Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 15

Tour is over. I can’t believe it. I had a great time traveling, knowing new cities or just chillin with my friends. We had to do that more often. I opened the front door slowly, Garrett, Lauren and Pat behind me.
“Mom?” I called.
“Yeah, it’s me. And Pat. And Lauren. And Garebear.”
“Oh baby, I missed you” She ran to the living room and hugged me.
“Mom, I can’t breathe” I said, trying to take a breath. I heard Pat laugh and I kicked him.
“Patrick!” My mom moved to him. I heard Pat groan as she hugged him.
“Let’s get you out of here before she can hug you, too” I grasped Garrett’s hand and dragged him upstairs.
“Hi, Mrs. Kirch” He said as we passed by my mom.

Garrett laid on my bed as he watched me reorganized my clothes in my closet.
“What will we do?”
“’bout what?”
“´bout us. Ya know, tell our parents and everything…”
I turned to face him.
“I hadn’t thought about that yet.”
“I think we should wait a few days” Garrett shrugged “Wait things go back to normal, then tell them.”
“They won’t be surprised”

I laid on his side, looking at the ceiling.
“Tell me what you’re thinking” Garrett said, stroking my face.
“Nothing” I mumbled “actually, I feel tired.”
“It was 11 and you were still sleeping.”
“It was 4 and you and the guys were competing who drinks more water” I huffed. Garrett laughed.
“Don’t laugh at me” I punched him “I’m not feeling funny today. Anyway, ready to go?”
We ran downstairs, where Pat and Lauren were talking to my mom.
“Hey, I’ll drive Garrett home. Can I get your car?”
“But you just got here. Don’t you wanna eat anything?” Mom asked.
“No thanks, we have..”
“They have more important things to do” Pat cut me off. I narrowed my eyes.
“i’m not lying” he smirked.
I picked up the keys from the coffee table and kissed my mom’s cheek.

Garrett played with his phone while I drove to his house. I stared at him a couple times and he stared back, that crooked smile on his face. All I could think about was how lucky I was for having someone like him.
“Do you remember that first time when you drove me home?” Garrett asked suddenly. I grinned.
“You didn’t believe I’d got my license. We got your car and I took you home.”
“You almost killed us.”
I huffed.
“You distracted me. You were singing Ryan Adams, and I was paying attention. I’m a good driver, though.”
Garrett laughed.
“Wanna come in?” he asked when we stopped in front of his house. I shrugged and opened my door.
Garrett got out, gathering his bags and walking to the front door. I walked in the front, opening the door for him. Garrett’s dog ran towards us.
“See, even your dog missed me” I said, bending down “hey boy!”
The dog barked and jumped a few times, playing with Garrett and I.
“Garrett?” Mrs. Nickelsen called.
“Hi mom.”
“Oh, hi son! How was tour? Hi Leigh.”
“Hi, Mrs. Nickelsen” I smiled.
“Tour was great. For many reasons” Garrett smiled at the end. I looked down.
“Mom, who’s here?” Trey asked, appearing by the stairs.
“Hey Leigh!”

He hugged me and moved to Garrett, smacking the back of his head. Garrett cursed.
“I don’t wanna be here anymore. I wanna be somewhere with really nice people. Let’s go to my room, Leigh” he dragged me to his room.
“Wanna be somewhere with really nice people?” I asked as he jumped on his bed. I laid beside him and he rolled on top of me.
“Yeah, my room is a cool place; I missed it. And don’t you think you’re cool?”
Garrett raised an eyebrow.
“I think I’m awesome!”
He rolled his eyes.
“And no, your room isn’t a nice place. Even with your Xbox and your Cardinology poster and your Mac.”
Garrett stuck his tongue out to me. I bit it.
I laughed and he leaned again. His lips were almost touching mine when we heard the door open.
“Garrett?” Mrs. Nickelsen asked embarrassed. He looked down at me, then back at her and blushed.
“Why are you always blushing, Garrett?” I poked his sides and he fell off the bed. I laughed.
“Ahn… Trey’s cooking dinner. Hungry?” Mrs. Nickelsen looked down at her feet.
“We’ll be there in a minute” Garrett said. She nodded and smiled at me, closing the door.
“That was close” Garrett sighed.
“I don’t understand why we’re hiding.”
“We’re not hiding” He smiled when I rolled my eyes “we’re waiting for the right moment.”
“Okay, if that’s what you want. Go unpack jerk, I’m hungry” I smacked his butt.

We walked to the kitchen – after a silly discussion about how his dog loves me more than him. Of course he loves me. Trey looked at us; Mrs. Nickelsen had a silly smile on her face.
“So, what do you want for dinner, Baby Boy?”
Garrett shrugged.
“And what about you, Baby Girl?”
“Even you, Trey?” I scoffed. Trey laughed.
“Okay, decide. I’ll watch tv.”
“I’m coming, son” Mrs. Nickelsen followed him to the living room.
Garrett waited until they turn the tv to bring me closer to him.
“Your cat is staring at us. I don’t wanna kiss you while he’s here. It’s creepy” I whispered, looking at the animal next to the door. Garrett chuckled. He spun me, so I was leaning against the wall, and kissed me. Just little kisses, teasing me.
“Gar-rett” I tried to say.
“What, love?”
“WHAT? Did you just call her love?” Trey shouted, entering the kitchen. I quickly pulled away from Garrett’s embrace.
“Do you want to say something, Garrett?” Mrs. Nickelsen asked in a knowing tone, crossing her arms on her chest. Garrett and I looked at each other.
“Okay, we’re dating!” I exploded, making Garrett jump. He elbowed me.
“I KNEW IT! Since when?” Trey shouted.
“One day after we left for tour.”
“And you didn’t tell us because…” Mrs. Nickelsen tried.
“That’s a question for Garrett. I have to go.”
“What, will you leave me here alone?”
“Yeah, babe” I laughed. I grabbed my keys on the counter.
“Bye, Gare” I kissed him. Trey made an awkward noise.
“I don’t complain when you’re kissing Jenna” Garrett said.
“But that’s weird… You and Leigh.”
“That’s not weird. We always expected that” Mrs. Nickelsen smiled. Garrett kissed my cheek.
“Really, I have to go, my mom’s waiting for me, remember? Bye Trey, Mrs. Nickelsen” I waved.
“Bye dear.”
“Tomorrow, dinner at my house” I poked his chest, when Garrett led me to the front door.
“Your family knows about us. My family needs to know, too.”
“Technically, my mom and Trey do, not my entire family.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Ok, I’m going.”
“Good” I kissed him. He pouted when I pulled away.
“I need to go, baby. Talk to you later?”
“Okay” Garrett sighed.