Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 19

Time with Garrett goes so fast. We’ve been together for almost 4 months now and I’ve never been so happy. We are always together, and when we can’t see each other, we just keep texting.
Like today. Garrett got stuck at John’s, writing songs for the new album. Gabi and I went out for lunch with Tessa. Lauren was traveling with her parents; visiting family, I think. I opened the front door, looking for someone.
“Mom? Anyone? I’m home!” I called, walking to the living room.
“OH MY GOD!” I squealed. A blonde girl was sitting on the couch. She got up, smiling.
“Abbey!” I hugged her. Abbey and Tim dated in high school. Unfortunately, they broke up when she left for college.

I looked at her; she was still the same. The same blonde hair, the baby blue eyes, the tanned skin. I still loved her like an older sister.
“What are you doing here?”
“I came across Tim today and we started talking, you know. He asked me for a coffee and I accepted. He said he’d just stop here for a moment, so…”
“That’s great! I missed you.”
“I missed you too, honey. How’s life? Any cuties?”
“Almost four months now” I smiled, showing her my phone. Tessa insisted of having the latest picture of Garrett and I kissing as my wallpaper.
“Garrett! I knew it!” Abbey squealed.
“Everybody but us did” I huffed. She laughed.
“Hey Abbey…” Tim stopped when he saw me “What are you doing here?”
“You’re wrong. I live here” I said, placing my hands on my hips “What are you doing here? You should be in your apartment. With Abbey.”
I grinned and she got the hint, looking down. Tim was about to argue when we heard the door open.
“We’re home!” Pat and the guys entered the living room.
“Abbey?” He asked, confused. Garrett kissed me and I took his hand.
“Hey guys” she smiled shyly.
“Let’s go” Tim whispered. Something is up, I thought.
“Okay. Bye guys” She waved. We stayed in silence, looking at each other while they left.
“I think they’ll get back together” I said as Gare hugged me.
“Ditto” John said. I looked at Pat and he looked back.
“What are you doing today?” I asked, turning in Garrett’s arms and hugging his torso.
“Are you asking Garrett or all of us?” Jared laughed.
“All of you.”
“I dunno” Garrett shrugged.
“What about just staying here? In sweats, all day” I suggested.
“What about going to my house?” He asked.
“Sounds good” I said, pressing my lips to his.
“Leigh, you got a room. Use it.”
I glared at John.
“Are you sleeping over?” Pat asked.
“Am I?” I asked Garrett.
“If you want to” he shrugged “my parents aren’t home anyway.”
“Home. Alone. They’ll do” John cried.
“Trey will be there” I cocked an eyebrow. We didn’t necessarily need to be alone, but……

“With Jenna” Garrett completed.
“Oh nooooo, they’ll really do!” John cried again. I rolled my eyes.
“Are you guys done for today?” I asked. Kenny and Jared nodded.
“Okay, I’ll gather my stuff.”

We got to his house just after Trey. He went to pick Jenna and grab some lunch.
“Couples night?” She smiled, seeing Garrett and I on the couch.
“What are you doing?” Trey asked.
“I’m watching tv. And Garrett is…” I turned to face him “sleeping!”
I touched Garrett’s nose. Trey poked his arm. He didn’t move. I stood up, but his arms circled my waist.
“Not so soon.”
I laughed and leaned back.
“I said, even when he’s sleeping, he misses you” Trey smiled.
We spent the rest of the day playing videogames and watching movies - what isn’t rare. The Nickelsens were off to the weekend, so we had the house to ourselves. Next morning, I woke up with my phone buzzing. In any other morning, I would be mad.
‘Morning, love. Four months. Love ya’
I smiled at the text. I grabbed some clothes and decided to shower.

“I think Leigh woke up” someone said. I went to the living room, where the boys were.
“Gooooooood morning” I waved.
“And good morning, love” I kissed Garrett’s cheek.
“Go away Leigh, we’re busy” Jared said.
“I feel unloved” I pouted.
“I love you” Garrett looked at me. I giggled.
“Band reunion? Why not at 8123?”
“We couldn’t reach Tim. He’s not answering his phone” John said.
“No. Fucking. Way. He’s not answering his phone. It means that…”
“Do you really think that?” Pat looked at me. I nodded.
“I know my brother. We should break into his apartment now!”
“What are you talking about?” Kenny asked in confusion.
“Tim’s with Abbey.”
“After all this time?”
“After all this time” I nodded, sitting on Garrett’s lap.
“Why are you wearing Gare’s clothes?” Pat asked. I looked down.
“I’m not wearing Garrett’s clothes. These sweats” I pointed to my legs “are mine. This tank top is also mine. This cardigan” I touched the cloth “well, it belongs to Garrett.”
“But still, why are you wearing his clothes?”
“Because I want to” I smiled.
“You, my friend” John looked at Garrett “spoil this girl too much” he tugged my hair.
“No, he doesn’t. I just know all of his weaknesses. I can blackmail.”
“Yeah, really? I know all your weaknesses, too” Garrett smiled.
“I doubt it.”
Garrett cocked an eyebrow.
“I know this.”
He poked my side and I jumped, laughing.
“See? I also know how…”
“You hate blushing” Pat and Garrett said together.
“You think it’s embarrassing.”
“So what?” I crossed my arms on my chest.
“So what?” Garrett grinned “I’m the only one who can make you blush. I could use it someday.”
“Prove it” I narrowed my eyes at him.
“Challenge” John muttered. Garrett looked back at me, thinking. He smiled and leaned closer.
“You moaning my name last night. That was great” he whispered in my ear.
I felt my face heat up with his words. They laughed at me. Garrett and John high-fived.
“Dude, what did you say?” Jared asked.
“You sound like a horny teenager. That’s not the type of things you say” I raised an eyebrow at Garrett. Pat and John groaned in disgust.
“I’d never say that, but it’s a desperate cause.”
“Oh, leave the girl alone” Trey called from the stairs. He appeared, followed by Jenna.
“Thanks Trey.”
“You’re welcome, Baby Girl.”
I rolled my eyes.

John decided to practice and then go to 8123; If Tim called, I was supposed to tell him. I stayed with Trey and Jenna; I didn’t know she was a great fan of Mandy Moore, too! We made Trey watch Chasing Liberty with us.
“Stop, this movie sucks!”
“Shut up, Trey! It is the best movie ever” I elbowed him.
“Don’t forget American Dreamz and Saved!” Jenna said.
“Saved! Is a classic” I laughed.
“I still rather watch Star Wars episodes.”
“Just like your brother” I rolled my eyes.

“Hey, I think he fell asleep” Jenna whispered after a moment. I looked at him.
“Jerk” we both said and smiled. My phone rang and Trey jumped, startled.
“I’m watching Mandy Moore!”
Jenna and I looked at each other, cracking up. I caught my phone, looking at the caller.
“Morning, honey. How was your night?” I asked, smiling.
“Good” Tim said quickly “What do the guys want?”
“Talk to you. They’re going to 8123.”
“Ok, I’ll meet them there within an hour. Bye Leigh.”
“Wait! Say hi to Abbey” I heard Tim curse “Alright, alright. Bye, big bro.”

I went after the guys to tell about Tim.
“You guys have stopped already?” I asked in disbelief.
“So what?”
I shrugged at Pat.
“Meet Tim at the office in an hour. He was with Abbey” I laughed.
“An hour, alright” John said. Garrett took my hand, marching off to the kitchen.
“Where are you going?”
“May I spend a moment with my girlfriend?” Garrett asked over his shoulder, leading us to the kitchen.
Garrett closed the space between us, making me lean against the kitchen island. I felt his lips touch my neck as he wrapped his hands around my waist.
“Garrett! Garrett, they’ll hear us.”
He opened the first two buttons of my cardigan and I huffed. At least, I tried. I felt Garrett smile a little and I rolled my eyes. His lips moved up my neck, barely touching the skin. He bit my earlobe and I closed my eyes. I slid my hands under his shirt, and ran my hands up his back. Garrett sighed.
“Gare!” John called.
“He’s… busy” I yelled back. Garrett laughed. He bit the space between my neck and shoulder, and I dug my nails deeper in his skin.
“Free porn in the kitchen!” John shouted. Kennedy laughed and the boys came in the kitchen. I dropped my hands to my sides, blushing.
“What did you do to her, Garrett? She was like… whoa” John laughed. I bit my lip.
“Let’s go!” Pat said. Why does he have to be present when we have these awkward talks? Garrett cupped my face and kissed me.
“I know you both want to have sex but we need to go” John whined.
“Leigh” Garrett said when I didn’t release him.
“What! You tease me as hell and now you have to go?”
I covered my mouth with my both hands. Seriously, I need to stop talking too much. The boys looked at me and started laughing. I buried my face into Garrett’s shoulder, blushing even more. I looked up when they didn’t speak anything. John smirked at me.
“Just go!” I crossed my arms on my chest in fake anger. Garrett kissed me one last time and they left.