Keep the Change, You Filthy Animal

The Morning After.

Jack’s POV
I turned around with two beers in my hand, and then I saw him,
‘ALEX!’ I shouted when I rushed over and handed a beer to Alex.

‘Jack, this is Melissa!’ Alex told me, so this is Melissa, I thought to myself, I immediately pulled her in for a hug, she must be thinking I’m stupid, I wanted to get off to a good start with her...

‘Hello, jack,’ she replied to me,

‘Here have this,’ I handed her my beer, she didn’t look like she liked the vodka that Alex had got her, I took it and quickly downed it. Alex was already talking to the girls, typical I thought to myself.

‘It’s like you read my mind.’ She answered me. She had a huge gulp of the beer, I liked this girl, and she had amazing taste in alcohol. I laughed which made her laugh suddenly the Maine’s my heroine came on over the speakers. I looked at her she was mouthing the words. She must like this song, I thought to myself.

‘You like this song?’ I asked her.

‘Yeah.’ she replied, I grabbed her hand a dragged her into the dance floor and we started to dance, we carried on dancing to sevarvel songs, our drinks always being replaced the second I finished it with another one, I was glad, I saw a boy who looked my age walk up behind her, I was about to shout at him for wanting to take her. Melissa turned around; we were both a bit drunk.

‘Come on.’ I heard him tell her. I had my arms wrapped around her. She may have had heels on but she still had to go on her tiptoes to tell me something, I bent down a bit,

‘I’ve got to go now.’ She told me. I was upset; it wasn’t that late was it. I hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go of her and just like that she was gone out of my sight, there was girls all around her but none of them her. Alex came over and handed me a drink.

‘I’m going.’ I told him and drank the drink.

‘I’ll come to then.’

We both stumbled back to our tour bus, I saw Melissa in one of the windows of her bus, she was getting changed, she was standing there in her underwear until she pulled a top on a got into her bunk, and I sighed. Great, now she’s going to go to bed and I can’t even speak to her.

I got into my bunk and tossed and turned trying to sleep, in the end I picked up my phone. 5am, I saw that Alex’s phone was charging on the side, I grabbed it and scrolled down his contact list until I saw Melissa’s name, I quickly copied the number into my phone and rushed back into my bunk.
To: Melissa
Heyy, it’s jack, Alex gave me your number. Xx
I locked my phone and fell into my pillow, and I let my eyelids close and I fell right to sleep.


I rolled over and I could feel the saliva in my mouth, shit I knew I was about to be sick. We were parked in a mall still, I knew this from the fact that I could hear the boys playing outside; I ran out the tour bus to the nearest bin and threw up. Zach ran over pulled my hair up into a ponytail and secured it with the hand band that he kept on his wrist. They had seen me throw up a lot so Zach was always the one who had a hairband to make sure I kept it clean, he started to pat my back. I had forgotten to take the pain killers I had always before I went to be to prevent a hangover, shit.

Adam came out to swap with Zach, I sat on the floor, Adam moved the bin so I wasn’t sick again, he handed me a some water and two pain killers, I took them and then handed them back to him, my phone was still in my bra so I took it out to see two messages. I opened them up.
From: mum.
Hope you had a good time last night,
Don’t get to drunk. Love you x
I replied telling her.
From: Melissa.
Thanks, love you too. I won’t x

Come-on who doesn’t lie to their parents?! I opened up the other one it was from an unknown number.
From: 2732-7833-7966
Hey its jack, Alex gave me
your number. Xx
I saved his number then replied.
From: Melissa.
Hey jack, okay cool. Xx

I rested my head onto Adam’s shoulder. I was still in a top and my underwear. I needed to get dressed. But I knew Brooke and Becky would be running out here to be sick anytime soon, I couldn’t deal with that. I lifted my head up and got up; Adam beat me to it and helped me up. I don’t understand how this boy can be completely pissed and not have one single hangover.

We slowly walked back to the bus when All Time Low’s tour bus door opened and I saw jack come out, he was pretty pale, I smiled at him and he smiled back, I didn’t have time to do anything else as our tour bus door swing opened and Brooke ran out.

‘Go.’ I told Adam. He ran after her making sure she was okay, I reached the bus and there was a suitcase on the sofa with my things on top, I got out a clean bra and knickers, and then went to look for a top. I pulled out a glamour kills one with the future is now wrote across then I went on a search for some bottoms. We were in Philadelphia at the moment, it was actually pretty warm, I finally found some ripped shorts, and I grabbed some black vans and my skull wrap bracelet. I went into the bathroom to get changed, I looked at myself in the mirror I pulled out the hair band, my hair was still curly so I left it that way, I took all my makeup off and brushed my teeth then applied some black mascara and some fountain, I walked out the bathroom, threw my top on to my bunk then got my phone out my back pocket, I found my ray bands and positioned them on top of my head. I looked at my message that I received from when I was getting changed.
From: Jack
I and the boys are going out for lunch fancy
Joining us along with your band and friends? Xxx

Laura and Amy were still asleep, Becky had just got changed and I knew Adam and Zach would come. I could persuade Brooke.

From: Melissa.
Yeah, sure I’ll bring Zach, Adam, Brooke and Becky. What time? Xxx
He replied straight away.

From: Jack
Brilliant, half 1? Xxx
I looked at the time it was 1 now.
From: Melissa.
Yeah sure xxx

I walked outside were Zach, Brooke and Becky was sitting, I sat down with them.
‘Right we’re going out for lunch with the boys.’ I told them.
♠ ♠ ♠
over 1,000 words on word.
thrid chapter in three days!
leave me a comment feel like no-ones reading this!
next chapter is flipping amazing so it may go up today!