Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 1

All the boys smiled when they saw me entering the basement. I sat on the couch, music filling my ears.

“Oh, it’s you
And It’s true
You’re electric I can’t get over it”

I knew that song. I knew all of their songs.
“Yo baby girl, what’s up?” John asked, interrupting my thoughts.
“Baby girl? Seriously?” I raised one eyebrow.
“Hey baby sister” Pat asked.
“Dude, do you guys have any problems with the word baby?” I asked. They all laughed at me.
“Let me see… What’s up Mandy Moore?” Garrett tried, making me smile. I couldn’t resist him.
“See Pat? I know your sister better than you!” Garrett said.
Yeah, I’m Pat’s sister. The youngest Kirch, but I don’t look like him. I look like Tim. Try to imagine Tim in a female version; that’s me. But I’m prettier than him.
And why Mandy Moore? Because my name is Amanda Leigh, just like Mandy. Blame my parents. My mom wanted Amanda, my dad Leigh. Same thing with Pat, mom wanted Patrick and dad wanted John and well, you know.
“You only call me Mandy Moore because of Ryan Adams” I answered him.
“Well, isn’t she your favorite actress? How many times you made me watch Chasing Liberty with you?”
“I dunno… Seventeen, maybe?” I shrugged.
“Garrett, you watched because you wanted. She tried to make me watch that movie, but I refused.” JohnOhh said, proud of himself.
“You know what? We’ll watch that movie right now.” I got up from the couch and took Garrett’s hand.
“No no no no no, we haven’t finished yet!” Gare whined.
“Are you guys done?” I asked, looking at them.
They exchanged looks and agreed.
“Good.” I said, pushing Garrett towards the stairs.
“That’s it, Amanda Leigh” Garrett caught me and threw me over his shoulder, running upstairs. I heard the guys laughing.
“DUDE, LET GO OF ME!” I yelled at him.
“Nope” He said, laughing.
“Be careful.” I heard my mom said as we passed her.
Alright Garebear, you asked for it. My face was on his back, so I stretched my arm and squeezed his butt.
“THAT’S NOT FAIR!” He yelled.
“Will you release me, Garebear?” I asked softly.
“Of course no” He said.
“Okay.” I said with a evil grin.
I grabbed a bottle of water that was on the table, opening it and pouring the water on his pants.
“What the fuck, Leigh?”
“Guys, look! Garrett just peed on himself!” I yelled, laughing.
The boys came to see what was happening. Garrett dropped me on the sofa in the living room.
“Fuck, Leigh. Now I’m wet!” He said, checking his pants.
“Hmm, are you wet Garrett?” I smirked.
“Amanda!” My mom scolded me. I rolled my eyes.
“I have to admit, the girl’s good.” Jared said, laughing.
“Yeah, I’m good. And now, you guys will watch Chasing Liberty with me.”
“Noooo!” They said in unison.
“Why not?” I whined “That movie is sooooooo good! Plus, Mandy Moore has the same name as me and she’s married to Ryan Adams” I said, looking at Garrett.
“Don’t look at me, you devilish girl.” He said.
“Lauren’s here” I heard Tim say as he entered the room “Whoa, a party!”
“Hey guys, wha- GARRETT, YOU PEED ON YOURSELF?” Lauren asked, wide eyed.
I laughed.
“No Lauren, this girl” Garrett pulled my foot “poured water on me.”
“Good one, Leigh” Lauren chuckled.
I smiled at her. Then, Pat started kissing her.
“EEEEEEEEW, STOP IT! IT’S DISGUSTING!” I grumbled, wrinkling my nose.
“It’s not like you’ve never kissed a boy” Pat said.
I stuck my tongue out to him. I remember my first kiss. I was twelve, Pat and Garrett were fourteen. That day Garrett and Rachael had their first kiss and started dating. I sighed. I was there when they started dating, I was there when they broke up. Rachael was a very sweet girl, a good friend, but I’ll never forgive her for breaking Garrett’s heart, my best friend’s heart.
That sounds cheesy, but it’s true.
“She’s having flashbacks. Good memories, Leigh?” Garrett teased.
No, I wasn’t having a flashback of my horrible first kiss.
“Shut up, asshole”
“Come on Gare, I’ll borrow you a pair of jeans” Pat said, taking Lauren’s hand.
“Dude, I’m not going to your room with you and your girlfriend.” Garrett said, defensive.
“It’s was her fault” Tim said “she’ll borrow him a pair of jeans.”
“You’re a smart brother, and I love you for that” I said, kissing his cheek.
“Come on, babe. I’ll lend you a pair of girly skinny jeans” I said, grabbing Garrett’s hand.