Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 12

“Where’s my Mac?” I called, walking around the bus.
“Isn’t it with your stuff?” Pat tried.
“No, actually, I have it” Garrett said.
“If you have yours, why do you use mine?”
Garrett didn’t answer. A smile spread across my face when something caught my attention.
“You have you’re my laptop, I have your Iphone.”
“What? No!” Garrett got up, looking for me.
“Yeah, I’m logging in twitter. Look, a lot of fangirl tweets. Oh, I’ll tweet something. ‘I love Leigh so much. She is the best friend in the world!’” I giggled.
“Revenge” Garrett claimed. I heard him type something. I opened his tweet – on my twitter.
“Leigh is not the best friend in the whole world.”
I retweeted it.
“Ouch Garrett, that hurt my feelings. ‘Btw guys, Garrett stole my Mac, so I stole his phone.”
“There you are!” Garrett yelled. I was hiding under the kitchen table.
“People are tweeting about me, that’s cool” I said, checking Garrett’s mentions. “Oh, and they’re following me now.”
“Can I have it back?” Garrett held out his hand.
“Let me just tweet one more time. ‘Ok guys, Garrett found me. Until next time he steal my Mac!’”
I handed him his phone and pouted.
“Can I have my laptop back?”
“No” he laughed and ran back to his bunk. I ran after him. Garrett held his laptop over my head.
“Garebear, please!” I whined.
“Why do you want it?”
“Because it’s my laptop and I want it back.”
“Hm… no” he laughed. I stared at him in desbelief……… then kicked his balls.
“Amanda Leigh Kirch… f-!” Was all he said. He fell on Jared’s bunk.
“My laptop?”
He gave me my laptop silently, bringing his hands to… Ya know. I put my Mac on his bunk and sat by his side. He was still whimpering.
“It hurts” He muttered, his breath heavy.
“I know babe. After so many times kicking John, I learned that.”
“Why did you do that?”
“It’s funny” I smiled. I kissed his cheek. “Better?”
He shook his head. I kissed him on the lips.
Garrett pursed his lips.
Suddenly, we heard screams coming from the front bus. Garrett and I exchanged looks.
Garrett chuckled. We ran to the front.
“Watch out! Ratboy is alive!” Jared yelled. Lauren was laughing and recording it.
“Baby, baby! You’re my baby!” Pat said. He ran towards us and hugged me. He turned to Garrett “You saved my baby!”
Pat yelled again, throwing his hands up. He suddenly fell to the ground and began to crawl.
“Mayonnaise, mayonnaise! Where’s the mayonnaise?”
“Oh no, hide your cupcakes!” I gasped. Pat stopped and turned to me.
He began to crawl again, but stopped and fell. He appeared dead.
“What do we do?” I asked quietly.
“I don’t know. Don’t touch him, it’s not safe” John warned. Jared touched Pat’s back with his toes. Pat screamed all of sudden and fell again, his eyes open.
“Did you record it?” Kenny asked Lauren. She laughed and nodded.
“RATBOY IS ALIVE!” Tessa screamed, causing us to jump. Pat chuckled.
“Good one” Him and Tessa high-fived. I sat between John and Kenny on the couch, with Garrett on my lap.
“Will you upload it on Buzznet?” John asked.
“The fans will like it” Pat smiled. I slid my hands in Garrett’s pocket.
“Pat, your sister is touching my ass” Garrett said quietly. John squeezed Garrett’s ass.
“Hey!” He shouted.
“It was John, not me!”
John laughed. I slid my hand in Garrett’s pocket again and took his phone out.
“My twitter babe, don’t worry.”
I logged in my twitter. Ratboy is alive, I tweeted.
“Done, Garebear” I said, placing his phone back in his pocket. Pat sat on the floor with his laptop on his lap.
“Now let’s wait for the comments.”
I checked the clock, it showed five. We’ve been on the road since Noon. We still had more five hours – five if they don’t stop for dinner.
“Hey, Leigh has fans” Tessa said.
“They’re talking about you. ‘Leigh tweeted about Ratboy.’ ‘Yeah, I saw it.’”
I giggled.
“People like Ratboy. He should come back from death” Kenny commented.
“I guess so… Maybe he will” Pat smirked. I smacked Garrett’s butt and he got up, startled.
“I needed to get up, babe” I laughed.
I went to the bunks and decided to change into sweats and a tank top. I grabbed my ipod and sat by the window, watching the rain fall outside. I don’t know how long I stayed there. I was lost between John Mayer and Oasis when Garrett sat by my side. I leaned on his chest and he placed his arms around my shoulders.
I removed my earplugs. I could hear John Ohhh laughing in the front, talking to the others. Kenny was on skype – probably talking to Gabi.
“Do you wanna go to bed? You look so sleepy here” Garrett asked. I looked at him, at the rain outside, then back to him.
“We can stay here if you want.”
“Let’s go to bed. The rain will still be here later, right? We’re in Oregon.”
Garrett laughed softly, leading us to his bunk. He removed is shirt and we laid on his bunk.
“You’re with my ipod?” I mumbled.
“Yeah, why?”
He gave me my Ipod and I pressed play.
“Come pick me up?” Garrett sneered.
“It’s Ryan. You shouldn’t complain about it.”
I placed the Ipod on Garrett’s chest and held his hand. I heard Garrett yawn.
“You tired?”
He nodded.
“You, are getting old my friend” I laughed.
“Old? You were almost sleeping there!”
“I woke up early today.”
“You woke up at ten; I woke up at nine. You’re lazy, Leigh” Garrett pointed.
“And so are you” I poked his chest.
“Hey guys, we decided to stop for dinner. Coming?” John Ohhh called. Garrett looked at me.
“What time is it?”
“Seven” John replied.
“Nah, I’ll pass” I said.
“Yeah, me too.”
“Just order something you think I’d eat ok?” I said out lout. I heard Pat say ‘ok’. Or something about it.
After a minute, the lights went off and we heard a door close. Garrett placed the Ipod between us and lifted me over him. He wrapped his hands around my waist and I rested my face on the crook of his neck. A familiar song began to play and I smiled.
“Coast of Maine? That’s classic. I will probably never listen to that song again in my life…”
I rolled my eyes. It was very… Garrett.
“This is wrong” I muttered after a couple seconds.
“What is wrong?”
“We’re here… In Portland. Or near Portland. But in Oregon, not in Maine.”
Garrett laughed.

‘I’m coming back to you in Portland…
I should have stayed back there with you,
On the coast of Maine.
I should have stayed
Back there with you…’

“That’s one of the few things I wanna do before I die. Visit Portland, Maine, with you.”
“We’ll do that” Garrett kissed my forehead.
When I heard the chorus again, I felt the urge to kiss Garrett. I tilted his head down, my lips touching his lightly. Garrett kissed my softly, before lean back.
“What was that for?”
“Do I need a reason to kiss my boyfriend?” I smiled. I lay my head back on his chest and kissed his neck.
“Hey, I’m not complaining about it!”
I laughed. I closed my eyes and sighed, almost asleep. The music ended and Heartbreak Warfare by John Mayer began.
“Gare, can you replay Coast Of Maine?”
I felt him move under me and Coast of Maine started playing again.

“I’ll show her later” Lauren giggled.
“What?” Pat asked.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAW, they’re cuddling!” John shouted.
“Actually, I think they’re sleeping” Jared whispered.
I moaned and stretched a little. Under me, Garrett was breathing deeply, his chest arousing with every breath he took. I head Transatlanticism, by Death Cab for Cutie. We fell asleep and I forgot my Ipod on.
“What’s up guys?” I asked. I turned my Ipod off and released myself from Garrett’s embrace.
“We came back and found you here” Pat said, trying to look over John’s shoulder – what was impossible. I sat on the bed and rubbed my eyes. Pat poked Garrett’s bare foot.
“Let him sleep” I smacked his hand “He looks so cute.”

“He looks so cute” John mocked me.
“And he does” Pat said. He jumped on Garrett, hugging him.
Garrett moaned and kicked Pat, making him fall.
“Fuck you Garrett! I came here, show you my love and that’s how you treat me?”
Garrett opened his eyes and looked at Pat in confusion. Lauren and I laughed.
“Sorry, love” Garrett smiled. Tessa appeared behind John and pushed him out of her way. He engulfed her in a hug.
“We brought you dinner.”
“Hungry?” I asked Garrett. He nodded. We went to the kitchen area, where Kenny was sitting.
“Look who’s back” he said.
“Hey, love” I said, appearing behind him. He was talking to Gabi on skype. Again. “We miss ya.”
“I miss you too” she said in a sad tone. I knew she misses Kenny the most “How you doin’?”
“Fine. How about you?”
“Sooooo, when we get back in Tempe, we’ll have a girls night out, what do you think?”
“I’m in” she smiled.
“Ok, it’s settle then. I’ll let you two talk now” I blew her a kiss.
“Bye, Leigh” Gabi grinned.
“Girls night out?” Garrett asked as I sat on his lap.
“Yeah. You guys play videogame… we go shopping.”
Lauren lifted her hand and we high-fived.
“Speaking of which, I think we should play videogames” John Ohhh said. We all looked at him.
“You, playing videogame?” I said in disbelief.
“Yeah, problem?” He asked, matter-of-factly. I just stared at him.
“Wanna join me, Garebear?”
I laughed at the nickname.
“I’m the only one who can call him like that” I said, turning to Garrett and hugging him. He pouted and I kissed him.
“Picture!” Pat called. He gave me my phone and I looked at the screen. I laughed at the picture of Garrett and I kissing.
“Well, I’ll play Mario Kart online” John Ohh said. Everybody looked at him. “What? It’s an easy game. I can play it.”
“You play, I eat. Wanna join me, Garebear?” I smiled.
“Sure” Gare shrugged.
“See the difference, John?” I teased.
“Yeah, whatever” John mumbled, paying attention on his game.