Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 18

“That was…”
“Nice” we both said. I giggled.
“Seriously Garrett, that was amazing.”
He kissed my collarbone.
Garrett was leaning on top of me, his face in the crook of my neck while I ran my hands up and down his back, caressing where my nails had dug so deep before.
“Sorry about this” I touched a bruise on his shoulder. He shrugged, caressing my hip.
If I could, I would stay like this forever. The moment was so perfect; the only sounds were our breathing and our hearts. Wait, I frowned. I was being cheesy.
“I love you” Garrett said suddenly, his arm circling my waist. I tilted his head back, kissing him, after so many times tonight.
“I love you too.”
He smiled, kissing my neck. I sighed.
“I fucking hate myself for ruining this moment, but I need a glass of water.”
“Do you want me to..?”
“No, no. I’ll go get it.”
Garrett shifted, rolling on the bed. I picked his shirt from the ground, putting it on and unlocked my door.
Silently, I made my way to the kitchen. I was ready to go back to my room when Pat and Lauren appeared. I covered my mouth to not scream and they looked at me from head to toe. Luckily, Garrett’s shirt covered enough of my body.
“I don’t even wanna know!” Pat whispered. Lauren’s eyes burned with curiosity.
“I’ll tell you later. My boyfriend is waiting for me in my room” I teased.
“I SAID I DON’T WANNA KNOW!” Pat said louder. His eyes stopped on me and he looked away. Dude, this is awkward.
“Ahn, I guess…” I looked down.
“Yeah, you do it.”
I walked pass them, back to my room. Garrett smiled sweetly as I laid on my bed. He pulled me onto him.
“What do we do now?” I asked him quietly. He shrugged under me.
“I can tell that you’re tired” he smiled a bit. “I think you should sleep. It’s late.”
I yawned and Garrett kissed the top of my head.
“Goodnight, Gare.”
“Goodnight, Leighbear.”
I smiled at the nickname.

My phone ringing wake me up in the morning. I huffed, half asleep.
‘Good morning, sleepy heads!’
‘Fuck you for waking me up in this beautiful morning’ I texted Lauren back.
I groaned and rolled on my bed, facing Garrett. He opened his eyes and stretched a little.
“Morning, babe” I whispered. He held me closer to him.
“Morning” he kissed me.
“What do you wanna do today?”
“First, I need to shower. And then, we think about it.”
He stood up and I smirked.
“Do you know what’s hot?”
He looked confused.
“You. You walking around in my room, wearing only boxers.”
Garrett rolled his eyes, but blushed a little. Yeah, that was a joke. He went to the bathroom and I closed my eyes. I was almost asleep again, when Garrett opened the door. I stared at him in his all bare chested glory.
“What! You’re sleeping again?” He took my hand and helped me to get up.
“Give me a good reason to stay awake.”
He smiled and held me closer. He kissed me and I kissed him back after a moment, my tongue slowly tracing his bottom lip. I traced a line from the back of his neck until his shoulders with my fingertips. He opened his mouth and I let his tongue trail inside mine. I felt Garrett’s hands touch my thighs and he slowly pulled them up my body, bringing his shirt along.
“As much as I love see you in it, I need my shirt” he whispered in my ear. I gently craved my nails into his shoulders, sighing.
“Ok, I’ll shower” I said, walking to the bathroom.
After about ten minutes, I left the bathroom and tossed Garrett’s shirt at him. I walked to my closet, choosing what to wear.
“Ya know, your conversation with my boobs is getting annoying” I muttered all of sudden. I looked at Garrett and his head snapped up.
“Do you like it?” I pointed to my chest. And yes, I’m wearing a bra okay? Garrett blushed and I hid a smile. I picked an old shirt and sweats, quickly changing. I took Garrett’s hand and led him to the corridor. I stopped at Pat’s door, knocking.
“Okay” I heard Lauren say.
Pat and I have this thing, when we want to go out without our parents realizing; It’s something like Effy and Tony, from Skins.
We went to the kitchen, Garrett right behind me. I sat on the counter – a bad habit, as my mom always says – and stared at Garrett. He stared back.
“What do you want for breakfast?”
My eyes widened.
“You’re making breakfast?”
Garrett didn’t cook often. I usually have to beg for minutes. I always end giving up and cooking myself or asking Trey.
“It is a special morning, isn’t it? Why not cooking breakfast for my beautiful girlfriend?” He smiled at the end.
“The always-so-cheesy Garrett Nickelsen” I giggled and grabbed his face between my hands, kissing him.
“Okay. I waaaaant” I touched my chin with my index finger “something with eggs and cheese.”
“Omelets” Garrett nodded.
“I thought we’d have to eat Watermelon Sourpatch Kids” I said, jumping from the counter.
I opened the fridge, selecting the ingredients for my breakfast and placing them on the table.
“Need some help?” I asked. Garrett looked around and shook his head. I sat on a chair, watching him.
God, I feel like Bella from that Breaking Dawn book. Oh, Edward cooking breakfast is so hot, oh oh oh. Wait, does she really say that? But yeah, Garrett cooking was a really nice thing to watch.
“What are you staring?” Garrett seemed embarrassed.
“I’m thinking of you naked” I said, smirking. He blushed. “I’m just kidding!”
Garrett placed a plate on the table while I poured orange juice in a glass.
“Won’t you eat anything?” I asked him. He shrugged.
“Not hungry.”
I cocked an eyebrow.
“I smell something delicious” I heard Pat said.
“Yeah, my breakfast” I replied wryly. He appeared in the kitchen, followed by Lauren. She sat next to me and Pat leaned against a chair.
“What’s that?”
“Food” I said suggestively. Garrett laughed “Gare decided to cook today.”
“Whoa, that’s rare” Lauren said, taking a bite.
“Aw Garebear, I want breakfast too!” Pat said.
“Not gonna happen. She deserved it” Garrett pointed at me.
“I was a really good girl last night” I smiled. Garrett’s head snapped at me. Lauren laughed.
My mom entered the kitchen, looking at us.
“Why are you up so soon?”
“Why are you up so late?” I smiled.
“It’s ten mom, you’re late” Pat said after me.
“Ahn, I made breakfast, if you want…” Garrett started.
“Yes!” Pat cut him off.
“Don’t worry, dear” my mom smiled.
“Aw, Garrett cooked for Leigh. They’re living the happy married life” Lauren giggled.
“I can imagine our wedding, bla bla bla” Pat mocked.
“I will kill Tim!” I smacked my hand on the table. They looked at me.
“What are you talking about?” mom asked innocently.
“Your son listening to other’s talks” I huffed. She looked at me, even more confused.
“Something happened” Garrett sighed “and Garrett and Leigh ended up together, talking about future. Tim said it was sweet. Leigh can imagine their wedding, their house… even their dog” Pat laughed. I rolled my eyes.
“I thought you were my best friend!” I pointed accusingly to Lauren.
“Were? I still am, honey” she smiled.
I sighed and got up, placing my plate in the sink. Garrett took my place and I sat on his lap.
“Do you still wanna eat?” my mom asked.
“No” Pat and Lauren said. She got up, taking his hand.
“We’re going back to his room, if you need anything…”
“Ok, sweetie” mom smiled. “I’ll leave you two alone.”
She smiled at us and left the kitchen. Good sense, mom.
“I need to go” Garrett said, looking at the clock on the wall. He stood up and I followed him.
“Not so soon” I tugged his hands.
“Why?” He smiled.
“Because I don’t want to.”
I grabbed the collar of his shirt, pushing him down. He nibbled on my bottom lip, before kissing me. I stepped back, until my back hit something. Garrett placed his hands on my waist and lifted me. I sat on the counter, my legs hanging on Garrett’s sides. I put my arms on his shoulders.
I didn’t respond.
“I have to go.”
I tightened my arms around his shoulders.
“I.. I’ll call you later, I promise.”
I sighed, finally releasing him.
“Atta girl” Garrett smiled. I jumped from the counter and we walked to the front door, hand in hand.
“Call me” I pouted. He touched my bottom lip. Garrett leaned in, placing a soft kiss on my lips.
“Okay. Love ya.”
A smile appeared on Garrett’s face. His lips moved to my ear, his breath tickling my skin.
“Thanks for the amazing night.”
I felt my face heat up as I remembered last night. He laughed and kissed me one last time.
“Love ya” I said back, as he walked to his car.