, so yeah... <3