Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 11

We met Benji again – he didn’t remember anything from that night, too – and every time he tried to approach me, Garrett would get super protective and drag me away. Like the time when we heard Benji and John talking about me.
“Damn, Garrett is lucky! She’s so hot” Benji said. John looked at us, then back to Benji.
“Yeah, I guess so… Leigh’s a good girl, I’ve known her for a long time. I can tell she loves Garrett more than anything. Same thing as him.”
“But I thought he was with that girl…”
“Past, man!” John Ohhh smiled. I looked up at Garrett. He sighed and shook his head. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled and leaned down. I thought he was gonna kiss me, but he just nibbled at my lower lip. I sighed in frustration.
“Oh boy!” Benji groaned when Garrett really kissed me. I felt Gare smile a little.
“Stop!” I laughed.
“No” he said, grabbing me by the waist and pressing my body against his.
“Go get a room, for fuck’s sake!” We heard John say. I showed him my middle finger.

The guys had two shows in LA, plus meetings with fans and interviews. Everything gone so fast. Although I loved the city, I was happy to leave. We had a great time here, but I felt relieved when the city began to fade away. After LA, we went to San Francisco and Sacramento.
San Francisco was wonderful. Not only the city, but the people too. Tim and Pat mocked me most of the trip, because I had never been there. Garrett even took me to see the Golden Gate Bridge. It was amazing. After three days, we were off to Oregon. I was really excited.

“It’ll be cold in Portland” Kennedy said. It was 2 am and we were all crowded in his room.
John snuggled into my side and I smiled. Garrett was playing videogame with Jared; Tessa, Lauren, Pat and Tim were talking; Max was sleeping; Kenny was skyping with Gabi, and John and I were watching tv. We spent the night out, enjoying our last night in California. We would wait until tomorrow evening, so we could go to Porltand.
“Hey, let’s take a picture” Garrett suggested.
“Why?” I asked.
“Becaaaaaaause, we never have times like this” he said, leaving the room. Everybody looked at me, as if asking what he was doing. I just shrugged.
Garrett came back with his camera. He positioned it on the tv and ran.
“Ten seconds, guys” He said, sitting by my side. Everybody made faces, smiled, laughed…
After the flash, Garrett caught his camera. Ok, I looked good. I was like… squashed between Garrett and John.
“Can I post it on tumblr?”
“Okay” I replied to Garrett. Everybody agreed. I caught Garrett’s camera and took a picture of him, while he logged in his laptop.
“I see you still love taking pictures” he said, without taking his eyes off the screen. Garrett knew that I loved photography and films as much as him.
“And this one is pretty good” I handed him his camera and sat on his lap. He posted the pictures on tumblr and soon, they got a lot of notes.
“Here, take a picture with me” he said. I cocked an eyebrow and he smiled sweetly.
He grabbed my face with one hand and I pouted. I thought he was gonna kiss my cheek but he licked it. John Ohhh laughed at us. Actually, our picture looked great. I laughed when he posted it.
“I think we should go to sleep…. It’s almost 1” Tim said. I rolled my eyes.
“We have to sleep at least eight hours per night. Tomorrow, we’re leaving at Noon. We’ll wait about an hour, so we have to be ready at eleven. If we sleep at two, we’ll get up at ten, have breakfast and get ready. It’ll be around noon, so, I vote for sleeping at two” I smiled. Garrett laughed at me.
“Good explanation. I see you thought a lot about it” Tim smiled. I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah, I think we should go..” Garrett said. I narrowed my eyes at him.
“But you still love me.”
“Yeah, I think we should go too” Lauren yawned.
Garrett stood up, carrying his laptop. I followed him, causing John to fall on the pillows, since he was leaning against me.
We said goodbye and went to our room. I changed into pjs and climbed into the bed while Garrett showered. I turned the tv on a gasped playfully, knowing that Garrett could hear me.
“What?” he asked, appearing in the room.
“You don’t know what’s happening!” I whispered in fake horror. He waited for me to continue.
“Chasing Liberty is on tv!” Garrett rolled his eyes “Buuuuuut, American Dreamz is on too!”
“Let me guess… Both are Mandy Moore movies. You don’t know which one watch?”
I nodded.
“Watch American Dreamz. I like that movie, it’s funny.”
“Admit it, you like Mandy Moore” I smirked. Garrett walked over to the bed,climbing under the blankets.
“She’s married to Ryan” he shrugged “and she’s hot.”
I elbowed him.
“She’s Amanda Leigh, you’re Amanda Leigh. She’s hot, you’re hot.”
I laughed. We decided to watch American Dreamz, and luckily, I could watch a little of Chasing Liberty. Garrett fell asleep somewhere between the movies. I rolled my eyes, how could someone sleep during a Mandy Moore movie?
I sighed and turned off the tv. Soon, we would be leaving to Portland.