Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 10

I slowly opened my eyes, stretching my arms, looking for Garrett. My head ached like I had hit it against a wall repeatedly.
“Morning, Leigh” Lauren’s voice made me jump.
“Where’s Garrett?” I yawned.
“Don’t you remember?” she asked, her eyebrows raised. I shook my head. “What do you remember?”
“We met Benji… we drank, I danced with the guys… we drank again… Then I blacked out” I said, getting up and rubbing my head “Hey, I’ll go look for Garrett ok?”
“That’s not a-“ Lauren started but I closed the door behind me. Pat’s room wasn’t too far from mine.
“Gare?” I asked, opening the door without knocking it. Pat was on the bed, watching tv.
“What’s up baby sister?” He said. I looked around, trying to find Garrett.
“He’s showering.”
I nodded, laying beside him on the bed.
“Patty, how bad was it?” I asked, my voice muffled by the pillow.
“I don’t know.. I didn’t see you last night. I was drunk.”
Garrett opened the door and we looked at him. He stopped, when he saw me.
“Hey babe” I whispered.
“Babe” He repeated bitterly.
“Garrett, what happened last night? You know what happens when I get drunk!”
“Yeah, I was drunk too but I remember you making out with Benji.”
I gasped, getting up. My eyes went wide as I looked at Pat. He nodded shyly.
“I… I made out with Benji, because I saw you being all flirty with that bitch at the bar!”
Garrett’s eyes widened.
“I-I was drunk” He sputtered.
“And so was I. You’re not gonna use that excuse anymore. Blondie got tired and left you? Maybe you’re not that good, after all” I said, my hands on my hips. John, Kennedy and Lauren appeared on the door.
“You still shouldn’t have done that. It was wrong” Garrett said.
“Speak for yourself.”
Garrett opened his mouth to protest, but I cut him off.
“Enough, Garrett.”
I grabbed a hoodie and walked out the door.

I decided to stay on the hotel lobby, just walking around. People stared at me, since I was wearing only boxers and an American Apparel hoodie. I sat on a chair, playing with the sleeve of my hoodie. Accidentally, I had picked up Garrett’s hoodie. It smelled axe and peppermint, just like Gare. I sighed and rested my face on my hands, my headache getting worse.
Someone touched my shoulder and I looked up. Garrett handed me a bottle of water and a pill.
“Thanks” I muttered, taking a sip of the water. Garrett sat by my side and stared at me; I could feel his eyes burning me. I got up and walked away.
“Where the hell are you going?” Garrett asked trying to reach me.
“Away from you.”
He held my arm, pulling me to him.
“Amanda…” he started.
“Garrett” I mocked. He rolled his eyes.
“I know it was wrong, I’m sorry. But what you did was wrong, too.”
“If you know it was wrong, why did you do that in the first place?”
Garrett sighed.
“Garrett, I’m sorry, really. I didn’t want to do that… I was jealous – I don’t know! I saw you there, talking to a girl an-“
“Another girl? It could have been Lauren.”
I raised an eyebrow.
“She was right beside me” I continued, “and I realized how easy it was for you to leave m-”
Garrett hugged me. I stiffened my body, unsure of what to do. I gave up after a few seconds, hugging his shirtless torso and burying my face in his chest. I couldn’t put up a fight with him him.
“Leigh, I just got you. I don’t wanna lose you” he said, looking into my eyes. He lifted his hand and brushed his soft palms on my cheeks. His index finger then slowly traced the line of my lips, before kiss me.
“Have you seen this guy? Messy brown hair, blue eyes…” I heard someone say.
“Yeah, I think he’s with a girl… Long brown hair, bright green eyes. Wearing shorts and a hoodie” I recognized Pats and Lauren’s voices.
“If you’re talking about a shirtless guy, he’s right there” a man said. I heard someone – Pat? - sigh in relief.
“I love you” I said, brushing my lips against his.
“I love you” he paused, kissing me “more than anything.”
More than anything. I repeated that again and again in my head. We stared at each other for a minute.
“And oh no, I think I lost myself in your deep blue eyes…” I sang softly, making Garrett smile.
“Okay okay, stop being romantic. We’ve had enough” John said. We looked at him. Tessa, Pat and Lauren were beside him with a goofy smile on their faces. A few people were looking at us, too.
“Why are you wearing pjs?” Tim asked from behind them.
“Correction: why is Leigh wearing pjs?” John pointed.
“Well, we had a problem here…” Pat said quietly. I grabbed Garrett’s hand and dragged him away.
“Where are you going?” Tim called.
“To the pool” I replied. Garrett cocked an eyebrow.
“Leigh, we’re busy today.”
“It’ll only take a minute.”

Although it was cold – even for September- there were many people in the pool. The wind hit us and I felt Garrett shiver.
“Here, take it” I slid the sleeves down my shoulders and handed him his hoodie. Garrett was ready to protest, but I pushed him down, making him lay on the lounger.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
“Being with you?” I said, laying beside him. I rested my head on his chest. He put his arm around me, his hand caressing my hip. I sighed and pursed my lips.
“Tell me what’s on your mind” Garrett mumbled. I took a deep breath.
“I’m really sorry about everything Garrett. I can’t even explain.”
“Stop apologizing, you did nothing wrong.”
I huffed.
“I thought this trip was gonna be great. And it is, but shit happened… And it’s been only a week, Garrett.”
“It’s been only a week and it’s been amazing.”
I rolled my eyes. Now you’re coming with your bright side? I noticed the smile on his face.
“Why are you smiling, jerk?” I elbowed him.
“Have you thought… How our life will be like? I know it’s been only a week, but…”
“Yes, I have” I admitted shyly. I’ve known Garrett for six years, it was kinda impossible to not have imagined that. I sighed before continue “I know it sounds stupid. But I’ve thought about it… I can imagine our life. I can imagine our wedding,” Garrett laughed. I smacked his chest “don’t laugh! Our house… our dog. Because you like dogs.”
“Spend my life with you; sounds good.” He muttered. Garrett kissed the top of my head and I smiled.

Somebody stopped behind us. I looked up to see… Tim.
“I just had one of the sweetest moments in my life. Do you really want to ruin that?” I asked him.
“Well, I don’t. But your boyfriend’s job does.”
“Shit, the meeting! Are you coming?” Garrett said as we stood up.
“No, today I’ll stay.”
“Yeah, you better stay… We don’t have time for a shower” Tim said.
“Yes, you’ll need a shower after this.” Tim pushed me. I squealed when I hit the cold water. I could her Tim chuckling. Garrett was laughing so much that no sound came from his mouth.
“Aren’t you going to help me, asshole?”

Some kids next to me laughed.
“Nope, because you called me asshole.”
“Baby, please?” I pleaded.
Garrett shook his head.
“Tim, help your baby sister!” I whined.
“No. We’re late Gare, come on” Tim said. Garrett smiled and they started to walk away.
“No, don’t go!” I laughed when I realized my own words. It reminded me of Pat outside Pizza Hut.
I left the pool and ran towards Garrett, hugging him from behind.
“Leigh, I’m all wet now!”
“Tim, Garrett is wet. I just hugged him” I cried playfully.
“Grow up, Amanda” Tim rolled his eyes.
“Sorry, I can’t. Genetics won’t allow me. Ya know, there’s too much sexual tension between us; Garrett can’t handle it” I sighed.
“Shut up, Leigh” he laughed.
The boys had a meeting with fans today. We reached them in the lobby; Jared and Pat gave me curious looks.
“Don’t even ask.”
“I’ll just pick a shirt” Garrett said. He took my hand and led us to our room. Garrett went to the bathroom and I grabbed a shirt.
“Thanks” He mumbled when he came back, trying to catch his shirt from my hands.
“No. Not so soon” I said, throwing the cloth over my shoulder and pulling him to the bed.
“What?” He asked as I sat on top of him “No, no leigh!”
“Yes, yes Garrett” I replied, poking his sides. He laughed.
“I need…” He tried to catch his breath.
“You so much closer” I said softly, tracing his tattoo with my index finger. Garrett watched me carefully as he caressed my thigh. Even though I was dripping wet, Garrett didn’t seem to mind when I kissed him.
“I have to go” He tried to say. I grabbed his face between my hands and kissed him again.
“Tim will get mad at you. And the fans, and th-“ I covered his mouth with both of my hands. Garrett bit my palm and I made a disgusted noise. I wiped my hand on his jeans, and he took the opportunity to get up.
“I wish I could stay baby, but I have to-“
“Just gooooo!” I cut him off and pouted. He laughed and kissed me, pulling his shirt over his head.