Status: Finished. <3

I'll be on the other side (Short story)

The worst feeling in the world.

There once was a girl, not model thin and beautiful like some might think. But she was beautiful to me. She was everything to me. I still remember her voice dancing across the pine oak trees. And the freckles that splashed her face in a extraordinary way. She was more than different. She was crazy. A complete psycho path if you may add. But i loved her for it. One thing she did do is change me. Not physically, but mentally. She made me stronger, braver, but most of all courageous. Here's the story of the love of my life, my best friend. It might sound stupid, but no one can understand what she meant to me.
I remember the day i saw her. The way she moved so elegant across the ground. The way her blonde shiny hair tumbled wildly down her back to the rhythm of the birds. She looked so happy. Her grey eyes looked up at the sky lightened by nature. I was drawn to her, i felt like i could just go over to her and tell her every single thing i was hiding from the world. And i did.
Within weeks i was madly and passionately in love with her. And i stayed that way for 3 years. Until one day i found her lying in a hospital bed. She looked so weak so incredibly lifeless that it was breathtaking. I took her hand in mine and told her that i was not going to let her die. I looked her in the eyes and told her a promise that i knew i wasn't going to be able to keep. She smiled at me. Reassuring me that it was okay. And i, being the idiot i am believed her.
Days passed by and she seemed to be getting better. The day she was released from the hospital i was there to hold her. And from that moment on i wasn't going to let anyone or anything get between us. So i took madders in my own hands. I believed that i had the power to take her hand and guide her to wellness. I believed that i could cure her. But i couldn't.
I remember the last day i saw her. She ran and fell on her knees pleading to the darkened sky. Her eyes piercing the night as she rested her bald head on her knees. That's the first time i saw her cry. And i knew, i knew that i couldn't help her. That's one of the worst feelings you could ever have. Some one you love so dearly getting hurt and you know that there's nothing you can do.
The next day she died in my arms. I screamed her name but there was nothing i could do. She was gone. Sometimes i wake up and look for her. But i know she wont be there. I wish that i could hear her singing and watch her dancing just one more time. See that smile that cures everything in the world. But most of all, i wish i could feel her in my arms. Hold her one last time. But i can't.
The night before her death, she asked me, "Does it hurt to die?" And i kissed her reassuring that when she wakes up, no matter what happens I'll be on the other side.
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(Comment and i will return the favor) Please tell me what you think of this. Thanks guys it means a lot. :) HAVE a good day!